Siphon for sink in the kitchen: types, selection criteria, installation

Siphon for sink in the kitchen: types, selection criteria, installation

The conversation around the shop: - Hey, what the name of the pipe under the sink? I need to buy. - I do not know, like a coil ... (From overheard) It is ridiculous of course, but there are such people. Now easier to call a plumber, than to perform such work. Yet man must know what a siphon for ...

The drain pipe 110 in a filter geotextile: advantages, types of styling

The drain pipe 110 in a filter geotextile: advantages, types of styling

Lowering the level of groundwater and protection from their harmful actions foundations - an important part of building a country house. To create a drainage system today is mainly used plastic pipe perforated type: smooth and corrugated, single or dual layer. As for the diameter, the lion's sha...

👉 Septic TOPAS: it is good, as they say about him?

👉 Septic TOPAS: it is good, as they say about him?

To provide a comfortable life in the country, in a country house or cottage can only be achieved if the organization will take care of sewerage. It is best for this purpose, in practice, suitable stand-alone installation of wastewater treatment (AU), often called "Septic tank". And although they...

Septic tank to give a high water table: the choice, installation

Septic tank to give a high water table: the choice, installation

The lack of central sewerage able to deliver a lot of inconvenience. Many satisfied cottage cesspools. At high groundwater level they are constantly filled with water, which greatly reduces their effectiveness. With such a problem can cope septic Tank to give a high level of groundwater. We offer...

Cable for cleaning sewer pipes: types, use

Cable for cleaning sewer pipes: types, use

Replacement of cast-iron sewer pipes with plastic solved the problem of frequent clogging sewage, but from time to time troubles still occur. And, as practice shows, the cable for cleaning sewer pipes are still in demand. In this article, we shall understand with a clogged drain, what they are, a...

Installing a toilet bowl with your hands: the criteria for the selection and installation

Installing a toilet bowl with your hands: the criteria for the selection and installation

Restroom - the room in which is installed a few plumbing fixtures, but chief among them - toilet bowl. Today the market offers a large number of varieties of this device, which differ from each other in size, shape, installation method, color and material performance. choose the right model of a...

🚽 Sololift Sewer - principle of operation and the device

🚽 Sololift Sewer - principle of operation and the device

Sololift for sewage is considered an alternative solution in the regeneration of the inner drain system in homes where spontaneous flow sloped impossible. This device is a kind of pumpWhich will remove remnants of feces and waste from shell and the toilet. Editorial HouseChief disassemble detail...

🚿 Siphon for bath: characteristics, rules of choice

🚿 Siphon for bath: characteristics, rules of choice

Siphon for bath, why is it so important? Despite the popularity of shower, bath remains the most favorite and most used sanitary object in most apartments. Soak in warm some water after a hard day's work - that's what dreams almost everyone. And fun is made up of several components: the presence...

🚽 cistern for toilet: the device features a selection, an overview of popular models

🚽 cistern for toilet: the device features a selection, an overview of popular models

The comfort of modern life due to many factors, among which not the least is equipping the bathroom and toilet. To date range of equipment for these facilities is very wide. Often, going to the plumbing shop, you can simply get lost. That is why in today's article we will try to deal with one of ...

🏠 Autonomous sewerage for private houses and sewage plants

🏠 Autonomous sewerage for private houses and sewage plants

If you have a private house, the optimal solution would be to connect sewage to a central drain. Alas, this is not always possible. In a more or less large settlements can still be found common rail, but on suburban suburban areas and small settlements that luxury is not available. In such circu...