Every year the residents of apartment buildings there is one and the same problem - the cold is coming, whether to answer the heating value of the quality of utility tariffs. Heating in the apartment for the bulk of the urban population turns to the eternal struggle for survival. Pay a lot of money and get a result mediocre service - a situation with which many people do not want to put up. If you insulate an apartment on their own can achieve the improvement of the quality of energy companies service a moot point. Radically solve the problem will help independent heating system - equipment with which you will receive at last the expected comfort in her apartment.

Independent heating - what it is independence
The main challenge that can face the residents of a city apartment, wishing to become independent of district heating is to get permission. Without official documents authorizing disconnect from the central heating and the finished project for the future of autonomous heating in the apartment, it is impossible to carry out the dismantling of equipment.
Important! Unauthorized actions to shut down and dismantle elements central heating in the premises of an apartment building can be regarded as an administrative offense. In identifying such facts landlord is forced to not only pay the fine, but also at his own expense to restore the dismantled equipment.
In the process of solving organizational issues should not be left for later development of the project. In other words, if you have decided to equip in his apartment decentralized heating system, you will have to pre-determine the choice, what kind of autonomous heating preferred.
The notion of an "independent" in relation to a city apartment looks very conditional. Unlike a private house, where the owner has a great technological features, city apartment has limited resources. In private households can be set independent heating of virtually any type. In the presence of the landlord desires and certain finance can indeed achieve complete independence from centralized energy suppliers.

The main advantages of independent heating systems are as follows:
- possibility of independent adjustment of premises heating intensity;
- fast startup and shutdown faster autonomous heating systems;
- a real opportunity to achieve savings in energy consumption;
- maintenance of the apartment is optimal permitted temperature at any time of the year.
The presence of in-communication, layout of apartments and stringent technical standards do not allow owners apartment in an apartment building used stove and air heating, and other options for alternative heating. In this case it is necessary to settle for gas or electricity. Any power outages or gas supply will drive all of your independence to zero. The only thing you can do is to equip autonomous domestic heating using one of the main sources, and the second to keep as a backup, fallback.
Note: when applying for disconnection from the central heating, you have to put a project of alternative heating for your apartment. Selection of energy is not great, the draft can be designed for installation of a gas or electric heating equipment. Any other independent heating options will not work for reconciliation and will be rejected.
We make a choice - use gas for heating or focus on electricity
Gas water heating - what and how?
The heat source for any heating system is a key issue. Fundamentally important for the inhabitants of a city apartment is two points.
- the first time. Do you want to get in the end cheaper way of heating their own apartments or are guided by a thorough heating and capital equipment that is able to create in the apartment and comfort;
- the second time. In what region you live in, what is the average monthly temperature for your windows in the cold season;
These aspects can further help you make the right choice to solve the problem - both faster and cheaper to do an independent heating in the apartment?
On the first issue is to decide at once, since the concept of cheap and comfortable not compatible. Any independence from centralized sources of energy costs considerable money. Rejecting the central heating, You will be at their own expense to carry out the dismantling of building heating elements. Retrofitting and installation of new heating equipment will cost a pretty penny.
As to the question, what kind of heating to give preference, there is a need to consider the second aspect. If you are outside most of the time in the winter is worth minus temperature, then no central heating you can save only independent gas boiler. Other options for the heating during the cold winter will not give a tangible effect.
For reference: Heating with wood and coal on economic indicators comparable with gas heatingBut we are talking about a city apartment. Where you will be installing a solid fuel boiler, as will work your chimney, and where will host your store with combustible fuel. At cost is the heating will be very inconvenient for the residents of an apartment building, unprofitable and dangerous. That is why they are banned regulations.
Gas heating is advantageous not only from an economic point of view. Current models are equipped with automatic gas boilers and can work completely offline. In addition, there are now plenty of finished projects, which have already been agreed and are applied in practice. In terms of permits gas heating system is not satisfactory in controlling services. For city apartment choice with the option independent heating is more than obvious. Turbofan gas boiler equipped with a programmable thermostat is able to fully satisfy the needs of the residents of urban household apartment in warm and hot water supply. There is virtually complete independence of your apartment by the work of municipal services.
Normal operating independent heating gas automatically able to maintain the desired temperature in the apartment. Automation controls the operation of the boiler and thus heating the coolant temperature by optimizing the gas flow.
Electric heating - whether to communicate
Heating city apartments electricity today is not as massive in comparison with gas central heating. Despite the high level of security and ease of installation of heating equipment, the constant growth in electricity tariffs puts this option heating questioned. Frequent electricity blackouts in winter related to the increased load on the existing electrical and transformers. Do you like it in the dead of winter to sit without heat, if in the area shut down for two or three hours electricity. Most probably not!
In addition, according to engineers, Teplovik, heating electricity by direct heating - Today the luxury. From a practical point of view to use electricity for heating apartments uneconomical, although the efficiency of electric boilers high enough and exceeds all other forms and types of heating devices.

For reference: relatively reasonable price electrical heating offset by costs associated with the refurbishment of the house electric. For efficient and proper operation of the electric boiler, other heating devices require permanent installation phase counter and protective devices.
According to the retail network, mainly electric boilers becoming owners of country houses and cottages, which are limited in the use of domestic gas. Owners of many apartments of high-rise buildings, having at its disposal, electric stoves, are not particularly eager to establish electric heating.

For example: a bypass electric power boiler 5-9 kW, it is suitable for heating and hot water supply of an apartment area of 80 sq. m, not more. It should be a unit, talking about a good brand and reliable models of 12-16 thousand. rubles. To this we must add the costs associated with obtaining approvals to power companies, the development of the heating system project. It has about 5000 rubles. Retrofitting and installation cost is also in a considerable amount. Total: the total costs amount to 20-25 thousand. rubles. Are the costs are all those efforts, if in reality, substantial savings can not. Independence in this case will turn out only on paper.
Underfloor heating, convector heaters or infrared lamps - all wonderful. What about the hot water? If you use an electric boiler also for hot water in the house, then your mains house is not red, and "gold". In the project, everything looks fine, but the actual numbers in the electricity accounts say the opposite.
Summary and Conclusions
Gas heating system to date, a real step towards the independence of your home in the winter. Electricity can be used as an additional, auxiliary heating source. When small children in the apartment, or there is a cost overrun gas for heating, can use household electric heaters.
For reference: gas boiler may be installed in apartments located no more than 10 floors. The corresponding rate is fixed in the SNIP, violate no one you will not allow.
Selection of appropriate power boiler elementary is calculated by the formula: 1 kW of heat - 10 m2heated area + 10-20% for heat losses due to low thermal property. For the average flat area of 50 m2 It needs gas boiler capacity of 6 kW. Purely for heating apartments will suit single-loop boiler. In order to get even and hot water in addition, purchase Turbofan boiler. The required capacity of such units above, however, it is used only if you turn on the hot water tap.
Independent heating is not an easy task and time-consuming. With the right approach, patience and diligence can be done to not only the optimum heating conditions in the cold period, but significantly reduce the financial costs associated with heating. Your independence will be to optimize the consumption of fuel for their own needs. While saving gas, the use of electric heaters in extreme cases will allow you to achieve the necessary comfort in the apartment. In this case, your budget will be quite predictable and balanced.