Housing heating equipment - a necessary condition for the possibility of living in any region of Russia, even in the south. Therefore, in varying degrees, from home heating solutions the question is not to leave anyone - the heating system is needed as the owners of private houses and residents of high-rise apartment buildings.

Equipment for heating an apartment or house - a set of the many activities of the sophistication and quality of execution of each of which depends the success of solving the problem as a whole. Consider the correct algorithm performance and technology for the arrangement of home heating operations, including factors accounting which causes success in achieving the ultimate goal - a safe, efficient and economical home heating.
The choice of the type of heating system
Housing heating equipment begins with the choice of the type of heating with reference to the main factor - the availability of a certain type of fuel or energy into heat processed. efficiency factor when choosing a method of heating is the second place after the effectiveness.
We start with the least expensive method - water heating radiator system connected to the heat pipe. This type of heating maximum safe and eliminates the need to purchase / installation of heating boilers with automatics, narrowing the amount of work prior to installation of the heating circuit and connecting it to the heating plant after consultation with the organization, operating heating system. But the relative ease of installation of such heating there is complete dependence on the characteristics of heat carrier heating plant health and human factor associated with the serving Teploset personnel.

If you are not near a heating plant, but the area is supplied with gas, it is advisable to consider the installation of water-heating boiler with natural gas. The relative cheapness of the gaseous fuel is accompanied, besides having to buy a gas boiler, a chimney inevitably devices, ventilation, and possibly even a separate boiler. Furthermore, the fuel gas is increased hazard, so the system needs a high level of manual control.

In a situation where prefer not to mess with gas, or it does not exist nearby, reasonable choice would be a hot-water heating system with a heating boiler on electricity. This method of heating first frightening cost of electricity, but then pleased hidden economy - the absence of necessary boiler device, with the ventilation flue, cleaning this communication concerns and constant gas leaks fuel. In addition, the boilers for electricity produced by different types of heating elements, and without them, so in this segment in the selection there is room for maneuver.
Another option for solving the housing problem could be heating boiler on liquid fuel. The most common heating systems with liquid-fuel units that consume diesel. This type of fuel, as well as electricity, not cheap today, and when you consider the associated costs flue and ventilation, boiler Local economical only if the possibility of preferential purchase fuel.
If the landlord - a supporter of traditional fuels such as wood, which are also very cheap in this region, rational solution is to install the solid fuel boiler silo execution using pyrolysis process - separation continuous burning. For such hosts firewood and cleaning of the chimney - employment usual offset by ecological and cheap fuel.

There are other methods of heating - floor heating, baseboard heaters, infrared heaters, successfully used in a small house or, for example, two-bedroom apartment, but the basis of their actions is still the same electricity or gas.
Opting for a particular method of heating, evaluate their ability to self-assembly and, depending on the evaluation results, start execution or the next stage - the design system heating.
Heating system design
Heating system has always been complex equipment that requires monitoring both during installation and during operation. Progress has perfected the technique and technology, but the heating units do not become completely safe, because they are still using electricity, natural gas and other types of energy and fuel, the use of which is always the danger factor is present to humans.
Safety, effectiveness and efficiency of the heating system starts with the project, according to which the editing is performed heating, so the value of compliance of project documentation with all necessary requirements and operating conditions difficult overemphasized.

Development of the project, depending on the complexity of the heating system, carried out in several ways. If you have to set up a simple oven-burzhujku the withdrawal chimney in the window or place the rooms electric heaters, the design here is nothing. If the house is equipped with a stationary heating system, connected to the heating main, or even more so, working from an independent boiler, that no part of the design work is indispensable.
Drawings An example of one of the heating system in the plan.
Few residents of fulfills the heating system project with his own, as in preventing the installation of substandard and hazardous engineering systems necessary approval of the document with the state institutions, and the error in the design is fraught with unpredictable consequences - from local operational problems before the accident case.
Important! coordination of the project is not intended to improve customer costs, and made for the maintenance of public safety and personal property of the owner.
The design of the work requires not only the correctness of the calculations, but also the corresponding graphic execution, so homeowners often turn to the organizations involved in this professionally.

