The 10 most powerful supercomputers in the world

The 10 most powerful supercomputers in the world

To measure the performance of a computer, use flopp, a value indicating the number of floating point operations that this computer can perform per second. The name itself flops from English Floating point Operations Per Second - a floating point operation in seconds. Now the performance of th...

Top 10 Animals, insects, birds, signs and superstitions

Top 10 Animals, insects, birds, signs and superstitions

An interesting article about the signs and superstitions that are associated with animals, birds, insects. In the article I considered the 10 most popular( applied to our country). Superstition can be interpreted as a meaningless faith that does not work. Although most people do not agree ...

Rating of the best brands of vodka

Rating of the best brands of vodka

Name of vodka Rating Smell Taste Softness "Parliament of Fito" 9,5 10,0 9,0 9,5 "White birch Frosted cranberry" 8,9 9,7 8,7 8.3 "Winter Road" 8,5 9,5 8,0 8,0 "Metropolitan...

The most terrible and expensive disasters in the world

The most terrible and expensive disasters in the world

The most terrible and expensive catastrophes take thousands of lives and lead to multimillion and multi-billion losses. Such stories are the basis of the films and necessarily go down in history. Today we will tell about the 10 most destructive disasters in the history of the world. Conte...

Top rating of Russian banks by 2015 on assets

Top rating of Russian banks by 2015 on assets

Rating Bank License, Region Assets thousand rubles 1 Sberbank of Russia No. 1481, Moscow and the region. 20 573 849 231 2 VTB №1000, St. Petersburg and the region. 7 590 041 163 3 Gazprombank №354, Moscow and the r...

The most interesting facts about birds

The most interesting facts about birds

Birds live almost on every centimeter of the planet, their homes can be found in the frozen open spaces of Antarctica and in the humid tropical forests of South America. We see birds every day and usually do not pay attention to them. But these beautiful feathered creatures are amazing and full...

Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals in the World

Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals in the World

Mother Nature inhabited the Earth not only by the cute and furry creatures, the videos with which we are touched on YouTube, but also the real machines of murder, meeting with which for a person is often the last in life. We present to you the top 10 most dangerous animals in the world of , fr...

Top 7 Scary Stories about Christmas

Top 7 Scary Stories about Christmas

For most children and adults, Christmas is a time of joy and long-awaited gifts. However, in Europe there are certain traditions that hint at the darker past of the holiday. The time of Christmas among Europeans has traditionally been associated with gloomy folk creatures. We present to you to...

10 of the most beautiful rivers in Russia

10 of the most beautiful rivers in Russia

There are no natural attractions in a vast territory that is surprising in its size of the Russian state. Some of the adventurous travelers are exploring the secrets of dense coniferous forests. Others can not imagine their lives without a day's rest on transparent lakes rich in fish. Still oth...

Top-10 most effective exercises for the buttocks

Top-10 most effective exercises for the buttocks

Every person wants his figure to evoke envy and admiration. While many men are focused on losing extra pounds, creating press cubes and building biceps, girls earnestly perform 's most effective exercises for the buttocks of the at home and in the gym to perfectly fit into tight new jeans and ...