- How does hard water show itself?
- Overview of chemical water softeners
- Water-cleaning filters
One of the reasons for not good quality washing clothes is hard water. According to many housewives, laundry from washing in hard water becomes rough and unpleasant to the touch. Specialists at the same time add that the degree of water hardness affects the condition of internal parts of the stylalk. There is a natural question: is it possible to soften the water entering the washing machine? If possible, how to do it? What is the most effective water softener for a washing machine? The answers to all these questions you will find in this article.
to the contents ↑How does the hard water show itself?
Like all kinds of household appliances, the washing machine needs constant care. Not indifferent mistresses, whom their "assistant" dear, constantly think about softening the water. This approach is necessary if the following machines appeared in the machine:
- Scum.
- Foreign unpleasant odor.
- Soap coating.
What happens in the typewriter without a water softener?
When the water is heated to a high temperature, the magnesium and calcium cations settle on the heating element of the heater, forming a scale. This is true if you often wash clothes at a temperature exceeding 60 degrees.
Important! At a lower temperature, no scaling occurs. Therefore, the heater, covered with an awesome layer of scale, which is demonstrated in advertising, is, to put it mildly, an exaggeration. However, to think about softening the water for washing is necessary.
Washing powder is poorly soluble in hard water. Therefore, the particles of the insoluble powder settle on the components of the unit. This coating can be seen on:
- tray, which is covered with powder and poured air conditioning;
- rubber cuff;
- drain filter.
Important! The use of a water softener for a washing machine will not only lead to a better dissolution of the detergent, but also to a more effective washing of the stains.
The abundance of moisture is a fertile breeding ground for bacteria. If the washing machine is not properly maintained, unpleasant odors are absorbed into the laundry. Therefore, softening the water is absolutely necessary, and the machine can be cleaned with ordinary citric acid.
to the contents ↑Overview of chemical water softeners
To make it easier for you to choose a water softener for a washing machine, we offer you a list of the most popular options:
- Calgon. The miraculous properties of this drug, unfortunately, are nothing more than an advertising trick. Of course, the softening effect takes place. But if you compare the chemical composition of "Calgon" with additives to quality detergent, it will be approximately the same. Is it not better to buy good powders and keep the dosage exactly than pay for advertising? Calcined soda. This proven "grandmother's" means for years is an excellent softener for water for a washing machine. It is added directly to the detergent powder. But she also has a significant drawback. A large amount of soda ash can damage fibers of natural tissues.
- Household soap. Softens water when adding soap chips to the washing powder. However, this method is not recommended for use when washing children's things. A laundry soap dries a lot of tender baby skin.
Water-cleaning filters
The use of these water softening agents, according to experts, is much more effective than chemical methods. Filters, in addition, purify water from unpleasant impurities.
There are the following types of filters:
- Salt( polyphosphate).
- Reverse osmosis systems.
- Magnetic. Ion exchange devices.
Than they differ:
- Salt filters are the most affordable option. Water softens by passing through polyphosphate crystals. Salts that make water rigid, enter into a chemical reaction, and the reaction products are absorbed. The result is quite soft technical water, which does not harm the details of the washing device.
Important! The filter is cut into either a water pipe or a water inlet hose. The first option is preferable.
- Magnetic devices in the same filters attract metal ions, which are contained in hard water. As a result, magnesium and calcium salts are retained by the filter, and the water is completely suitable for washing. Compared with a polyphosphate device, the magnetic filter is more reliable and has a longer working life. But also it costs much more expensively.
Important! Magnetic constructions are universal. They can be used for softening both technical and drinking water purification.
- Ion exchange filters are a complex system of compartments in which the salts of calcium and magnesium enter into chemical reactions. At the outlet, water is very soft.
- Osmosis filters are considered to be the most effective water softeners for a washing machine. The device is divided into 2-3 compartments, in each of which there are solutions with different density and concentration. Passing through the system of compartments under pressure, the water is purified from dense impurities.
The right choice of water softening method will prolong the life of the washing machine for a long time and achieve a good quality of washing clothes.