This may be a design firm specializing only in the design, assembly or organization having in his part of the project department and performs the installation of equipment for customers designed their project specialists. The services of such firms can enter and coordination of project documentation for heating systems.
Important! The organization must have a license to carry out the design and installation work in the field of appropriate equipment.
In a situation where the project developer and manufacturer of work is a single entity, there are weighty advantage - at occurs at the customer's claims against the heating system superintendent would not refer to the project, and the designer - to manufacturer's works.
The task for the heating system project
For the development of the heating project the customer has to prepare for the designer's job to draft contained primarily their vision of the future of the heating system: view boiler for fuel used (for autonomous heating system) functionality of the system (only heating or hot water), and other mounting method wishes. As a general rule, the contractor has finished forms such tasks.

For instructions attached plan floors of the building (apartments) with the specification of premises and an indication of their area, the information on the materials of the walls, floors of the building, and perhaps desired heating circuit. If the outer walls are equipped with thermal insulation, in the task name indicates the material and its thickness. If the insulation is only scheduled to perform, it should be noted how the material. The task for the project must contain a maximum of information that the customer considers necessary to bring to the artist.
Important! If the heater is planned to install the boiler on electricity, the electrical supply to the job applied apartment project with a list of other electricity systems.
Does not necessarily have a technical education to prepare the task to the project and to understand all these issues, as the designer of its receipt must personally visit the site to verify the authenticity of the information provided and obtain missing information - for development should take into account the most efficient heating system factors.
Often project organization brings about changes in the characteristics of the equipment specified by the customer in the assignment to the project. The extent of the validity of these recommendations may be different, as their objective, so during the development of the project it is advisable to consult with an independent expert, in order to avoid inclusion in the draft of inefficient technologies, components, or materials for the sake of marketing the interests of third parties.
It should be noted that the cost of design work depends on the complexity of the planned heating system and timing of project execution. Having received from the customer all the necessary information, project organization is for him to sign a contract for services with an indication of the cost of design work and the duration of their completion.
Preparedness Project heating customer must be on an individual basis to submit the document for approval to the state governments, which Inspectors controlling bodies will check the project documentation for compliance with all the norms of current legislation, including fire rules. When the check is issued to the customer or the conclusion of the identified violations in the project, which should be eliminated by refinement followed by re-execution of agreement, or, in the case of recognition of the project secure permission to hold installation work.
Professionally created design enterprise documents often are agreed without any serious problems.

Important! Installation of the heating system without the consent of the project with the public authorities in the event of an accident, which caused serious consequences, is punishable homeowner under the current legislation.
Budgeting (osmechivanie)
By the project of the heating system, depending on the terms of the contract may be accompanied by estimates - a list of all the costs of implementing the project with the division of expenditure (supplies, works, transport and etc.). If the project was not osmechen, it is possible to perform independently. It should be borne in mind that self-purchase materials in retail outlets are not always cost effective - specialized professional companies are better guided as materials and buy them at wholesale prices, then presenting discounts in order to attract customers - customer work.
Selection by artist
Assembling the heating system planning, consider three main options performance or combinations thereof:
- independent work;
- pro-individual;
- specialized organization.
Equipping your home heating (ie the modern automated system for heating several rooms), very few people will undertake the independent performance of the work in its entirety. The exception is the installation of the heating unit (not gas), low-power, designed for performance any one function - the installation of such a device can be made with your hands, if you have compiled a professional heating scheme. Therefore, homeowners often use the services of professional masters of single or teams of two or three of these craftsmen.

Important! When selected as the heating equipment gas boiler independent installation unit is illegal and unsafe, not only for the property owner, but also for all residents nearby.
The employment of the individual master without making the contract is conjugate with the risk of poor performance of the installation even for good projects followed unpromising clarifying the reasons why the heating system is not working correctly. Use the services of these performers should be only in the presence of recommendations owners who have already mounted heating systems in their homes, forces of these professionals. However, in this case, there are no problems in the future is not guaranteed - the human element has not been canceled, and if labor relationship with such a team not to legalize, to bring perpetrators to free repairs caused by their deficiencies, it is complicated.

