How to heat your apartment with no heat? Overview of methods

Offseason most uncomfortable and not comfortable period for us. More recently, on the street the sun was warm, and we take great pleasure in a hurry to hide in the coolness of our apartments. With the onset of autumn, at the root of the situation is changing. One does not want to rush home. Despite the fact that the street and dank slushy, back into the cold, uncomfortable apartment no particular desire. While not include heating, we, the residents of city apartments can only dream about comfort. How to heat your own apartment with no heat gets the idea of ​​"fix" with which we squirm as long as the home is not zazhurchit powered hot water.

On the eve of the heating season, most of us can endure the situation, trying to find different ways to keep warm in their own home. Another thing, when the house is a small child and prevent a sharp decline the temperature in the apartment in the offseason, critically impossible. The most unfortunate situation for those home owners who have a house with no heating for technical reasons, but rather the onset of winter does not bode well. But do not despair. We live in an age of modern technology and great opportunities. Today, there are a lot of variants to warm their cold houses without heating. Such a problem can solve everyone if to show ingenuity and ambition.

Cold in the apartment - the search for solutions to problems

Natural normal human reaction to the cold - finding a way to keep warm. Even if we live in apartment buildings, and sometimes we do not have the technical capabilities to fully express their imagination in this matter, the forces and means at our disposal enough. It is not necessary to panic. The practical experience will tell you ways to solve the problem. In addition, today there is a fairly wide range of technical tools for home heating.

The most appropriate options following the heating in the apartment:

  • Domestic electric heaters;
  • stationary electric heating system;
  • gas heating.

Of these two options, the first very simple and quickly produce results. It is enough to show a little ingenuity, skill, and invest a certain amount of money. Last third embodiment comprising the gas boiler installation for autonomous heating, difficulties associated with formal. Get permission to install a gas boiler in the apartment when the house is connected to the centralized heating system, it is difficult. It solves the problem for a long time, so with the onset of winter, similar venture would have to wait for later.

When the situation with the rapid cooling of apartments view lowering outside temperature repeated from year to year, zealous owners should think about how to improve the thermal efficiency their homes. To the apartment is not so quickly cooled, stored longer accumulated over the summer heat, you need to take care of the warming of the apartment.

For reference: It has long been counted! Basic measures for insulation of a city apartment: sealing cracks in window openings, installation seals on windows, vents and doors can increase the thermal efficiency of your apartment right on the 15-20%.

With enough money, you can think about the radical warming apartments. Sealing of inter-panel joints and insulation, creating on the outside panels of your apartment coats of foam or mineral wool provide a tangible effect.

See also: how to turn on the heating in the apartment?

Events on warming apartments will provide you with protection during the cold season from hypothermia premises. The money invested will pay off, with the moral and psychological side, even when the first frost in the street.

There is electricity in the house - this is the real way to salvation. Many of us, if not the majority, it is in the off-season, when the battery is still cold and wait the official onset of the heating season is long resorted to using electric household heaters.

Important! With intensive use of home heating electrical appliances must have the appropriate wiring. Domestic circuit should be designed for higher load, which significantly increases the moment of switching electrical heaters. Put the automatic tripping, which will monitor the condition of your wiring and prevent short circuit in the network.

We use electricity. What are the possibilities

Together with warming apartment does not stop to think about the possibility to equip the apartment constant source of heat in your home. Stationary apartment heating with electricity is the most affordable way to avoid depending on the operation of district heating. It is appropriate to talk about warm floors that make heating your apartment you will cease to be an ongoing problem. Electricity is available almost always, so this possibility should try to use. Now, in the autumn or spring, when the battery is not yet included, a warm floor will solve all your problems with heating.

Warm floors are now becoming fashionable and commonplace. With this heating system you are not afraid of the cold district heating battery. The power required is calculated from the area of ​​the room and the specific heat flux value for the type of space.

Using an electric floor heating, it is important to remember the following: the electric cable must cover up to 70% of the floor in a heated room.

For basic premises underfloor heating capacity should be at least 160-180 watts per m2. For ancillary facilities such figure is 120-140 W per 1 m2. During installation of the electric floor to be considered effective heating area (excluding the area occupied by furniture).

For instance: For heating food in a city apartment 2-7 floors require power to underfloor 2100Vt. It is calculated as follows:

15h140 = 2100Vt where

  • 15 sq. M. Efficient heated kitchen area;
  • 140 W Specific heat capacity for heating food.

Properly done the wiring in the house, and the corresponding calculations for floor heating equipment, allow you to create a comfortable temperature inside the premises. The economic effect in this case is quite noticeable when compared to the operation of household electric appliances.

This power calculation circuit is used when using all electrical heaters.

Emergency heating methods

If you are going to heat the dwelling in an apartment with the help of electricity, should be careful while selecting a heater.

With electric underfloor heating we've figured out which method is more suitable for solving the problem of capital. On the other hand, as the transitory source of heat during the cold period has to use household electric heaters. Each appliance has its optimum power, designed for efficient heating a certain space. Today in the domestic sphere, the following types of heaters using electricity.

  • convectors;
  • infrared heat panel;
  • oil coolers;
  • Heat fans.

In each individual case is determined by the scope of use of the device. his, a certain kind of electric heating is suitable for every room. True, the convectors can be equipped for any home. The only condition to carry out the installation of equipment in the rooms properly and competently.

Important! There is another factor that few people take into account when choosing a heater. It is the height of ceilings. The standard new apartments average ceiling height does not exceed 2300-2400 mm. In the old houses there are rooms with a ceiling height of 2.5-3 m. When selecting a heater you need to take into account the capacity of calculation of + 25% for each 500 mm in excess of the established norm.

Convectors have high efficiency, besides sufficiently economical in operation. By circulating air flows, the indoor air is warmed more quickly. Most of the devices are equipped with automatic control system, which regulates the inclusion mode on and off devices depending on the set temperature inside the building.

Infrared heaters are presented models with an average of 1.5-2 kW. Carboxylic heaters, as a form of an infrared heat source has power in the two to three times less, creating a similar thermal effect. Such heaters are best equipped with thermostatic sensors.

Also read: when it should include heating in apartments?

Fan heaters, which are now massively represented in the sale, designed for maximum quick effect. Small size and reasonable price are the main reasons for their popularity. In this case all advantages leveled high power consumption and relatively high noise level.

As a successful alternative to fixed sources of electric heating can be used oil radiators. The simplicity of design and durability of bribe in the choice of such a heat source for heating the premises. The only drawback, which is characteristic of such heaters - long warm-up and a lot of weight.

Using for heating of residential apartments due to the lack of central heating electrical appliances and equipment, you can quickly and effectively solve their problems. In any situation, there is always a way out.