Modern apartments are often small-sized, and require careful and creative approach to the arrangement. It makes no sense to clutter the room furnishings thoughtlessly, depriving precious free space meters. If you have to squeeze between the furniture, the room becomes uncomfortable and messy, piles of crushed and oppressed. Especially it concerns a child's room: here the child needs space and private space, comfort and coziness. Therefore, if the room is not enough space, a perfect solution for saving space is a table-sill in the nursery: a modern idea, which is already reflected in many apartments and houses.

Table instead of the sill - the original solution to organize a full-fledged place to study, even in a small child's room
The combination of the sill and the table saves space and makes the room a modern and original and allows you to use the space as much as possible correctly, without clutter. In addition, it is easy to implement!
Pros and cons table-sill in the nursery
- Pros and cons table-sill in the nursery
- variety of structures
- from the window
- with cupboard
- And others
- Materials manufacturing-sills tables
- natural wood
- Particleboard
- And others
- Choosing a color palette
- Photographs of the interior nursery with table-sill
- Video on how to make a stylish table-sill without supports
- Table-sill in the nursery: 50 photo
Windowsill, countertop in the nursery - the solution is very modern and quite unconventional. Not every home meet this solution, because many still used to the table - a table, he have four legs and a table top, it can be placed anywhere in the room and move to the other if desired angle. But the desk, bathroom with a window sill - this is quite new and strange.

The main advantage of the sill-table is to save space, which in this part of the room is usually empty
But this idea has a lot of advantages:
- This solution saves a lot of space. It is very important, if the apartment is small-sized, and small children's room.
- This is a creative and stylish looks. You want your favorite baby room was stylish, modern and beautiful? It is the perfect solution to emphasize the stylish and modern design.
- Desk near the window - the only correct its location. The light from the window falls on a book or a notebook so that reading, writing, studying, even for a few hours will not hurt your eyes.
- Table-sill can be made wide and spacious, it will be convenient to not only learn, but also to create, draw, dream, play!
- This is advantageous: to create a design, you can even own hands and buy ready-made full table - much more expensive.
As for the cons, it is only one: the solidity of the structure. If you change your mind, the child grows up, and you want to change the size of the table, or move - it will be problematic. But if you plan to create a time table for years, this is the perfect solution!

Natural light - an important advantage that allows you to sit at a table in the afternoon, without spending energy and maiming children's vision

The idea of combining a desk with a window sill should like the owners of small apartments or a family with several children of school age
variety of structures
Modern windowsill, countertop in the nursery or teen room can have different dimensions and design. In general, the types of construction can be divided into three categories: from the window of the enclosure or on the wall. This means that the table-sill can be put in charge either to the wall or to the window. There are also mixed options.

countertop clearance by the window depends on the total interior room and personal preferences
from the window
In fact, this table in a window sill, in the literal sense of the expression. Thus he sill be dismantled, and in its place established a broad and deep, from more durable material (plastic is rarely used and is not the best option for writing table).

In the photo example of the integration of the sill in a fairly wide desk
Look at the options of the table-sill in a modern nursery at numerous photo: you will see that it is always the perfect solution. It can be small and light, or more massive, with drawers. It is appropriate in slopes windows incorporate additional shelves, use the space as much as possible.

If desired, you can expand the window sill in the wall and add cabinets under it, eventually getting a full desk
Do not forget about lighting, because in the dark window will be closed by a curtain, and the child will be engaged in lessons or creativity. Better to use a table lamp or mounted light fixture on the wall or slope on the left.
with cupboard
For small rooms is appropriate to combine and match furniture. Closet - a great subject, which can be built into a written child table.

Desk, window sill, equipped with tables or shelves, will be a good place to practice
How does it look? This is a big wardrobe full with different compartments: a large indoor clothes, open shelves, shelves for books and toys. And as one of the branches will be working space: built a small table with a blank space at the bottom (for easy seating). It is very comfortable and looks original!

The symmetrical arrangement of the cabinets in the children's room with a desk instead of a window sill
Such a cabinet-table can be made to order. This is a great option, as you can choose the height of the table's height and individual characteristics of the child, as well as to take into account the room size and the specific location where the design will be. Such a cabinet may be angular.
And others
Built-in desk can be a wall or have a mixed structure: to go from the window and go outwards, taking part wall. If the room two children live, a great option: so you can make a great desk without taking up much space and significantly saving it.