For the reasons listed above it is advisable to carry out the installation of the heating system forces specialized installation company that has, as a rule, a certain reputation among the population and value their image. These organizations perform installation work on the contract, which sets out, including completion dates, the responsibility of the contractor and its warranty. Ephemeral among such firms do not exist, and to bring them to remove possible flaws in the usually not difficult.
Having on hand calculation, proceed to the next stage of heating device - buy the necessary equipment and materials, if the contractor did not take over this function. In situations where the installation concluded an agreement with the contractor, the homeowner can only monitor the activities of manufacturer's works, as in the explanatory memorandum to the draft given everything - from technology to perform a sequence installation.
Technology implementation Installation of heating systems of various kinds
mount technology heating pipe radiators are applicable to boilers on any kind of fuel, and the installation of heating units of various types and volumes of different types of work. Consider the installation of common heating devices, keeping the chronological order of execution of works. Let's start with a description of the installation of the boiler on gas, since the installation of gas equipment is the highest requirements.
Mounting gas heating boiler water heating
Before you start installing a gas boiler, it is necessary to issue appropriate documentation, which gives the right to the installation and commissioning of gas equipment.

Project approvals and components work
First, you need to write an application to the gas suppliers in order to obtain permission to connection to the mains - the so-called technical specifications (TU), which give the right to start preparations work. Upon receipt of this document proceed to mount the gas supply pipe projecting from the unit installation position to the center of the gas pipe.

If the housing is located in a private land ownership, and mounted the pipeline will pass through the adjacent site, then the project is to be attached to it mounting diagram of a gas pipe with the location of its entrance into the house.
Important! The project must be developed by specialists with a license for this activity, in accordance with the GOS (government building codes).
The heating unit must be purchased on the heating system design stage, when his power will be calculated according to readiness of the project could be submitted to the inspection agency technical documentation of compliance with the necessary device requirements.
Power for heating the boiler water heating system
Just in case touch on how to calculate the output of the heating unit, suitable for installation, so that you can check the value of this feature in the project.

Power value obtained from this formula is the starting for the subsequent calculation, which should take into account Other factors influencing the temperature of the air in the building, for example, the presence and degree of insulation exterior walls building. In the absence of warming heat losses could reach:
- 5-15% - heat loss through the window openings (of multilayer insulating glass to conventional wood frames);
- 20-40% - at neuteplonnyh walls (depending on the thermal conductivity performance of the material);
- 5-15% - no floor insulation;
- 10-20% - losses through cold roof;
- to 20% - through ventilation (depending on the system).
Impressive figures in the absence of heat insulation talk about the inevitability of giving the operation the maximum attention.
Besides the above factors taken into account when calculating the power in the presence of the heating system circulation pump - with its no need to add the calculated value of 15%, while use of a boiler for hot water supply would require further another 20%.
After receiving the final estimated value, it is rounded up to the nearest power value boiler, commercially available, and acquire the heater.
Preparedness Project is given for approval to the governing body of the gas supply in the living area of the landlord. For the project must be accompanied by the manufacturer designed documents confirming the safety of operation, compliance with technical and health standards, data sheet and instructions the use of the unit. These documents must necessarily be issued by the seller to the buyer when purchasing the heater.
Project after considering approve or returned for revision with the justification of refusal in a statement.
Signed by the responsible person and sealed design - this is the permission for the installation of gas boiler.
Important! Installation of gas equipment should be carried out only by specialized licensed organizations.
Place the boiler location on the gas
In order to ensure safe operation of the units are not allowed to install gas-fired in the following areas:
- not equipped with ventilation;
- in buildings with dormitories status;
- in toilets and bathrooms;
- corridor in the aisles;
- on the balconies;
- in a basement room;
- indoor basement.
Note: placement of gas equipment in the premises of the ground floor or basement of a multistory building is prohibited, but it is allowed to install it in detached house for one family.
Fitting gas water heating device also depends on the version - floor high power units require a separate room, as they have a considerable weight and are quite noisy. And boilers up to 30 kW are manufactured and wall-mounted, so they can installation in the kitchenBut not less than 1 m above the floor surface.
The requirements to the room heating unit installation on gas fuel
Mounting of the gas boiler is performed indoors, having the following characteristics:
- doors and windows should open outwards;
- doorway to the boiler is arranged a width of 80 cm;
- minimum installation area of the room unit is 4 sq.m .;
- in boiler capacity of up to 15 cubic meters. glazing area should be not less than 0.5 m., the increase in volume space requires further 0.03 m. window opening on each cubic meter (the use of glass is prohibited);
- provided in the room air entering through the ventilation channel (the window), measuring at least 15 x 20 cm and a slit height of 2 cm below the front door;

