The most terrible and expensive disasters in the world

The most terrible and expensive catastrophes take thousands of lives and lead to multimillion and multi-billion losses. Such stories are the basis of the films and necessarily go down in history. Today we will tell about the 10 most destructive disasters in the history of the world.


  • 10. Shipwreck of the Titanic liner - $ 150 million
  • 9. Accident on the Wiehltal bridge.358 million dollars
  • 8. California train collision - 500 million dollars
  • 7. Crash of the invisible bomber B-2 - 4 billion dollars
  • 6. Oil leakage from the tanker Exxon Valdez - 2.5 billion dollars
  • 5. Combustion on the oil platform -3.4 billion dollars
  • 4. Accident on the space shuttle Challenger - $ 5.5 billion
  • 3. Accident on the Prestige tanker - $ 12 billion
  • 2. Explosion on the Columbia shuttle - $ 13 billion
  • 1. Accident onChernobyl nuclear power plant.200 billion dollars

10. Shipwreck of the liner "Titanic" - 150 million dollars

Its creators were confident in its unsinkability, because at that time the liner was the most powerful vessel. But the Titanic did not live for five days. It was commissioned on April 10, and already 15 collided with an iceberg. At the beginning of the twentieth century, this was the most massive catastrophe.

9. Accident on the bridge Wiehltal.358 million dollars

In Germany, the car at full speed collided with a crowded gasoline tanker. He caught fire and exploded, damaging the bridge. The authorities spent more than three hundred million dollars on reconstruction work.

8. California train collision - $ 500 million

In 2008, on September 12, a collision of two trains occurred on one of the Californian railways. As a result of the accident, not only vehicles were damaged, but passengers also suffered. Twenty-five of them died. The company-manufacturer of trains Metrolink suffered enormous losses, including allocating funds for compensation to the families of the dead.

7. The crash of the invisible bomber B-2 - 4 billion dollars

The military aircraft B-2, constructed on technology "stealth" crashed on the island of Guam on February 23,Fortunately, both pilots managed to catapult and thanks to this they survived, but the plane burned to the ground. Today it is the most expensive plane crash in the world.

6. Oil leak from the Exxon Valdez tanker - 2.5 billion dollars

Despite the fact that the Exxon Valdez oil spill is not the biggest outflow of fuel at sea, this accident is considered one of the largest, as it happened far from the coast, and onthe liquidation of the oil stain has left huge sums.

5. Ignition on an oil platform - 3,4 billion dollars

The calculation of the technical personnel of the oil platform led to the explosion and fire on the site.167 workers were killed.

4. Accident on the space shuttle Challenger - $ 5.5 billion

The space shuttle Challenger was on the road for only 73 seconds, after which it exploded. This happened in 1986.

3. Accident on the Prestige tanker - $ 12 billion

In 2002, another oil tanker exploded. This time it was the Prestige tanker, from which the largest oil leakage occurred - 77,000 tons.

2. Explosion on shuttle Columbia - $ 13 billion

Another shuttle brought huge losses to the Americans. Unlike the Challenger, he had traveled 28 times to space, but 29 was the last to be launched. The shuttle began to collapse during entry into the dense atmosphere, after which all seven astronauts were killed.

1. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.200 billion dollars

Explosion of the fourth power unit due to carelessness of employees led to the explosion of a power plant, the consequences of which are still felt by the inhabitants of the whole world.200 billion dollars - only an approximate figure of costs for the elimination of the consequences.