Lowering the level of groundwater and protection from their harmful actions foundations - an important part of building a country house. To create a drainage system today is mainly used plastic pipe perforated type: smooth and corrugated, single or dual layer. As for the diameter, the lion's share of the implementation of the stores takes the drainpipe 110 in the filter geotextile. About her and talk in today's review.

Read article
- 1 Geotextiles for drainage suburban area
- 2 Advantages and disadvantages of drainage pipes geotextile
- 3 Which parts of the pipe are used with geotextile
- 4 Rules laying of drainage pipes with geotextile
- 5 What is better - or coir geotextile
- 6 The manufacturers and the price of drainage pipes 110 mm in geotextile filter
Geotextiles for drainage suburban area
We begin first with a geotextile just as with the main filter material for drainage. This nonwoven fabric made of polyester or polypropylene. It does not rot, does not break, does not corrode, so its service life is considered to be virtually unlimited. In fact it is the filter material, which retains the smallest particles, passing through itself water.
Therefore, constructing a drainage system, a geotextile is used as a protective layer, which is to contain the grains of soil, so they do not penetrate into the pipework. It is clear that getting into the pipe, the ground starts there deposited layers, clogging it thoroughly. That is, there is a drainage silting.

More recently, the use of geotextiles in drainage system consisted of the following:
- It was covered with a prepared trench so that the web width enough to wrap itself drainage pipe and thick gravel layer. Therefore, the size of the pre-calculated accurately.
- Then was poured on geotextile 15 cm thick crushed stone.
- It was packed on top of the perforated pipe.
- More top was erected a crushed stone layer with a thickness of 15 cm.
- And already then carried wrapping cloth with fastening edges of the material.
- The last step - filling the trench with soil.

The process of laying drainage has always been difficult and time consuming. Today, all this in the past, because the manufacturers have to offer drainage pipes with geotextile. That is, they are right on the factory wrapped nonwoven web, leaving only the free ends of the connection terminals.
Advantages and disadvantages of drainage pipes geotextile
By itself, the filter material, which wraps the drainage pipe can not be regarded as a separate element from the pipes themselves. That is, all the pros and cons of plastic pipe products to fully deal with and their modifications. Especially wrapped nonwoven polymeric web, which has its advantages are many.
So, here are the main advantages of the drainage pipe 110 mm, wrapped in geotextile:
- guaranteed service life - 50 years;
- low specific weight, which facilitates their transport, transportation, warehousing and manufacturing operations;
- safely withstand considerable temperature changes from -40 ° C to + 90 ° C;
- smooth inner surface, which creates conditions for the impossibility of formation of mud layers;
- low price.

These positive qualities add yet another - a load-bearing capacity. Here it is necessary to indicate that the drainage pipes are divided on this indicator into several categories, which is the lowest - SN2, the highest - SN16. The first can be laid to a depth of 2 m. In some regions it is not enough to ensure water drainage. Therefore most often in suburban areas using drainage pipes 110 mm in the filter with 4 or SN3 rigidity which can be laid to a depth of 5 m.
Now about the geotextile, or rather a complement to its positive characteristics. The main of them - is the filtering ability. It varies in the range of 10 ÷ 450 microns. Everything depends on the density of the fabric. For comparison, the filtration capacity straw plank which is equal to 12000 microns, or sand - 5000 microns.

As for the drawbacks, it is first necessary to note, that in time all will be equal to the canvas clogged soil particles, making filtration rate begins to fall. That is, water will leak, but in small quantities. Of course, this is in some way affect the drainage, but not so much. Anyway, its guaranteed 50 years of drainage pipes in the geotextile will work faithfully.
Which parts of the pipe are used with geotextile
In principle, any certain strict rules for the selection of the type of soil there. But there are some requirements that can be ignored:
- If the station sandy soilThat is, he is a filter tube with geotextile that can not fill up with gravel. But for the sake of precaution is still doing.
- loamy soil - be sure to use crushed stone bedding thickness of 15 cm.
- clay - also applied crushed stone layer with a thickness not less than 20 cm.

Rules laying of drainage pipes with geotextile
At the heart of the installation of the drainage system is the process of construction of drains. This trench dug below proleganiya groundwater for at least 20 cm.
Attention! Dig drainage is necessary in the driest season, ie summer to be GWL at the lowest level.

