The rating of the largest salaries of presidents and heads of state

The rating of the largest salaries of presidents and heads of state

The issue of salaries of top government officials is not only worrying for Russians. The French newspaper Echos on November 15 published research data of the international center Statista, devoted to this highly interesting topic. Here is the rating of the heads of state with the largest salari...

The best anti-aging food products

The best anti-aging food products

Food and anti-aging are closely integrated with each other, because some products are not only delicious, but also contain valuable ingredients necessary for the body. Much of what is included in the menu directly affects the aging of cells. This shows the study of European scientists. In it...

US Presidential Elections 2016: Results, Candidates

US Presidential Elections 2016: Results, Candidates

The election of 45 US President took place on November 8, 2016 The date when the destiny of the whole world was decided. The current leader of the country, Barack Obama, could no longer participate in the elections, as he twice served as president. Topical rating of presidential ...

The most beautiful castles in the world( Photo + Video)

The most beautiful castles in the world( Photo + Video)

Locks can not just be called ancient buildings for defense. It is a source of memories of the glorious past of countries, of historical events, beautiful legends and love stories. Centuries pass, and majestic structures continue to amaze people with harsh beauty and unique architecture. If you ...

The highest paid singers of 2016

The highest paid singers of 2016

Forbes has released the latest rating of the richest singers .When it was compiled, the income received by celebrities from June 1, 2015 to June 1, 2016( net of taxes) was taken into account. In addition, Forbes figures are based on data from Pollstar, Nielsen and RIAA, as well as interviews w...

Rating of the countries of the world in the quality of gasoline

Rating of the countries of the world in the quality of gasoline

1 Germany 51 Suriname 2 Japan 52 Jordan 3 Austria 53 Belarus 3 Denmark 54 Croatia 3 Estonia 55 China 3 Finland 56 India 3 Hungary 57 Argentina ...

The most popular costumes for Halloween, rating Frightgeist

The most popular costumes for Halloween, rating Frightgeist

The eve of All Saints' Day is already the following week and Frightgeist, having "busted" Google for the costumes most often sought by users, has compiled the rating of the most popular Halloween costumes .Now you know, that's what to dress up to properly scare( or laugh, as it will) friends a...

Rating of the most beautiful beaches in the world

Rating of the most beautiful beaches in the world

In the eve of the beach season, many are in a contradictory state. And all at this time tormented by a single but very important question: Where to go? If you do not want to guess with the right answer, then definitely look at this rating of the most beautiful beaches from around the world. A...

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in the world

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in the world

In comparison with the "brothers own seniors" - rivers, seas and oceans, lakes are inferior to them in many ways, the main of which is the indifference of a person to their beauty, because the latter are more attractively attracted to tourism, however,their own history and picturesqueness are b...

The most common female mistakes in the gym

The most common female mistakes in the gym

It's time to tell some women about the gym. In every gym I notice a lot of mistakes, repeated again and again, and practically to the blood bite my own tongue. So, it's time to lose weight from your own soul in the hope of supporting some of you during training. I'm going to reveal the most ...