Siphon for sink in the kitchen: types, selection criteria, installation

The conversation around the shop:

- Hey, what the name of the pipe under the sink? I need to buy.

- I do not know, like a coil ...

(From overheard)

It is ridiculous of course, but there are such people. Now easier to call a plumber, than to perform such work. Yet man must know what a siphon for sinks in the kitchen, why is it needed, how to replace it. This will determine whether or not an unpleasant smell in the kitchen, the outflow of water drains. Defective siphon may cause flooding of the bottom neighbors. Today, we shall understand, what kinds of siphons are, what they are made and how to install.

Siphon for sink in the kitchen
Sump - a very important part of sewerage system for sinks

Read article

  • 1 What is a siphon, where it is used and what is the
  • 2 Siphon for sink in the kitchen: a schematic diagram and working principle
  • 3 Siphon for sink in the kitchen: what material is made
  • 4 Types of sedimentation tanks for the kitchen sink
  • 5 Criteria for selection of siphons for sinks
  • 6 Overview Manufacturer
  • 7 Nuances of the installation on the sink siphon
    • 7.1 Dismantling of the old settler: an algorithm of actions
    • 7.2 How to assemble the siphon for the sink in the kitchen: step by step guide
    • 7.3 What tools are required for assembly of the sump
    • 7.4 Installing sump on the sink: Procedure
    • 7.5 Nuances of the installation siphon for sinks with overflow
    • 7.6 Care sump: What actions need to be periodically
  • 8 Where to buy a siphon for the sink: the cost of some models
  • 9 Summarize

What is a siphon, where it is used and what is the

Siphon is called septic tank, located under the sinkThrough which the drain water drains. Such devices are installed and under bath. They create a slug that prevent bad smell in the room, and detained large debris, preventing clogged sewer pipe. After all, unscrew the cap and clean the siphon in the apartment much easier than punching obstruction in the riser.

All connections are plastic siphons Sink tightened his hands, without tools
All connections are plastic siphons Sink tightened his hands, without tools

Siphon for sink in the kitchen: a schematic diagram and working principle

The simplest settler consists only of the corrugated hose, more complex include a lot of details. This can be seen in the image below.

Options sump must be complete
Options sump must be complete

The principle of operation is to delay the settling tank trash and creating a hydraulic valve is not breathable. This can be compared with the system septic tanksWhere water flows into the well from the top, and the drain pipe is located on the meter and a half above the bottom. It turns out that large heavy dirt particles sink to the bottom and can not rise to the height of the discharge pipe. The same thing happens here, just on a smaller scale. And the drain siphon pipe wash the kitchen comes in the "keg" and goes straight down almost to the bottom, below the drainage level. It turns out that it is always under the water, which prevents the unpleasant smell to penetrate.

So do not be - plastic fragile. Flow after such work is almost inevitable
So do not be - plastic fragile. Flow after such work is almost inevitable

Siphon for sink in the kitchen: what material is made

Make syphons of plastic or metal. However, if the plastic devices for sludge water from the sink are the same and require a concealed installation, the metal siphon shell not so simple. The most convenient of them having an aesthetic appearance, is made of brass and chrome products. A more expensive - bronze and brass. But they are less practical due to the oxidation of these metals.

Popular today can be called plastic products, which can even collect confronted with plumbing for the first time handyman. Their price is accessible to everyone, and the service life longer than that of metal. In addition, lime scale it is not terrible. Of note advantages and resistance to chemical detergent compositions. But the main thing - is that there is no need to use special tool during installation. All siphon connection for cleaning the kitchen tightened manually.

So do not be - plastic fragile. Flow after such work is almost inevitable
So do not be - plastic fragile. Flow after such work is almost inevitable

Types of sedimentation tanks for the kitchen sink

Here there is a division into three categories:

  • Pipe;
  • corrugated;
  • bottle.

Differences between the siphon pipe of corrugated small. But the first option for a long time is not used in plumbing. It was made of cast iron, I have a lot of weight and cost. Today used pleated embodiment, made of plastic, in the same form bent pipe.