Table-sill in a room for two children - the optimal solution space organization
Incidentally, this table can be retractable or collapsible. It's easy to implement from a technical point of view, and space savings just huge! In addition, because the child will be taught to always clear the table after working for him, and it is a useful skill for the future.
Materials manufacturing-sills tables
What made tables, window sills? In fact from the same materials as conventional writing table in the nursery. The most popular uses real wood, particle board and other strong, durable and inexpensive materials.

Each of the materials has its advantages and disadvantages
natural wood
Minus one - is an expensive option. The rest - only advantages. Natural wood with nothing beats the quality and durability. Given the fact that the table is constantly at the window and the sun - it must be of high quality, not to "burn out" in the sun. So the natural wood with a good coating is ideal for this.

The table top must be made holes for air circulation
In addition, it is so beautiful! No synthetic material can not be compared with the texture and shade of wood.
Wood - is environmentally friendly and safe for children. Tree strong and durable, the table will last a long time and go to a new generation. All in all, a great option!
CPD - the mega-popular material for the manufacture of furniture. Because this material is much cheaper than natural wood, while it is quite easy, practical, strong and reliable. Tables made of particleboard with a nice finish and looks just exactly like real wood furniture.

Table top of chipboard, plates can be papered solid film under a stone or a tree
Table of particleboard can be bright, not necessarily a tree shade. For example, you can choose yellow, pink or bright blue table, it will be beautiful for a bright room. A child as like! Or vice versa - a white table for a light and gentle nursery.

Compact version of the sill-table in a modern style
And others
Besides wood and particleboard, using plastic and polymer materials to make written-sills tables. This material is cheaper, but it is different in the same quality and durability as furniture made of wood and chipboard. Choosing plastic furniture, keep in mind that some types of plastics are toxic and harmful to children, so you should only buy from a good producer.

PVC worktop refers to low-cost materials. Despite this, the design is quite long, and creates a single composition with slopes of plastic windows
In addition to particle board, MDF is used. It is more difficult, but it is very strong and durable, and the table will be bright and modern thanks to the beautiful cover. MDF is stronger than the DSP, this material is more durable and has such furniture can be disassembled and assembled (re screwed screws), can not be said about the furniture made of particleboard. But the price for MDF is much higher.

On the basis of MDF countertops have an unlimited number of color and texture solutions
Choosing a color palette
What color should be a table? Here a matter of taste. It is important that it fits harmoniously into the overall interior of the child and has been an integral part of the overall ensemble. The basic principles of color selection are as follows:
- For baby, made in soft soothing colors, choose a white table or a shade of sand, ivory, beige. It should be light and combined with other furniture, carpeting, walls, curtains. Let it not the same color in the color (to avoid blur effect), but falls into the range of the palette.
Comfortable working place - a window sill, blending into white table
- If the child is bright and colorful, the table should be in the range. But we should not make it too bright or colorful - for them will be difficult to work with.
Yellow table-sill to match the cushions and Roman blinds
- Table top should match the color of other furniture, for example, to the cabinet or rack. Well, if all the wooden furniture is made of the same material, it will be very harmonious look.
If customization is better to do a full set of furniture
- hue furniture and texture of natural wood always looks well, regardless of the design and scale of the room. So choose wooden furniture of natural color - not too dark and not too bright - and not lose.
Dark wooden countertop looks very stylish on a background of white furniture
The main thing that was in harmony, and the table does not merge with the interior, but not too "fall out" of it.
Photographs of the interior nursery with table-sill
Numerous photos of ready solutions facilitate your choice, to inspire and help you decide. See how designers make out the baby with the use of tables, window sills in a variety of solutions: in small and large rooms, bright and delicate design. These examples will help you find your original version!

Buffet, flowing into the sill of the window bay in a stylish room of a teenage boy

Table top made of wood - a universal solution that will fit into the interior of any style

The most durable is the table of hard wood, such as oak

The width of the countertop is selected based on individual preferences and available space

window decoration of the workplace is adjusted depending on the total interior. A good choice would be practical blinds
Remember that the main thing - not the high cost and the security of material, simplicity and functionality of the design, and convenience for the child. A connecting more and imagination, you can create a unique interior solution, and even the smallest children will be comfortable, cozy and uniquely beautiful!