- How do I clean an umbrella at home?
- How to wash an umbrella at home?
- Tips for choosing umbrella cleansers:
- A few tips for the perfect result
- How to properly dry the umbrella?
- How and where to store the umbrella?
A beautiful and high-quality umbrella is able to give a good mood and in bad weather. To the wonderful mood provided by your favorite accessory, did not leave you for many years, it is important to know how to properly care for an umbrella. In the article we will introduce you how to wash an umbrella at home and how to protect it from rust, dirt and leakage so that an expensive accessory for your heart has served for many years.
to the contents ↑How to clean an umbrella at home?
Umbrellas are usually made of a material that is resistant to various types of contaminants. But cases are different, for example, an accessory dropped in a puddle or in time not dried, and as a result - dried up dirt, stains and mold on the fabric. Such situations adversely affect the appearance of the umbrella and its coloration. If the type of accessory is not the same as when buying, it is necessary to arrange a "bath day" for him. In order not to damage the material during the cleaning activities, listen to the following recommendations.
Basic cleaning rules:
- It is correct to wash the umbrella only by hand. Given all the features of the design of the accessory, do not use machine washing in any circumstances.
- Do not use aggressive agents to clean the umbrella: gasoline, kerosene, acetone. The consequences can be unpredictable, besides, you will have to get rid of the corrosive, unpleasant smell of chemicals.
- Before the main washing process, brush the main dirt and dust off the umbrella with a soft brush.
- Start the cleaning process with soaking. Collect warm water in the container and add the usual detergent. Leave the umbrella in the water for half an hour( no more).
- Hand wash the umbrella in semi-closed condition.
- The cover must also be cleaned from dust and dirt. Wash it as it gets dirty.
- If there are stains, use a sponge and detergent. Wipe with a sponge all the dirt, but do not be zealous to not break the structure.
- After cleaning, open the umbrella and rinse it with a shower, like a rain.
- Always shake the accessory from excess moisture before drying.
- Dry the umbrella after rain and wash in the half-open condition, at room temperature, in a ventilated room.
How to wash an umbrella at home?
One of the effective ways of returning the original look of the object is to wash the cloth thoroughly, taking it off the umbrella spokes. Dry the material in a straightened form, and then gently smooth. During drying, the spokes are rubbed with car wax, and the handle is polished. After the procedures are done, the fabric is sewn into place. However, this option is rather troublesome. We offer a simpler version - without removing the canvas from the spokes.
First of all, decide on the complexity of the work and the degree of contamination of the object. Depending on the level of contamination, the color of the blade and the presence of stains( water stains, dirt, rust, etc.), prepare the following tools and materials:
- Deep pelvis.
- Washing powder.
- Sponge.
- Soft brush.
- Vinegar.
- Ammonium alcohol.
- Lemon juice.
- Alcohol.
- Coffee or black tea( for cleaning a black object).
We offer you several ways how to wash an umbrella at home in a quality manner.
Option number 1
If the rainy weather accessory needs to be cleaned of road dust and small stains, use a soapy solution:
- In a deep basin pour warm water.
- Dilute detergent: washing powder or gel, baby or household soap( shavings), dishwashing concentrate.
- Put a half-open umbrella in the solution.
- Leave to soak for 20 minutes.
- Wipe the cloth with a brush.
- Rinse under the shower.
- Shake off excess moisture.
- Hang dry in a ventilated room.
Important! Do not rub the product with a white brush so as not to spoil the fabric. It is enough to soak and rinse the umbrella.
Option No. 2
In case of significant contamination of the product web, the detergent may not remove them. In this case, use vinegar to wash the umbrella at home and restore its vivid colors. Proceed as follows:
- Dilute 0.5 liters of warm water 1 tbsp.spoon of vinegar.
- Sponge the sponge in the solution.
- Wipe the surface of the cloth with a sponge.
- Hang the umbrella in a ventilated room( you do not need to rinse off the vinegar).
Important! Vinegar use, if you need to refresh the color of the product: in 1 liter of pure water, dilute 2 tbsp.spoonful of vinegar. Rinse the umbrella with the prepared solution before drying.
Option number 3
If you spot spots of any origin on the umbrella, then use ammonia as follows:
- Prepare the solution: dilute 70 ml of the preparation in 0.5 liters of water.
- Brush the mortar onto the surface of the blade.
- Treat on both sides.
- Leave the umbrella to dry.
Option number 4
You can get rid of stains and dirt with alcohol. The agent can also significantly enhance the water repellent properties of the article material. Do the following, do not just wash the umbrella at home, but remove all dirt from it and improve the properties:
- Dampen the cloth or sponge with alcohol.
- Thoroughly clean the fabric of the fabric.
