- A bit about the manufacturer
- Kinds of detergents Weasel
- Powder and concentrate for white linen
- Weasel Color shine
- How to use
- Wool and silk washing
- Active &Fresh
A huge range of detergents, represented on the market, constantly confuses every mistress. And each strives to find its "golden mean", so that the cost of the powder for washing is available, and the quality of washing is optimal, and even so that such a cleaner does not damage health. In this article we will consider the means for washing "Weasel".What are its features, how effective is it and whether it will be affordable for you.
to the table of contents ↑A bit about the manufacturer
The manufacturer of detergent products of the Lask series is Henkel. The company considers this drug one of the most promising of its developments."Laska" products are used for cleaning of white and colored things, as well as for difficult tissues such as:
- Wool.
- Silk.
- Membrane tissue.
Important! The first products of this series( washing powder) were produced in the 70s of the last century. It was a universal detergent with sodium silicate in the composition.
to the contents ↑Kinds of detergents Weasel
There are the following types of products for washing "Weasel".
- "Shining white" - for white linen.
- "Magic of color" - for colored linen.
- "Shining black" - for products in black.
- "Wool and silk".
Important! There is in the lineup and a special product - "Active &Fresh ".This is a gel that is used to clean sportswear and clothes intended for outdoor activities. The drug gives the clothes a fresh pleasant smell, gives a feeling of freshness.
to the contents ↑Powder and concentrate for white linen
Washing powder "Laska" has long found its fans. This product was widely advertised on television. A little later, a washing product appeared in the form of a liquid.
Important! Most of the feedback on the product is positive, but this washing can not cope with all types of stains. At the same time, it really bleaches things - it's about white things that have lost their color over time.
"Laska" laundry agent for white products is available in liquid form. The effect of bleaching is explained by the presence of optical brighteners and smoothing of individual fibers.
Features of the application
"Weasel" is equally well proven in both manual and machine wash. In this case:
- If you use a washing machine, it is advisable to select a delicate mode.
- It is important to correctly calculate the amount of concentrate that you add to the drum machine. It depends on the amount of laundry being loaded.
- The substance acts as an air conditioner. After washing, the laundry becomes more pleasant to the touch, it acquires a pleasant smell.
- With complex spots, concentrate is much worse. To achieve a good result, you must pre-wash your laundry.
Important! According to reviews, the drug returns the original whiteness to the laundered products. However, underwear, which initially has a gray tinge, is not bleached.
to the contents ↑Weasel Color shine
This is the name for the product intended for color linen. From the name it follows that the drug does not just save, but also refreshes the colors. According to reviews, it is:
- Things washed with "Laski", well retain color.
- The minus is the same as for white things - not enough good washing abilities.
- The product dissolves well in water, rinsing also does not cause any problems.
Important! The disadvantages are not the safest part of it.
The alternative of "Shining Color" is "Magic Colors":
- It is also focused on preserving the colors of fabrics bright and juicy.
- You can also use "magic" to work with delicate things, which, as a result, return a view as close as possible to the original one.
Important! The manufacturer claims that there is an effect of removing pellets from garments. Consumers of this property have not noticed, but after applying the product, new coils on clothes do not appear.
to the contents ↑How to use
Many people have the question: how to use "Weasel Shine of Black"?The procedure for using funds for black and colored fabrics is similar:
- For easy contamination - 60 ml.
- With an average contamination of 90 ml.
- For strong contaminants - 120 ml.
Important! With manual washing, the consumption of the product is: for 5 liters of water, 40 ml of concentrate "Shine of black".
to the table of contents ↑Wool and Silk Wash
For woolen and silk items, the detergent "Lasca" is used, which gently cleanses the products, keeping the fibers in their original form. It can be used for both manual and machine wash( the latter assumes the choice of appropriate modes for wool and silk).
Important! With manual use, the powder does not dry the skin of the hands, it does not cause discomfort.
Even more convenient gel for working with delicate products, if their basis is:
- Silk.
- Viscose.
- Mohair.
- Sheep wool.
- Wool of a llama, alpaca.
- Cashmere.
- Down Products.
The dosage of the "Laska" laundry agent is as follows:
- For easy soiling, 60 ml.
- With an average contamination of 90 ml.
- For strong contaminants - 120 ml.
For manual application, the consumption of the product is: for 5 liters of water, 40 ml of "Magic Balsam" concentrate.
This is one of the best tools of this brand, designed to work with delicate fabrics. Initially, the drug was produced in powder form, but then the company transferred it to a liquid, more convenient form. Used "Magic balm" for manual and machine washing. In the latter case, it is poured into the drum of the washing machine.
Important! The concentrate itself has a strong enough odor, but it quickly vanishes from the fibers. The fabric acquires a light, unobtrusive aroma. A pleasant bonus is the anti-static effect, which allows you to save on the purchase of antistatic agents.
to the contents ↑Active &Fresh
This product for washing "Laska" is intended for the following types of fabrics:
- Polyester.
- Polyamide.
- Fleece.
- Cotton.
- Membrane tissue.
- Microfiber.
- Products from mixed fibers.
When machine washing, specialists recommend that such a dosage be observed:
- For easy soiling, 60 ml.
- With an average contamination of 90 ml.
- For strong contaminants - 120 ml.
When hand washing, the consumption is more economical( for 5 liters of water, 40 ml of concentrate).
Important! Wash products using "Active &Fresh "is needed in the temperature range from 30 to 60 degrees.
As can be seen, the "Laska" laundry detergent has its advantages and disadvantages. For it to really work, it is necessary to use the drug strictly in accordance with the instructions and for the type of textile for which the product is intended.