The onset of cold weather for the majority of the inhabitants of city apartments is due to the increase in the expenditure article household budget. We are forced to pay for heating their homes, regardless of whether we use the services of central heating or in our apartment stands independent heating system. Free fuel does not exist. For any fuel that is a source of thermal energy has to be paid. Switched mode total savings, which naturally affects the conditions of stay. In this situation, the owners of the apartment there is a reasonable question. what it is economical heating?

How to save on heating in the winter, what measures to take, which significantly reduce the pressure on its own purse in the heating season. These questions can be dealt with, if you carefully examine each of the currently existing types of home heating. Understand the principle of the economy can be a careful analysis of the existing available fuels, as well as studying the technical parameters of heating appliances.
See also: the most economical way of heating a country house.
Independent heating in the apartment - the main condition for the economy
Housing, which is connected to the system central heating in most cases, are heated by a residual principle. What temperature is the heating medium entering the piping system from the house heating plant, such a degree of heat is in your apartment. The central line coolant temperature is in the range of 45-950FROM. Entering the system coolant of an apartment house, distributed by pipeline, getting in each apartment. Heating in the apartment depends on the type of wiring in a house and configuration of the building heating system. Independently regulate the temperature of the heating radiator in the apartment in this case impossible.
This is the significant disadvantage of district heating, which operates on the principle of "give - take and pay". What kind of savings in this case can be discussed. The only possible way out of the situation in this case - to increase thermal efficiency. Those. do to become warmer in the apartment - it is possible, but on the contrary, lower costs - in any way. Even blocking a centralized heat supply to the apartment, you still have to pay the bills for the heated area.

Way out of this situation it is necessary to look into the possibility of obtaining permission to disconnect from the centralized heating. Only standalone - ensure the financial stability of your budget. Only with this type of heating apartments you really can build in his apartment the necessary microclimate and optimal living conditions. The main condition to achieve economies - to increase the efficiency of the heating system.
See also: how to make an independent heating in the apartment?
The methods and options for improved home heating
Having the permission to disconnect from the central heating systems, it can be assumed that half the problem is solved. Now about heating issues fall on the shoulders of the owner. Efficiency apartment heating system efficiency now depends on what species will be given preference. Economically - is, above all, an umbrella term, an abstract. To achieve efficiency in the heating equipment can be using all currently known methods and means. For example, the intensity of the auxiliary heating depends on the following factors:
- acceptable amount of heat losses apartments;
- what kind of self-heating costs in the building;
- whether on heating thermostats equipment if it works equipment regularly;
- the condition of the main communication of the heating system;
- The population density in the apartment, household needs.
Considering every single option you can find real ways to save. Heat loss of the building - an issue that can be solved once and for all, having capital work on warming.

On a note: Sealing of inter-panel joints, external insulation panels, insulation of window and door openings will increase the thermal efficiency of your home by 15-20%.
On heating in the apartment can be saved if the right to select the appropriate form of heating. Gas boiler or electric, convectors or underfloor heating, household electric heaters - heating each option has its pros and cons. It is appropriate to recall that, as far as your home heating system is well equipped with automation and instrumentation for the heating temperature control. Today, virtually all obgreva systems used in the home, the individual heaters are equipped with thermostats, through which you can set the optimum heating mode. The state of the pipes and electrical wiring in the house depends on the efficiency of the heating equipment.
Important! Correct pipework and radiators connection method depends on the well-composed project autonomous heating. Hydraulic and thermal calculations to determine the optimal number of radiators and installation method. When used for electrical heating it is important to have appropriate power wiring. The presence of three-phase meter, and automatic emergency shutdown will make your home safe and reliable power grid.
Evaluating the above we can draw the following conclusion. Only qualified and competent approach in improving efficiency home heating It will allow to achieve tangible results.
Economical heating system for an urban apartment
It should be recognized that economical heating - it is not always an abstract concept. Such systems do exist today and each has a right to make a choice what to prefer. The main aspect in this case - the minimum cost of fuel consumed heating devices and equipment to achieve the required temperature. For the inhabitants of the alternative gas and city apartments electric heating does not exist. For private homes and cottages options with a choice of the type much more. The diagram shows a schematic diagram of a gas heating in the apartment.

City apartment - a limited household structures and communications space. In addition, when a decentralized heating, an organization should take into account the opinion of neighbors, other tenants of the apartment building. Pyrolysis gas generators and boilers for urban apartment not suitable as the embodiment with air heating. The only options - gas, water, or electricity. Gas and electricity in our homes are the only available fuels and energy, which can be used for other purposes.

Traditional for many of us, water heating is considered to be the most appropriate and practical. Gas unlike electricity is almost always in the pipeline.
Important! In comparison with electricity, the cost of energy for heating gas is considerably higher, despite the high efficiency of the electric boiler. Gas in this respect significantly outperforms electricity. The more that the cost of electric heating in accordance with the current tariffs is neither more nor less than 4000 rubles / Gcal.
Even if you were able to install SUPER SAVER electric boiler equipped with the monitoring system, bills for electricity unpleasant surprise you at the end of the month. We'll have to save on their own domestic needs. Electricity for a city apartment, especially considering the length of the heating season in our country, is expensive for home heating. Use electric household heating devices can be added as an auxiliary measure. Electric boilers, heaters and household heat gun is mainly used to maintain the optimum temperature, or to create a particular point on the flat high temperature.
Be sure to check out: how to pay for heating less?
Alternative heat sources for a city apartment
In search of an optimal system, change a well-established conservative point of view and to draw attention to alternatives.

Instead of the usual for us gas pipes, wall-mounted convector, you can use the power of the radiant energy. Infrared heaters, which are now increasingly being introduced to the market of heating equipment, are capable of in a short time to create the desired temperature in the apartment. The operating principle of infrared heat sources, built on the reflectivity of each object located indoors, reflect heat, thereby emitting a certain amount of airspace heat.
Modern infra-red heaters in contrast to other types of heaters in order economical. Setting the apartment corresponding amount of infrared lamps on the ceiling will do the trick. You will receive the necessary heat and electricity savings will be evident.
Economical heating - a moot point. Much depends on how demanding the owners of apartments are to themselves. Serious approach to saving heat inside the apartment, combined with effective and economic systems provide tangible result.