Corrugated the siphon - the most simple and cheap material with a minimum of parts
Corrugated the siphon - the most simple and cheap material with a minimum of parts

Bottle safer option in terms of litter delay. If a corrugated pipe or a function is only to create a water seal, and when the sediment of sand to clean it hard, then bottled in all respects superior to him. When blockages is possible to unscrew the bottom cover (without tools) and rinse the siphon, restoring drain sink in the kitchen.

Important! How would not seem simple trap, the choice of such devices is very important. Incorrectly selected product can make a dent in the family budget in case of flooding bottom neighbors.

Products made of brass look aesthetically pleasing, but are susceptible to oxidation
Products made of brass look aesthetically pleasing, but are susceptible to oxidation

Criteria for selection of siphons for sinks

The main parameter is the quality of the product, regardless of its value. When you purchase should carefully inspect it. The sump should have smooth edges (without "sag"), high-quality threads. It is worth checking and completeness.

Important! Before going to the store you need to decide whether the free space under the sink is sufficient if prevent installation of filters for water or something like that.

Choosing the material of manufacture, do not neglect the plastic products. Often, they are more durable metal. And the cost of these below. Chrome, copper or brass to acquire settlers if they are in plain sight.

The removal of the sink to install sump much simpler
The removal of the sink to install sump much simpler

Overview Manufacturer

Competition among manufacturers of such products is huge. However, this applies only to the economy version of plastic. Note some brands, the most famous in Russia.

  • Viega;
  • Hansgrohe Flowstar;
  • Mcalpine;
  • blanco;

The list does not end manufacturers, but the bulk of sales, according to statistics, it is necessary for these firms.

Simple but quality sump «Mcalpine 32 MRW2L»
Simple but quality sump «Mcalpine 32 MRW2L»

Nuances of the installation on the sink siphon

Much difficulty replacing a siphon shell and is not cope with it any handyman even with no experience of similar work. But there are some nuances and in this work. Consider the installation of various types of sumps. But you must first figure out how to dismantle the old device.

When dismantling the need to substitute the vessel for draining excess water
When dismantling the need to substitute the vessel for draining excess water

Dismantling of the old settler: an algorithm of actions

If exhaust his term siphon is made of plastic, no tools required - all work is done by hand. The only thing that is useful - is a screwdriver (curly or simple - it depends on the shape of the screw that secures the grid like).

Under the settler put a bucket or other container and unscrew the bottom cover to drain the accumulated water in it. The same actions are performed and procleaning trap if it is clogged.

Next pulled the hose down the drain. After the remains unscrew grille and the sump drain completely removed. Actions to dismantle the double siphon wash I am no different. If installed septic tank with overflow, it is necessary to unscrew the screw with him.

Such a sump should be replaced by a new one - can take
Such a sump should be replaced by a new one - can take

siphon assembly is not much more difficult. Let us analyze it step by step.

How to assemble the siphon for the sink in the kitchen: step by step guide

Illustration action taken
Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchen It looks like a siphon in a disassembled state. It is necessary to check the completeness before assembly. No detail should not be absent.
Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchen Set the thin black rubber seal on the thread of the glass. It is necessary to make sure that it is flat - it will save from the leak. After that, twirl the bottom cover as tight as possible.
Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchen On the corrugated hose dress plastic nut, and then tapered silicone gasket. Please note that the size of the gaskets and nuts different. To use large corrugations.
Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchen The next step is to insert the corrugated side opening glass and making sure that the gasket stood up straight, tighten the nut.
Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchen The same action is performed and with the drain spout, which is attached to the upper opening of the glass.
Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchen For broaching nuts can not use the tool. All actions are performed manually. Otherwise, the plastic can not stand and burst.
Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchen Flat silicone gasket is placed on the blue drain neck. It will allow the plastic tightly to pull over to the sink bottom.
Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchen This white pad is located on top, inside the shell ...
Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchen ... and pressed against it by means of a grid drain cap.
Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchen Remains pressed the mesh to the neck with a screw. Drag it is not necessary. Better after installation, checking the leak from the bottom, pull it.

