The level of comfort in a house or apartment in the city is largely dependent on the quality of heating and operation of all other communications and engineering building life-support networks. However, not uncommon for our comfort becomes expensive. Payments for centralized heat supply and hot water supply is getting more and more. Why is unchanged fee if heating in a city apartment is not fed? Is it possible to save on heating during the heating season?
What possible steps can be taken to save on payments for heating
The main advice that give Teplovik - to reduce heat loss. Complexities such events do not constitute, if to the problem approach and weighed correctly. Improve the thermal efficiency of his apartment and everyone can. Already only seal the windows, sealing cracks in window openings and warming front doors, giving tangible effect. If done properly you can improve thermal efficiency of 15-20%. Ways to insulate their own apartment abound. We are talking about the installation of radiators reflective displays, thermal insulation of the coldest parts of the building construction applications.

Usually such actions on the part of the residents of apartment buildings are able to ensure the normal winter temperature in the apartments. In terms of efficiency, it is easier to achieve the conservation of heat inside the living quarters by improving thermal insulation than the increase in the production of new kilocalories of heat energy. By installing special devices of thermal energy consumption, you can save a considerable amount on the bills.
There are the following ways to save on heating:
- collective associated with the efforts of all the occupants of the house;
- the individual that performs the tenants of each apartment by yourself;
- Combined, providing technical and legal solution to the problem.

One of the most effective mechanisms for real savings to date is the installation of a thermal energy meter for the whole house, which allows you to adjust the supply of heating water in the apartment. In such a case, the costs for heating lie equally on all the occupants of the house.
On a note: Joint collective efforts of the residents of the heat preservation of the house may have a significant impact, including control supplying heat to the house, the coolant temperature control system and its subsequent distribution apartments.
On the other hand, when the efforts of all tenants of the house is impossible, it is necessary to undertake an individual heat metering. Today there is a sufficient number of devices with which the heat consumption can be counted for each individual apartment. How to pay for heating their apartments an order of magnitude smaller than individually? Let's try to deal with this issue.
Calculate the amount of heat supplied by the central heating system of each apartment by using a device that performs accounting of thermal energy in each battery. Removing the readings from each radiator simply add up all the options. The result is the number of calories expended to heat your apartment. Buy this counter can now be their own. In addition, if you are determined to fight for a fair price of heating, such costs will pay off quickly.
Such devices are very advantageous to use those tenants who do not live permanently in the apartment. Frequent business trips, travel make us pay for the heat, which we do not use a certain time. If you have a device of thermal energy and the necessary shut-off and control valves, you can easily block the unwanted heating radiators throughout the apartment. As a result, you get the calories, which were spent on the maintenance of your apartment minimum duty temperature.
The idea of a heat meter is very promising, but it is more suitable for new buildings, which are more suited for the installation of such devices.
Put individual heat meter
In apartment houses new layout arrangement of the central heating tube is constructed in such a way that has its own separate branch for each apartment. This configuration is ideal for mounting the heat meter in his apartment.
For comparison. Make calculations: How much is heating without installation of the meter and how much will cost heating the apartment with the unit of heat energy.
For example, flat has the following characteristics:
- Floor area 80 m2, Brick walls of the building;
- ceiling height of 2500 mm;
- glazing - double glazing;
- two balconies - glazed;
Living in such an apartment you for heating during the heating season will have to spend in 2000 x 7 = 14000 rubles, where in 2000 the average monthly payment for heating, 7 - the number of months in the heating season.

After the installation of the meter costs actually expended kilocalories significantly less given the frequent absences from home, reducing the temperature of the coolant due to warming in the street.
To save on heating in the apartment - main article.
How to calculate payment for heating. A formal approach
The heating season has begun. With trepidation we expect platezhek for heating and trying to understand - you're being billed for the services of heating the apartment. Without going into deep math, using a common logic that often in our conditions is not always working.
Heat is supplied to our homes is measured in kilocalories. It is their amount is determined by the thermal energy, which enters the apartment. Getting in Heating apartment building, Heat transfer fluid heated to a certain temperature, part of its energy to the heating radiators, struts and coils. But how do you know how many calories spent on heating of each individual apartment.
If you have a heat meter - no questions. It shows how much the counter, so many calories spent on heating your home. But that's not all. To these we must add the testimony of the heat, which is used for heating the staircase, the lobby of the building (obschedomovye needs). As a result, you will go to the number that characterizes the volume teplozatrat spent on heating your home and apartments in particular.
Important! In accordance with current applicable legislation, the calculation of payment for heating based on meter readings, such devices must be on equipping all living areas of the house.
A situation where the heat meter stands at the entrance to the house is more common. Collective counter - a phenomenon now commonplace and on the basis of his testimony can calculate how many calories is used for heating of each apartment. The calculations are carried out in proportion to the area of each apartment. The worst situation is when the house is not equipped with a collective obschedomovyh heat counter. In such a situation are taken to calculate the ratios that show how much heat is needed to heat one square meter of living space. For each region identified its standards for heating, taking into account the climatic conditions and the availability of energy resources. The only negative is that the collective counter will determine only the averaged heat consumption of each apartment. According to the method of calculating the area of each unit receives the same amount of heat, and thus on their heating is turned off in the absence of special will not be able to save.
On a note: To date, the service charge for district heating is calculated taking into account the standards contained in the "Rules of providing public services in apartment buildings." This document is approved by the RF Government Decree №354 from 06.05.2011 year.
Summarizing, we can say with certainty that the figures indicated in your bills for heating, reflect the real picture of the state of the heating system of your home. Charging may be based on the following data:
- readings of individual heat meter for each apartment;
- collective heat meter readings;
- based on the standards for the heating services in the absence of heat brownie counter.
In the diagram, an indicative calculation of payment for heating in Yekaterinburg. In other cities and towns of our country the situation is much the same.

See also: who is responsible for the heating in the apartment?
The board also calculated taking into account the duration of the heating season, and may be applied or only during the heat supply or for the entire year. Which option is used in the preparation of accrual platezhek, adopted at the regional level of government, taking into account evidence and data on the number of subscribers served by energy companies, and managers ZhEKami organizations.
In each case, the tenants have a right to control the quality of the heating system. The slightest interruption in the heating, especially in winter, the lack of the coolant temperature in the radiator can be a powerful argument for the allocation of the cost of heating services. The figures in the payment can always be challenged by the power company. Another thing is whether you have enough patience and arguments to prove the invalidity of charge for the heating.