- height from floor to ceiling of the boiler should be at least 2.5 m (if the boiler is installed above the floor, then 2.5 m is measured from the level of its installation);
- boiler equipped with running water;
- boiler arranged floors of fireproof material and equipped sanitary ladder - a drain on an emergency case with the need to drain water from the system circuit;
- the boiler wall must also be trimmed retardant performance or identical pictures;
- value chimney sectional area determined by the power of the heater can not be less than the corresponding parameter of the boiler flue.
Terms of installation of gas boiler
A schematic of the unit installation manual, which is performed only by a licensed specialist of Gas, is available in the technical documentation supplied with the product.
Installation is made with the following rules:
- Installation of equipment gas is allowed to perform at temperatures from 5 to 35 degrees.
- Marking the location of the boiler on the wall mounting bracket is performed using a spirit level.
- boiler location should ensure easy access to it.
- When installing the unit in a bypass gas feedback pipe supplying coolant strainer is installed with ball valve (to protect the heat exchanger from blockage).
- On the pipe connecting the boiler to the central gas line counter is set metering fuel consumption and the gas shut-off valve.

- The boiler room mounted gas leakage detector and an automatic shut-off valve.
- Gas unit necessarily grounded, if there are consuming electricity components in its construction.
- Circuit filled with water after connecting the unit pipes for water and gas supply systems, but disconnected from the power supply position.
- Filling the heating medium is slow, allowing air to escape from the system through the air vent.
- Before starting the boiler produce compounds pipeline control check for leaks by applying for suds scanned portions.
Heating runs only on availability of the entire system by connecting the equipment to the mains, when the defects are eliminated in full.
An apparatus for flue gas boiler
The correctness of the chimney is subject not only to the efficiency of the heating system on gas, but also the safe operation of this equipment.
Products of combustion gas, almost no visually observable, are toxic to humans and corrosive environment for many materials. Therefore, when mounting the flue gas unit for a plurality of requirements to be considered, beginning with the design and execution ending pictures. Chimney, calculated on the operation of the gas boiler is also suitable for connection units for solid and liquid fuel.

First, the flue gas depends on the design of the boiler combustion chamber unit.
If the aggregate has an open chamber, i.e. the combustion gas consumes oxygen from room air, the chimney is arranged in one direction - outwardly outputting the smoke out of the room.
When gas boiler structure consisting of closed-type chamber is mounted a so-called coaxial chimney, double pipe, which are moving towards each other the two streams - the products of fuel and combustion air into the chamber combustion.

The chimney may be internal or external performance. Efficiency heating system with internal chimney above, since the pipe surface temperature is an extra hot heat transfer area gases in the space, but such a construction needs a special arrangement of the smoke removal system passes through intermediate floors and roof.

gaseous fuel combustion products have in its composition nitrogen- and sulfur-containing compounds which, condensing on the inner surface of the tube, destroying the chimney, if it is made of ordinary brick or become. Therefore Chimney pipe equipped with outer thermal insulation, and the best materials for the manufacture of stainless steel is considered, and ceramics.

The chimney can be mounted from pre-insulated pipe - tube material, which has already performed the isolation between two steel skins. Installation of such a construction is much faster, but the cost of this material is much higher than the price of conventional chimneys. Accordingly, the chimney of preinsulated pipes fitted new houses heating system constructed according to individual projects.

Self installation of gas equipment prohibited reasonably - work with units of gas requires professional knowledge, and installation errors fraught with accidents that scale unpredictable. Therefore, without special training, the information on the installation of gas boilers should be apply exclusively to monitor the work of contractors, where the presence of the human factor one I canceled.
More detailed requirements and rules for installing gas appliances are set out in the following regulations:
- SNIP II-35-76 * «Boilers";
- SNIP 4.02-08-2003 "Boilers";
- SNIP 42-01-2002 "gas distribution system";
- SP-41-104-2000 - Code of practice for the design of autonomous heating systems;
- SNIP 2.04.05-91 "smoke in case of fire protection."
Mounting of the electric water heating boiler heating
The choice of heating unit apartment electricity avoids the significant problems such as design and coordination of the connection to the gas pipeline, and the chimney service device, the blank wood and so on.

Important! Supervisors are specified setting hot water boiler heating system during installation. But if the boiler output is significant, and the amount of power consumption may exceed the specified in the contract limits its operation still have to coordinate with the electricity supplier.
Electrical boilers are classified according to the method in the electric power conversion supplies:
- TENovye;
- electrode;
- induction.

After studying the characteristics of each type, choose the unit, and without wasting time getting technical conditions to make installation the heating system in the apartment, in accordance with the technical documentation of the boiler, as well as the requirements of safe operation appliances.
The boilers are compact enough electricity for the apartment and in most cases are made in the wall-mounted, wall but still must have sufficient strength for mounting the brackets with subsequent placement unit.
For the appliance to the power supply is mounted on a separate line of the electric meter, which is equipped with automatic switches for emergency or scheduled de-energizing equipment, these machines are also fused with a short circuit.
Units up to 9 kW cope well with the object of heating in 2- 3- 4-room apartment, with their permissible to connect a single-phase network. More powerful equipment produced three-phase.
Ensuring the safety of the electric boiler
When used in a water heating system, there is a risk of electric heaters boiling coolant, so the installation of equipment focusing on the thermostat - the device will automatically turn on and off boiler. A thermostatic device can operate also in circuit protection mode from the defrost water when the heating is used as a backup method of heating.

Electric boiler is equipped also other protective devices:
- automatic venting valve of the circuit;
- Membrane Water pressure relief valve in the system in case of failure of the thermostatic unit or clogging of the pipeline;
- pressure gauge and thermometer - for visual control of the state of water in the working fluid circuit in the circuit.
These devices are mounted compactly collected separately or in a so-called security box.

The heating system should be able to connect to the water supply, providing an opportunity to replenish the amount of coolant in the circuit. Connecting web equipped with two ball valves with a filter therebetween. As the filter member used phosphate salt, which prevents deposition of salts on the contour walls and heating elements.

Connecting the electric boiler heating circuit possible on their own, but if there is no practical experience carry out this work, it's better to perform it in a pair with a professional or trust completely professional installation organization.
Installation of the heating circuit
heating system design in the apartment contains all necessary information for the wiring of the heating pipe to the radiators. Pipe material, the number and arrangement of the radiators are indicated on the basis of calculations performed and, when connected to a heating plant, coolant characteristics.

This type of work in the regeneration of housing heating also has a lot of features and requires not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills of installation.
If the explanatory note to the heating project done at the proper level, the routing of the pipeline is quite feasible on its own paired with an experienced mentor.

In the absence of experience in the production of these works and the presentation of specific technologies in a note better to entrust the execution of installation art.
Installing efficient types of heating in the apartment - a complex of measures for successful implementation which requires not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experience in the production of many kinds works. Therefore, materials such articles facilitate the development of a particular type of installation works, but do not call to acquire practical experience, taking up the improvement of housing complex heating system immediately after reading theory.
However, even the theoretical knowledge will help to control the heating installation contractor in the apartment, which, unfortunately, are not always responsible enough.
The main essence of the article
- Proper design of a permit for the installation of gas equipment - the key to the safe operation of heating systems.
- Efficient heating system starts with a good design.
- Gas boiler water heating - the unit, the installation of which requires increased monitoring.
- Electric boiler - the possibility of solving the housing problems of heating with smaller forces.
- Qualitative installation of the heating system correctly execution of the project - a guarantee of safety, effectiveness, efficiency and durability operation of the heating equipment.