🚽 How to choose a septic tank for a private house: types and their characteristics

🚽 How to choose a septic tank for a private house: types and their characteristics

If you decide mounted sewer, Offer to find out how to choose a septic tank for a private house. Such devices may have a different design concept and specifications defining their possible area of ​​use. Check out the existing structures, their advantages and disadvantages, to make the right choic...

Sink Bathroom bill on the table: types, selection, price

Sink Bathroom bill on the table: types, selection, price

Sink Bathroom bill on countertop I gained a lot of popularity in recent times. It has a simple installation, in addition, it has an attractive appearance. On the surface of the stone remains enough space for amenities. However, before the product selection should carefully review all the advantag...

🚽 pipes for sewerage: types, sizes, select the appropriate option

🚽 pipes for sewerage: types, sizes, select the appropriate option

In a timely manner, in full divert sewage outside the home, you must purchase the appropriate pipes for sewerage. Types and sizes offered by manufacturers are different, which greatly complicates the choice. We offer to get acquainted with the options available for you to purchase products with ...

Septic tank with your hands without pumping 10 years for home and garden

Septic tank with your hands without pumping 10 years for home and garden

To create a modern comfort level in the country or in suburban private home you must have quality sewer system. It must perform its functions in full, without any extra load on users. The simplest solution, a holding tank, use impractical. It will have to be emptied regularly with the assistance ...

Kitchen sink: device types, sizes, installation, model

Kitchen sink: device types, sizes, installation, model

In order to make the right choice in favor of one of the sinks for the kitchen, you should take into account such parameters as the General area of ​​the room and available room style. used headset also plays an important role. The basic requirements will always treat an increased level of comfor...

Sewage in a private house with his own hands: the scheme and recommendations

Sewage in a private house with his own hands: the scheme and recommendations

System autonomous sewerage It is one of the most important and expensive engineering services of a private house. Effective functioning, installation labor intensity, quantity and value of the elements of this system depends on the elaboration of the project. Graphic part of the project documenta...

Drainage on the dacha: the easiest way

Drainage on the dacha: the easiest way

The correct solution flooding problem area will help create favorable conditions for the plants to prevent damage buildingsSimplify travel on foot tracks. But it is not so easy to choose really the best drainage at their summer cottage. The easiest way may not be fully effective. Expensive and co...

What is the installation of toilet: the secrets of selecting and installing

What is the installation of toilet: the secrets of selecting and installing

Unlike foreign houses suspended toilets in domestic bathrooms and lavatories appeared not so long ago. Such sanitary innovation saves valuable space in the room, as well as time for its cleaning. And you know what installation? In our review, we will look at this design, as well as find out the r...

Drainage pipes to drain groundwater: types and manufacturers

Drainage pipes to drain groundwater: types and manufacturers

Drainage of groundwater - this lowering of the groundwater through various systems: pipe, Trenches, channels, wells, pumps and other devices. Today, for this to suburban areas used pipe system as the most effective in terms of long-term operation, and ease of installation. drainage pipes for remo...

Septic tanks for garden: a better rating of the best models, reviews

Septic tanks for garden: a better rating of the best models, reviews

autonomous system sewage disposal eliminates the need to connect to a centralized network. With the right choice it performs its functions perfectly for many years. To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to explore different septic tank to give. What is the best of them, it becomes clear after a comp...