As you can see from the instructions, gather the siphon is easy. And the manufacturer always invests in packing detailed assembly instructions.

What tools are required for assembly of the sump

As already mentioned, in the assembly of plastic products do not need anything other than a screwdriver. But in the assembly of metal or cast-iron siphon will need some tool. The dimensions of the keys may vary in different models, because for the job is convenient to use an adjustable wrench or gas.

Metal nuts better to tighten a pipe wrench
Metal nuts better to tighten a pipe wrench

Important! Most often, the corrugation is inserted into the sewer system without additional seals. But it happens that we have to use them to seal the system. With this question is to decide before installation.

Installing sump on the sink: Procedure

Installation of sanitary devices is as follows. First, when the screw is attached to siphon sink. More convenient to carry out this action with a drain spout, and after fixing her sump. Further corrugated hose is installed in the sewage hole and, if necessary, is fixed.

If the pipes are in good condition, if you connect to the sewer corrugations additional fixation is not required
If the pipes are in good condition, if you connect to the sewer corrugations additional fixation is not required

Important! After installation you need to check the tightness of nuts and screws and then open a small stream of water, gradually adding pressure. During the test you need to make sure that there was a leak.

If a leak is detected, the water is blocked, removed its cause, and the system is checked again.

Nuances of the installation siphon for sinks with overflow

When installing the sump to overflow the same actions are performed, with the only difference that the product is attached an additional pipe. Difficulties it will not be - his fixation is the same as the flutes or discharge mouth, by a nut and tapered silicone sleeve. By overflowing the shell attached with a short screw.

Install a siphon with overflow is not more complicated than ordinary
Install a siphon with overflow is not more complicated than ordinary

Many people underestimate the importance of the overflow. However, if the hostess forgot to open the drain valve (it is present on some models), the overflow from the bottom to save from flooding its neighbors.

Care sump: What actions need to be periodically

Regardless of the cost of the sanitary device, operation implies some action to care for him. If water has gotten worse to go into the drain hole, you need to remove the debris from the siphon. In this case, the bottle decanter does not require to carry out cleaning a lot of time and effort, but the corrugated need to completely remove.

Plunger can not always help to be cleaned
Plunger can not always help to be cleaned

There are many chemicals to clean the system, but use them with caution necessary. This is especially true of plastic products. You can also use plunger, but it does not always help. For example, if the sink with overflow, pressure that creates a plunger, will be insufficient.

Where to buy a siphon for the sink: the cost of some models

Buy sump for the kitchen sink can be at any hardware store or on the Internet resources. The second is preferable, because the price at online buying will be lower. The cost of the products may differ. Consider some models well-known manufacturers with prices as of January 2018.

It looks like a tubular Hansgrohe Flowstar 53002000
It looks like a tubular Hansgrohe Flowstar 53002000
Make and model Material type sump Cost, rub
Viega 103927
Viega 103927
Plastic Bottle 240
Hansgrohe Flowstar 53002000
Hansgrohe Flowstar 53002000
Chrome plated with a metal pipe Tubular 1 100
McAlpine 40 mm
McAlpine 40 mm
Plastic Bottle 260
Chrome plated with a metal pipe Bottle 1 500

It is clear that the range present on the shelves, you can buy a device of any price category. There are models, value and 12 000 ÷ 15 000 rubles.

This bottle KAISER 973Z - chrome metal tube
This bottle KAISER 973Z - chrome metal tube

Related article:

Give battle unpleasant smell: a siphon for the sink in the kitchenSink for the kitchen.From our publication you will find the device and types of sinks, which are the size they are, what materials made, popular manufacturers, step by step installation instruction with photos and video, as well as recommendations specialists.


Siphon for sink in the kitchen, although it is a fairly simple device that requires care in selecting. After all, this depends on how much it will last, and if you flood the neighbors below. Often, low cost options for 250 rubles. even more durable.

We hope that the reader will find for themselves in today's article with useful information. If in the process of reading have any further questions, we will be happy to answer them in the discussion below. We would appreciate if you share your experience on installation of siphons for sinks.

And finally, we offer watch a short video on the topic today: