For many residents of city apartments the inexorable approach of winter is not only associated with the rapid deterioration of the weather conditions. The temperature on the street everyday drops lower and lower. The heat stored in our homes for the summer, easily volatilized, making our house cold and uncomfortable. Almost within a month, we all have to endure the inconvenience and freeze in his apartment, using any means of heating and appliances. In the offseason, we all look forward to include central heating in apartments, when the batteries zazhurchit nice and our house was filled with a pleasant and warmth welcome.
Exact calendar dates, which is tied the beginning of the heating season does not exist. Tentatively, given the long-term observations, the heating in the apartment must be submitted in mid-October, when the temperature readings indicate that the cold is here to stay.

Work boilers run district heating based on the existing special health rules and regulationsMounted in the housing and communal services for residential premises. For each region, it should include heating at a date to be determined taking into account the geographical and climatic features. We are talking about long-term synoptic observations on the basis of which the relevant sanitary rules and norms.
The long-awaited heat in the apartment - what awaits us every year
Owners of apartment buildings is constantly tormented by the question when to start the heating season this year. There are strict technological district heating performance criteria, which have to comply with thermal power company. Based on the approved budget item SNP formed, which contribute to the state spent on heating facilities of public utilities and housing. Depending on the length of the heating season are appropriate fuel stocks at thermal power station, construction schedule planned preventive maintenance activities in the heating ducts.
Important! Not only decrease the temperature in the street defines the anticipated date of the inclusion of heating. On heat deadlines affect technological readiness centralized heat supply systems, repair of house mains and heating pipelines.
Theoretically, the main parameter, which pay attention to public utilities in the process of preparation of a new heating season, a steady decrease in outside temperature. If a long period of time the average temperature on the street does not exceed 10 0Since, we can expect the long-awaited climate warming in the apartments. However, it is in theory, in practice it is much more difficult.
For example, in the Arkhangelsk region the cold season starts a month earlier than in central Russia, not to mention the southern regions. According to weather forecasters temperature in the month of September may be 15-170With such in Moscow and Moscow region, while in the Urals and Western Siberia, this figure could fall to a mark 8-100FROM. In each case, the utility expect accurate predictions of Synoptists, focusing on their data in determining the expected date of initiating the supply of heat to the heating plant.
Long Indian summer, an unexpected thaw in mid-autumn, can make significant adjustments in time for the start of the supply of heat in city apartments. Every year brings surprises in this regard, especially given the ever-changing climate on our planet. The sharp cooling in the month of September may be replaced by an unexpected warmth in October, when all eagerly waiting to include heating. In this case, there is confusion. Sometimes the power company - the subject of supplying heat in your home, regardless of the warming involves heating at a given time. Then in your apartment becomes hot as in Africa. You have to open windows and ventilate the apartment, spending nowhere precious heat.
And vice versa. In a situation where the next warming has deferred heating enable you to enjoy the warmth outside, and cold again comes unexpectedly. In this case, both you and the heat suppliers will find yourself caught off guard. Sanitary rules and regulations in this case are for public utilities basic documents giving the right to run the central heating. Otherwise, for the violation of the established standards, thermal power companies can incur administrative liability.
See also: how to turn on the heating in the apartment?
It is time to understand the regulations existing for district heating
We all know - the end of September, beginning of October - a time when our thermometers record a rapid drop in temperature. Capital construction is rapidly cooled. Calculate the expected timing of heating can turn on their own, if track the diurnal temperature parameters. If for 5 days in a row outside air temperature rises above 80C means is about to, in the batteries of your apartment will welcome warmly. When your apartment is located in a house that is connected to the district heating and maintained body representing the meeting of owners, the date of the beginning of the heating season is determined collectively.

Temperature and technical details, which we face in the run-up to the next the heating season, make it possible to understand when given heating in urban apartments, and what does it It depends. Engage in simple arithmetic and count the days before the proposed date of inclusion of heating, is not entirely correct. When we look at the thermometer, then we perceive the information literally. We are talking about an average daily temperature of air. This figure is calculated as follows:
- the highest rate per day is added to the lowest temperature value.
- the result is divided by two.
For instance: 2 + 12 = 14/2 = 7 average temperature. If this rate will last five days, it is realistic to hope for fast heat in your home.
For a more precise definition, it is necessary to take the data to forecasters. Meteorological Observatory fixing temperature is performed 8 times during the day, every three hours. The figures are summed and divided by 8 already. This is the first aspect that affects the determination of the exact date of the inclusion of heating. Another aspect is analog. Forecasters and communal services are guided by the climate and temperature data from previous years. Based on analysis of weather are formed of planning and restoration work on the heat pipes. In accordance with the date of the beginning of the heating season in previous years, calculated the approximate date of commencement of the new inclusion of district heating.
Regulatory documents for public utilities are the sanitary rules and regulations (SNIP) and as approved by the Russian Government №354 from 06.05.2011, the "The rules of public services."
It is in these rules and contains the very norm of the average daily temperature for 5 consecutive days. In 2015, a new norm, according to which utilities are entitled to early to start centralized heating urban housing. Previously, it is possible - later, it is impossible!
For reference: Often tenants are faced with a situation where the official heating season should be a long time to start, for bills heating come regularly, and your multi-storey building is not connected to a centralized system heating.
If the batteries are cold only in one apartment, and the whole house is fully receives the necessary heat - this means there is a problem technical nature, which must be urgently addressed. This will help you to specialists or your management company serving housing and operational offices.
What temperature should be in the inner rooms can be traced by examining the text of SanPiN 2.1.2 1002-00
room | Temperature (degrees) | |
optimal | permissible | |
Residential interior | 20-22 | 18-24 |
Kitchen | 19-21 | 18-26 |
bathroom | 19-21 | 18-26 |
Bathroom | 24-26 | 18-26 |
Dressing room, corridor between apartments | 18-20 | 16-22 |
The lobby, staircase | 16-18 | 14-20 |
Storage rooms and a mezzanine | 16-18 | 12-22 |
The table shows that if the house has the necessary thermal efficiency, in the interior living spaces, even in the off-season should be kept comfortable temperature. If the central heating is not doing its job to ensure that these temperatures, you need to call the representatives of housing inspection to compile an official act. Management Company, representatives of heat supply company may participate in the inspection of your home, draw up a statement. The heat supply must be carried out without interruption, unless there are good reasons for the refusal to provide the services of this kind.
What steps, if the heating is still not included
The house is still cold, but the street has long been a low temperature, have patience and start disturb the company, the organization, which connect heat supply and are responsible for the operation of centralized heating.
Important! It is necessary to competently and on time to fix violations temperature indicators in your apartment. Such an instrument would be a valid reason for filing. In the future, you can seek compensation for the unfulfilled heat. Complaints best served collectively. Otherwise, your requirements can be ignored, referring to the many technical reasons for the lack of timely supply of heat in the apartment.
By submitting a complaint, it is necessary to seek an official response from the power company. Having the necessary documents can apply to the court for protection of consumer rights. Filed a lawsuit will be considered mandatory.

Considering a practical solution to the problem of heat in the batteries, you can resort to improvised heating means. In a similar manner to the off-season rescued to 90% of households. Due to electricity today can solve the problem of heating the apartment, when before the heating season have to wait and wait. Concerning this aspect, we should not overdo it. Redoing apartment own heating system to other heat sources can lead to costly fines. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation clearly defines owners responsible for the violation of the rules of use of housing stock.

In an extreme case, arbitrariness when retrofitting heating systems engineering, and other communications apartment building may amount to arbitrariness, which is already subject to criminal responsibility.