Sololift for sewage is considered an alternative solution in the regeneration of the inner drain system in homes where spontaneous flow sloped impossible. This device is a kind of pumpWhich will remove remnants of feces and waste from shell and the toilet. Editorial HouseChief disassemble detail all the points on the principle of operation and the device mounting system.
Metal parts of equipment work well in damp conditions, as made from anticorrosive steel
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1 What is it sololift and how to use it
2 pump function for sewage sololift
3 Advantages and disadvantages of sololifta Grandfos for sewage systems
4 The structure and is included in the kit sololifta
5 How does the pumping sewage installation
6 General Specifications sololifta
7 A brief overview of models for sewer sololiftov with prices and reviews
7.1 Sewage installation Grundfos Sololift 2 WC-3
7.2 Installation sewage Grundfos Sololift2 d 2
7.3 Pump installation for sewer Grundfos Sololift WC-2 1
7.4 Sewage installation Grundfos Sololift 2 C-3
8 How to choose a sewage pump sololift toilet and sink
9 Installation of a pump for forced canalization sololift
10 Maintenance and repair of pump sololifta: important points
What is it sololift and how to use it
At first glance, sewage pump for the kitchen and bathroom is a plastic tank that plays a role pump. It is used in the case gasket level sewerage significantly higher than the discharge space. Installation is small, therefore practically does not create an aesthetic discomfort.
Large debris thrown into the toilets, equipped sololiftom not recommended. The most he can process, so it is branded toilet paper
Typically such constructions are hidden in tiled niche or screens under the bath. The device is allowed to use, if necessary to equip shower or bathroom indoor basement. All these plants have the same working mechanism, however, depending on the species, may vary.
By sololiftu if provided technical parameters connect several points
pump function for sewage sololift
forced canalization Pumps for removal of waste organizes individual work, why does not depend on itself sewer system. Some functions and settings for individual power of each particular model. Thus the connection is in the regeneration of:
shells, shower trays;
bidet and toilet;
washing and dishwashers.
The device is suitable for connection to a suspended toilet bowl or under the shower tray
Device effectively cope with the task flow of water used, even in areas where sanitation is much higher. For example, the greater effectiveness of the device has a garages, cellars and basementsWhich have individual sanitary equipment.
For the compounds can be used clamps
Advantages and disadvantages of sololifta Grandfos for sewage systems
At first glance, sewer sololift has little obvious advantages. But if you touch capabilities deeper equipment, there are several positive qualities:
possibility arrangement of bathrooms and connection of home appliances anywhere;
there is no need to tear down walls to build a new pipeline with an appropriate bias;
should not be spent on additional pipes and equip a separate drain;
Reasonable price for one piece of equipment;
Installation is easily hidden in a niche or conveniently mounted directly behind the toilet;
look attractive;
There are check valves, which in case of an emergency, do not lead to the leakage of the contents of sewage into the house.
May be connected in series two sololifta
One significant drawback can distinguish among these advantages - it is dependent on electricity. That is, in the absence thereof, to use appliances or bathroom prohibited. However, there is a way out - Connection alternative energy sources.
All items should be ideally suited for fasteners
The structure and is included in the kit sololifta
Forced pumping waste from plumbing fixtures directly at sololifte. This is achieved through the special design, despite the fact that the very compact device. Consider what is in the working mechanism of the appliance:
a plastic housing with holes for inlet and outlet pipes;
submersible pumpResponsible for the transportation of waste from the source to the sewage system;
a check valve, preventing return of waste;
a shredder mechanismWhich crushes the particles are too large to move through their normal sewer pipes;
reception filtration system and a carbon filter.
More often than not forced drains are mounted directly on the floor
Since inclusion of fecal macerator pump for a toilet in the network, all parts of the mechanism are beginning to interact synchronously. As regards the set, the sewer sololift consists of a certain volume of the storage container (depending on model), as well as internal parts. Sometimes Comes with consumables (gaskets, connectors).
On a note! To one sololiftu it can be connected to three sanitary units (through the corresponding holes or via one node).
When mounting the pump should be considered and the presence of slopes and rises in the tubes
How does the pumping sewage installation
Operating principle pumping equipment for home sewage systems is as follows:
All the liquid from one or more connected devices is supplied to pump fecal toilet or wash. Before entering the supercharger comes grinding major components in the liquid to such an extent that subsequently can be smoothly transported in the sewer pipe.
Further, the role is transferred pumping equipmentWhich pumps the liquid entered all with good pressure. For example, for vertical structures pumping force is 5 m vertically and horizontally about 100 m.
Then, through the carbon filter installed, the air is clean, which fell into the sewer. This prevents odor in the room.
Further, all the liquid enters the bore and connected tube diameter of 100-110 mm.
At the same time, even in the case of education leaks, Unpleasant odor, due to the action of the filter system in the room will be absent.
Vladislav Mikhaltsov
Millwright for operation of water supply and sewerage systems "GK" Spetsstroy "
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«For further normal operation of coal in a cleaner sololifte well enough to rinse it under running water without using cleaning chemicals. "
Sometimes Sololift can be used for supplying water to the sump
General Specifications sololifta
All models Sololift devices are available in white color only, are small. However, in addition, each unit provides the individual labeling, which stands differently. Consider the technical features of the instrument, depending on the set of marks:
D-3. This marking allows you to connect to sololift shell, and showers with installed sieve limiters;
C-3. C - is the size of devices which is 125 mm. Accordingly, such setting is suitable for mounting in the individual conditions;
WC - a device that is equipped with a special cutting device. This type of pump is permitted to sewer installation in an apartment kitchen;
WC-1. A similar device equipped with the chopper, and only one output for connection;
WC-3. The device with a cutting device provides three different connection.
In case of incorrect installation, moisture can penetrate to the working mechanism
Plastic equipment adapted only for the transport of liquid substances with a temperature not exceeding + 45 ° C. Devices labeled P-3 can operate with a hot waste. Typically soliliftov capacity is 4.3 m³ / h.
A brief overview of models for sewer sololiftov with prices and reviews
Drainage pumps chopper became popular in country houses, as well as weekend homes, office buildings. Mainly in places where access to the public sewer system, difficult to reach. Consider the number of devices that are most often purchased for domestic use.
Sewage installation Grundfos Sololift 2 WC-3
This model deserves attention due to the good performance. The device is designed for surface mounting, suitable for serving the four water intake points.
Power, W
Throughput, m³ / h
Fluid temperature, ° C
Mass, kg
Hole glands have threaded connections
Review model Grundfos Sololift 2 WC-3
More on Yandex. Market:—kanalizatsionnaia-ustanovka-grundfos-sololift-2-wc-3/7344547/reviews? track = tabs
Installation sewage Grundfos Sololift2 d 2
The model has good pressure and high-quality assembly of the housing. It is these conditions and make the device popular among users. It is intended solely for horizontal mounting.
Power, W
Head, m
Throughput, m³ / h
Mass, kg
Fluid temperature, ° C
Up to 50
By sewage pumps can be connected to plastic pipes
Review model Sololift d2
More on Yandex. Market:—kanalizatsionnaia-ustanovka-grundfos-sololift-2-d-2/7344553/reviews? track = tabs
Pump installation for sewer Grundfos Sololift WC-2 1
Device has a high performance and excellent quality performance. This type of pumping equipment is not designed for installation "under the toilets." Suitable for shower, bidet, washbasin.
Power, W
Throughput, m³ / h
Head, m
Mass, kg
Clamps and brackets can be found in the package when purchasing
Review model Grundfos Sololift WC-2 1
More on Yandex. Market:—kanalizatsionnaia-ustanovka-grundfos-sololift-2-wc-1/7344545/reviews? track = tabs
Sewage installation Grundfos Sololift 2 C-3
The device for surface mounting with the possibility of horizontal installation. Means adapted for transportation the dirty water, is protected from running dry.
Power, W
Capacity, m³ / h
Head, m
Mass, kg
Fluid temperature, ° C
Up to 90
To complete the device better until it is mounted to the wall
Review model Grundfos Sololift 2 C-3
More on Yandex. Market:—kanalizatsionnaia-ustanovka-grundfos-sololift-2-c-3/7344550/reviews? track = tabs
How to choose a sewage pump sololift toilet and sink
Acquainted with the peculiarities of sewage sololifta, you should consider a few rules for the selection of accessories.
The liquid temperature. That is, if the device selected under washing machine or shower, Then he will be regularly in contact with hot water. Therefore, the optimal rate should be at the level of 45 ° C. If you need a pump "on the toilet", it is sufficient and 35 ° C.
Performance sololifta should be considered with some reserve. It is desirable that this parameter was 10-15% greater than the total volume of runoff. This will prevent potential problems, if necessary, the simultaneous use of multiple points of drain.
Water pressure must also meet certain standards, thus it is necessary to consider not only vertical but also horizontal flow. The optimal rate for the operation sololifta at home 5-8 meters.
This is a basic list of characteristics that should be considered when choosing a chopper pump the toilet and plumbing. Of course, you can pay attention to other manufacturers of pumping equipment. However sololifty for sewage Grundfos recognized as one of the most high-quality and durable.
Pumping stations can be installed in narrow back rooms
Installation of a pump for forced canalization sololift
Many users share opinions about how elementary is the installation of pumping units for sewerage. Nevertheless, that's how it will develop only if you follow some simple guidelines:
Installation of the equipment must be carried out always with shock absorbers, which prevent excessive pump vibration during operation. In addition, this approach will significantly increase the duration of its life.
Important to ensure that all connections are tight. Do not let the hose inflection. This can lead to poor-quality fluid transport in the sink.
As for the showers and sinks, there is a need to place the pump at the lowest point. You may need to build additional risers to increase the length of the waste bleed.
Installation is only permitted in the immediate vicinity of an electrical node (socket). Use of extension cords and perenosok not bring anything good.
Most importantly, abide by the rules of operation after installation and carry out maintenance in a timely manner, which we describe below. For more detailed information, see the video.
Maintenance and repair of pump sololifta: important points
Repair of pumping equipment company Grundfos is allowed to perform their own hands, but with full confidence that will cope with the work. Otherwise, you should contact the support service that provides assistance 24 hours 7 days a week. Equipment failure can be caused by several factors:
no engine power, or a problem occurs pressure switch;
It appears roar of the engine, which is most often associated with the breakdown of the impeller;
pump is running without interruption. This occurs when the fluid returning to the storage tank. Also, the fault may cause the pressure switch;
there is no pumping of water. Such a condition indicates the presence of contamination or occurrence of an airlock.
For better cleaning disassemble device fully
When referring to the experts, it is necessary to accurately describe the signs of pump failure for sewerage in the private house and call the master in the house. Do not remove the appliance and take it to the service. As long as the warranty period, experts will come into place.
Dear readers, if you have any questions on the use and maintenance of this equipment, perhaps you still are thinking about what to buy for sololift sewerage, be sure to ask in comments. If possible, share their opinions and experiences in the use of pumping stations. Put assessment paper and write what you would like to learn more about this equipment.