Deodorant for shoes is able to cope with the smell of sweat and prevent a possible fungus on his feet. Even high-quality shoes made of natural breathable material over time may begin to smell unpleasantly when to break the rules socks and care for her. And a cheap synthetic shoes have nothing to say, because it does not allow air to pass, because of what the characteristic smell comes quickly, which can and must be fought.

- varieties of deodorants
- How to get rid of the smell of shoes (Video)
- Featured manufacturers
- Refreshing and protecting shoes from bacteria (video)
varieties of deodorants
Produced funds come in different types, among them one can choose the best and the most convenient for you. Sprays an affordable and easy to use, but tend to end quickly. Sprays produced by virtually all manufacturers of this type of funds. It often occurs antibacterial spray, as well as having an antifungal effect, with a stable aroma or substantially without it. Spray for shoes can be both natural and chemical origin.

Next view - stick having a stick shape. Stick has an affordable cost and duration of use: one pencil can last up to six months, even if it is used by the whole family. It has a composition excluding the allergic reaction. The main drawback of the means - awkward application. We'll have to work hard to process all parts of the shoe inside, with stick in danger of being broken.
Special gel pads have the lowest cost compared to other means. When using pillows decreases the load on the legs and discomfort when moving, they are well dried shoes. Disadvantage: hard to find on sale.
Deodorant tablet is ideal for those who play sports. When you purchase usually the question arises, how to use this extraordinary tool. In the evening, the tablet is placed in the bad smelling shoesAnd in the morning shoes becomes fresh, deodorant acts as an odor absorber, and as a means of destroying the fungus and microbes. However, these tablets are relatively expensive, and they can be purchased only in specialized shops.

Another type of anti-odor - cream, which is not applied on the shoes, and immediately his feet. The cream is able to inhibit sweating even in case of strong physical load. These creams are widely used in military environments. The cream includes natural components that successfully compete with the microbes that cause unpleasant smells. Among the components have alcohol and substances that provoke allergic reactions. It is difficult to acquire the means to store or pharmacy, the often used Internet resources.
How to get rid of the smell of shoes (Video)
Featured manufacturers
Domestic brand Dividik releases deodorant, mainly intended for the leather and textile shoes. Is produced in the form of spray, functions as antibacterial and antifungal agents, has a low cost. Dividik applied by spraying inside the shoe.

Czech company Salton produces aerosol cans of 150 ml agent is more expensive, than the previous embodiment, but it suffices for a longer period. It is used similarly by spraying in shoes or sneakers, it is recommended to do in the air: will approach the balcony, for example. It is caused by a pungent odor that is released after the spraying, but after a while it becomes gentle and quite enjoyable.
Cliven, Italian manufacturer produces a special deodorant for those who suffer from excessive sweating. Spray Cliven has a liquid consistency, as compared with a conventional aerosol so dries somewhat longer.
Aerosol Mentol, produced in cans of 200 ml, made in France. After spraying means it is necessary to wait about 15 minutes and then put on one's shoes. Those who use Mentol, mark a fresh mint scent that lasts throughout the day. Aerosol effectively acting against bacteria which cause unpleasant smells. Among the manufacturers is the highest bidder.
Shoe Deo - Spray German production of an average price category manufactured by Salamander. It has a handy bottle of 125 ml. It is highly effective, but long enough to dry.

Sholl - a universal tool that can be used for any type of footwear. Deodorant rid of foot odor and reduce perspiration, thus prolonging the service regularly treated footwear. Sholl spraying is best in the evening, leaving at night for better drying. One bottle means you can use up to a few months, the price it is relatively small.
When sweating, except deodorants, you can try traditional methods eliminate the problem, e.g., wipe from the stack of oak bark extract, wash water with legs or eucalyptus juniper oil.