- Preparatory stage
- What happens if I wash my coat in a washing machine?
- Wool
- Polyester
- Cashmere
- Drape
- Drying
- What else should I know?
The coat is a popular outerwear not only for men but also for women. Fashion designers around the world necessarily have at least one in their wardrobe, because it is comfortable and warm, and even you can visually make the silhouette more interesting, spectacular, elegant. It is for this reason that the question of whether it is possible to wash a coat in a washing machine, how to do it correctly, remains so urgent. On this topic, we will now talk.
to the contents ↑Preparatory stage
Before starting to clean, be sure to find a special label on the clothing. It will be written on it all the rules of washing for this product. If suddenly there is a sign of the crossed basin on it - it means only cleaning by a dry method is allowed for your thing.
It is also very important to know from what material your item is made. The fact is that the further process with a cashmere product is fundamentally different from the same wool or drape.
to the contents ↑What happens if I wash my coat in a washing machine?
In the vastness of the network, you can find thousands of questions about whether it is possible to wash the coat in a washing machine, what will become of it after washing. In fact, it all depends on the type of material. If nothing bad happens to the wool, then cashmere after machine washing is guaranteed to irreparably deteriorate.
to the table of contents ↑Wool
How to wash coat from wool at home?
- The wool product can be washed in a washing machine, but it is necessary to set the manual mode. If a thing is made of one wool, then the water temperature should not be more than thirty degrees, if there are impurities - no more than forty.
- What is the best way to wash a coat of wool? It is necessary to use a special powder for this material. And even better - liquid concentrate.
- When the target is reached and the machine launches all the dirt, hang it over the bathroom so that the remaining water can drain off. Just do not use hangers for this, since this can stretch the fabric, and the entire product can be deformed.
- As soon as most of the water comes off, you need to leave the wool product in a well-ventilated place until it dries completely in a horizontal position.
Important! Do not use electrical appliances to dry the cloth. Otherwise - it can be strongly deformed.
to content ↑Polyester
Material such as polyester can be called one of the easiest to care for. In fact, a polyester coat can be washed both in a washing machine and manually. Moreover, there are no special rules, except that the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
to the contents ↑Cashmere
If you have purchased a cashmere model, be prepared for the fact that you will have many problems and difficulties in cleaning, as this material is the most capricious. Many people are wondering how to wash a cashmere coat in a typewriter. The answer is simple - no way. You can not wash a cashmere product in a washing machine.
Even if you wash manually, there is a high probability that cashmere will roll down and sit down. To prevent this, it is best to get rid of dirt using a small amount of water and a sponge. Dampen it, add a little cleanser and walk on the stains.
Important! Completely wash it is possible, only by lowering a thing in a soap solution for ten minutes. After - rinse it in clean water.
to the contents ↑Drape
How to wash a draped coat in a vending machine? Drap is less whimsical than cashmere material, however there are also many rules. The most important thing is to erase a draping coat if you do not have glued parts:
- You only need to erase it manually.
- The thing can be soaked, but no more than fifteen minutes.
- Do not unscrew the thing when squeezing.
- Rinse recommended in cool water.
Important! Is it possible to wash the coat manually, if it is made of drape? Of course you can, but the main thing is not this, but it will be convenient for you to wash your hands, because after getting wet, the thing will increase significantly in weight.
to the table of contents ↑Drying
To the question of proper drying, it is worth to approach no less responsibly than to washing:
- Dry the coat in a well-ventilated room, and best of all - on the street.
- You can not leave a thing in direct sunlight, as it can fade.
- Do not try to resort to the help of electrical appliances - from them the coat is likely to lose its shape.
What else should I know?
- People who claim that synthetic materials are the worst thing you can use are kind of wrong. The fact is that the more in the coat of natural materials, the higher the probability that after washing it is deformed.
- When choosing a detergent, bet on your personal preferences or budget, but on what color your product is, what material it has.
- Before you put a thing in the drum machine and start washing, be sure to check all pockets for items in them, also zip all the buttons and other fasteners.
- Try not to get water on the glued parts, as they can fall off.
Now you know how to wash your coat at home in a washing machine. Follow our advice, and washing your favorite outerwear will never be a problem for you, and your things will be safe and sound.