- Hang up the umbrella to dry.
Tips for choosing umbrella cleansers:
- Use as a detergent products for washing woolen products. Such funds are better washed out of the fibers of the fabric, and do not form a divorce on the canvas. This is especially true if you decide to wash the umbrella at home, which is made in a monochrome color.
- Do not use gels or powders with the effect of an air conditioner.
- The optimum detergent is a gel, as it is better rinsed out of the fabric, due to the smaller size of the detergent particles.
Some tips for the perfect result
To date, there are a huge number of varieties of umbrellas. They differ in form, material of fabrication, color. Today it is not just an object to protect against rain, it's a real designer masterpiece. The canvas can be covered with artistic painting or photoprint. The material of the product can differ in color from inside and outside, and can change its color and pattern, depending on the amount of liquid that falls on it. Here for such specimens there are their secrets, helping to achieve the ideal result in the cleaning process.
We bring to your attention a few similar tips:
- If your black umbrella has lost a saturated carbon color over time, treat it with strong black tea or coffee. Dampen the sponge in the broth and walk along the surface of the canvas. Do not flush the remedy.
- Transparent umbrellas-domes after washing, as well as during drying, wipe dry with a soft cloth to prevent water droplets from leaving a stain. Formed already divorces, remove the cotton disc moistened in a solution of ammonia( 1 part of ammonia for 10 parts of water).After the treatment, rinse the product with clean water and wipe dry.
- Remove the rust on the frame with lemon juice: moisten the clean cloth with juice and work the entire surface of the frame. Then - wipe with damp rag rust and dry the product.
- If rust traces have formed on the fabric, use an aqueous solution of citric acid or lemon juice. Spot the sponge with juice, and then apply steam to the blade, using a steam generator or iron with steaming mode. Several times, direct the jet of steam to the treated area, without touching the soleplate of the iron to the fabric. Rinse off the rust with a brush and rinse the umbrella with clean water. And to prevent rust from appearing again, you just need to dry the umbrella properly after the rain.
- Light uni-colored umbrellas( white, blue, etc.) should be carefully processed at the folds of the web in the area of the spokes. Along these places, walk in addition with a brush with a soapy solution.
- If the fabric near the spokes is slightly thinned, fix it with a colorless nail polish. Apply the lacquer from the inside of the umbrella to the material.
How to dry the umbrella correctly?
The proper drying procedure plays an important role in the care of the thing and the fabric. This directly determines the life of the product and its appearance.
How to dry the umbrella after rain?
For sure, in every office or other institution, you saw slender rows of open umbrellas. Employees, getting to work through the raging weather, dry the accessories on the floor in the open state. But this can not be done!
If you constantly dry the umbrella in the open, the dome will stretch, the spokes will lose their elasticity and the umbrella will start to sag. But to fold the umbrella damp in a cover is absolutely impossible, because as a result of such storage, you risk getting an unpleasant smell and stains of mold on the canvas.
To avoid such problems with your favorite umbrella, listen to the following recommendations on how to dry the umbrella after rain:
- When you come out of the street after a rain, discard any excess moisture from the umbrella. You can open and close the accessory a couple of times to remove the drops.
- Dry the umbrella in a slightly open state, that is, close it and do not fasten it with a strap - let it hang freely.
- Do not dry the product under direct sunlight, as this contributes to the burnout of the fabric.
- Dry the accessory away from heating appliances and heating batteries. This can lead to deformation of the web material.
- Ideal conditions for drying the product - a well ventilated room.
- Properly dry the umbrella after the rain, if it is made in the form of a cane, suspended, half-open or put a cane in a special stand, let the water flow freely.
- Be sure to dry the umbrella completely. Do not forget to dry and cover. And only when the cloth of the umbrella is completely dry, collect the umbrella, shake it well and put it into the cover, straightening out all the corners.
How and where to store the umbrella?
After the end of the rainy season, before sending the umbrella to the shelf, perform the following:
- Thoroughly wash the dome fabric.
- Knit the needles dry.
- Dry the umbrella in semi-closed condition.
- All spokes and sliding mechanism with engine oil or wax.
- Fix all the joints in film or wax paper.
- Fold the umbrella in the cover and then into the bag.
- Store the product at a temperature of -10 to +35 degrees in a dark place.
- During the entire "rest" period, ventilate the umbrella several times.
Important! When using an umbrella, do not put it on the bottom of the bag, so that under the weight of the objects placed on it, the mechanism does not deteriorate.
Thanks to someone who came up with an irreplaceable thing like an umbrella. It not only saves us from rain and snow, but also emphasizes our individuality, becoming a stylish accessory. If you love your favorite umbrella, then learn to properly and timely to take care of it, because it is not difficult. Good luck!