The width of the bottom of the trench should be 40 ÷ 50 cm larger than the diameter of the tubes. In our case it is 60 cm.
- The bottom layer of the trench is filled with coarse sand or fine gravel (grain size of 5 ÷ 20 mm). It is at this stage is set inclination angle of the drainage system of the house to the assembler well, in which water will be collected for outputting the off-site. The maximum gradient of 5 ÷ 7 mm per one meter length drains.
- Laying pipe in the geotextile.
- Laid on top of the pipe is strew sand or gravel.
- All drainage areas are interconnected fittings: tees and crosses. Rectilinear sections bilateral couplings.
- Backfill with soil, which is filled with a projection above the ground. Over time, he Tamp the trench and become even with the relief area.
Attention! In the production of drainage pipes used geotextile filtering layer 1.7 mm thick. Therefore, during installation work must be very careful to treat all materials. You can not pipe to drag on the ground or thrown during unloading. Thin filter element can not withstand such loads. He just tear, and then have to carry out repairs: buy separately geotextiles and wind it on the damaged area with fastening wire or tape.

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What is better - or coir geotextile
Manufacturers drains now offer another kind in terms of the filter bed supplement - a pipe wrapped with coconut fiber. This variant of the filtration layer is used for a long time in Europe, it is considered that it is by far the best. To dot the «i» to make a comparative analysis of the two materials.
Indicators | Pipe with geotextile | With coconut fiber |
Price per 1 running. m rubles. | 70 | 290 |
bedding rubble | required | Not required |
Price of gravel fines, rub. / M³ | 2500 | —— |
Filtration capacity, micron | 450 | 700 |

That is, it turns out that a pipe with geotextile themselves are cheaper than their counterparts with a shell of coconut fiber. But judging by the additional costs that they are about 20 ÷ 30% more expensive than out. In addition, it is necessary to add that the coconut filter material has a 3D structure, ie the volume. It is because she has such a high filtration efficiency.
There is another position, which is not always say the producers. This soil, where it is best to install one or the other model. Pipe with geotextile better laid in sand and sandy-loam soils, with coconut filter in clay, loam and peat.

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The manufacturers and the price of drainage pipes 110 mm in geotextile filter
In Russia today, a large cluster of manufacturers who are engaged in the production of plastic pipes for different purposes. Because it is demanded material, without which does not do any building. Hence, the need for them is enormous. Each manufacturer in its range has necessarily drainage tube with the filter layer and without it.

Talk about the popular manufacturer does not make sense, because there are large plants and in each region, and small shops that sell their products, and problems do they have. The price of the drainage pipe of 110 mm in a filter geotextile almost all the same - 70 rubles / rm.. m with some deviations upward or downward. But these deviations are negligible.
The only thing that may be different rates of drainage pipes 110 mm in diameter from each other, is the use of different geotextile own shape and number of layers.
Characteristics | price, rub. |
With geotextile brand Sibur | 60 |
With geotextile Typar brands | 80 |
The pipe-layer | 65 |
The bilayer | 120 |
Double layer with geotextile Typar | 160 |
The table shows that it is a geotextile as a filter element, it adds significant value tubular products. This applies particularly to its brand Typar, which flows into Russia from Luxembourg from the company «DuPont». Therefore, the price for such products is high. But the builders, especially road workers, have long been familiar with the material of the brand, and reviews about it only positive.
As regards geotextile Sibur, it is a product of the famous Russian producer from Surgut "Sibur-geotextile". This grade long-proven, however drainage pipe manufacturers are using it as a filter layer with excellent technical and operational characteristics. Today the company is the owner of two plants located in the Tula region and the city Kemerovo, which allows to move away from the extra costs associated with transport costs.

To all of the above must be added that when choosing pipes for drainage should be considered and the depth of their laying. The closer to the surface of the soil will be laying, the easier it is to carry out the work, the less material costs. But, as practice shows, often the average depth of the is 2 m, when it comes to drainage of groundwater, not storm water. Therefore, it is recommended to use corrugated pipes, which act on sale in coils of 50 m. This is particularly convenient in terms of installation without a lot of joints, plus the ability to avoid cutting on the twists and turns, because such products are made of polyethylene flexibility.