The best places in the world for relaxation

The best places in the world for relaxation

Work, home, a bunch of household chores, and the next day again to work. And so the whole year round the most people live in the world. This routine is not saved even the weekend, because they are sorely lacking. The only salvation is leave, which you can not refuse in any way. All the money...

Rating of leading politicians in Russia in 2016

Rating of leading politicians in Russia in 2016

Twenty-five experts( political scientists, political technologists, representatives of media and various political parties) answered the question, who is the leading politician in Russia this year .The main March trend is the completion of the military operation in Syria and the withdrawal of ...

Rating of the best April Fools' jokes of 2016

Rating of the best April Fools' jokes of 2016

Passed the April Fool's Day - a difficult test for strict and ever-serious people. Someone exhaled with relief that he was not played, but someone fell victim to the wit of colleagues and relatives or he himself proved to be a pretty joker. What tricks do you remember the Day of Laughter in dif...

Rating of the sexiest women of 2016 Victoria's Secret

Rating of the sexiest women of 2016 Victoria's Secret

Every year Victoria's Secret - one of the largest brands in the women's underwear market - produces a list of its favorites from "the most inspirational women in Hollywood who embody the coveted lifestyle."In this case, the beauties that are related to the brand, do not fall into the list, s...

Top-5 best mascara

Top-5 best mascara

Rating for the beautiful half of humanity. Today I will help you to choose the best mascara, for this, read the rating of Top-5 best mascara. Today on the shelves you can find a huge variety of manufacturers and types of carcasses, from lengthening to imparting volume, from coloring to d...

Rating of the most influential financiers of Russia

Rating of the most influential financiers of Russia

Economy is an integral part of the life of the civilized world, directly influencing the development of society. Who "creates" the economy? Rating of the most influential financiers of Russia will acquaint you with those who actively participate in the development of the Russian economy. Th...

Top 10 of the most beautiful flowers in the world

Top 10 of the most beautiful flowers in the world

The beauty of flowers is unique and undeniable. For centuries, a flower is the best gift for a woman, they represent attention and love. Flowers relieve fatigue and stress, cause feelings of happiness. Of course, everyone prefers different colors, but still you can make an objective rating of...

World Threats and Global Risks Rating 2016

World Threats and Global Risks Rating 2016

The victory of the eccentric opponent of Muslims Donald Trump in the American presidential race is considered one of the most significant risks that the world may face, according to the findings of the British Economist Intelligence Unit( EIU).This research firm warns that Trump can undermine t...

Top 6 rules of online store management

Top 6 rules of online store management

It may seem that opening a store on the Internet is a simple occupation. After all, the current merchant is available site designers, delivery services and other necessary components for this. Even the delivery of foreign goods purchased in the online store, today is not difficult for its own...

Top-7 advantages and disadvantages of an apartment on the ground floor

Top-7 advantages and disadvantages of an apartment on the ground floor

Apartments on the ground floors of houses often cause ambiguous attitude among buyers. Attractive cost, convenient location and suitable planning of such housing can make you think. Thoroughly weighing the positive and negative aspects of the purchase, you can determine the profitability and...