Shed a thing when washing - what should I do?

  • Rescue white things
  • Special tools for restoring white things
  • Rescue colored things
  • Wash stuck woolen things
  • Wash Angora and Viscose
  • Stain remedy
  • Extreme measures

It seems that good housewives can not simply shed things. The whole process looks elementary simple: it is enough to sort things by colors and read the recommendations indicated on the labels. But problems can arise even among the most experienced housewives, and then you need to know if shed a thing when washing - what to do?

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Rescue white things

If in the drum of the washing machine when washing white things, something happened to be colored, the clothes can end up with divorce. It will be noticeable immediately, the code of things are hung out to dry. At this point, and you need to start acting.

How to whiten the faded white things?- First of all, it is better to remove stains from raw materials, so do not hesitate with the repeated washing. You can use the common and effective methods with which you can remove stains and stains.

Prescription 1

Divorces are removed with the help of a special mixture:

  1. Mix the soapy household soap( 1 tbsp.), Baking soda( ½ cup), starch( 1 tbsp.) And the same amount of citric acid.
  2. We dilute the mixture with water.
  3. Apply the mixture to the stain and leave it for twelve hours.
  4. Thoroughly rinse.

Recipe 2

And from the time of our grandmothers another recipe has been preserved, what to do if you shed a thing while washing:

  1. Pour the basin of very hot water.
  2. Pour ammonia into it( 100 g).
  3. We mix the solution and soak the spoiled thing in it for two or three hours.
  4. The thing is carefully rinsed.

Important! In this method there is a significant drawback - a strong ammonia odor, so it is better to ventilate the room.

Recipe 3

For bleaching thin fabrics, you can use a 3% hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Mix the water( 2 liters), peroxide( 1 tbsp.), Baking soda in small quantities.
  2. Mix the mixture to a temperature of 70 degrees, and then soak things in it for 10 minutes.
  3. Things must be mixed.

Important! If stains appear on bed linen, the solution should be cooked in larger quantities.

Recipe 4

How to wash the shed white thing from gray and colored spots? You can use ordinary potassium permanganate:

  1. Pour hot water into the bucket, add the washing powder( ½ cup) and manganese( several grains).The color of the solution should become pinkish.
  2. We shed the shed thing in the solution, we tightly cover the bucket with a lid.
  3. After a few hours, the laundry is thoroughly rinsed.
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Special tools for restoring white things

You can also use more modern methods:

  • Chlorine or oxygen bleach. The product is diluted according to the instructions and then the spoiled things are soaked.
  • Stain remover. It is put on stains and kept for the necessary time, then the thing is erased.

There are certain rules for working with bleaches:

  • Things can not be soaked for a long time.
  • Bleaches should not be used frequently.

Important! Aggressive substances lead to fragility of fibers and damage to clothing. Spots on expensive clothes should not be removed immediately with the help of bleaching agents, but a tissue test should be carried out.

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Rescue colored things

With colored faded linen all is much more difficult, as incorrect processing can lead to its hopeless deterioration. In this case, you can use the following drugs:

  • Color restores. They help the spoiled things to return the original color again. However, these chemicals are very strong, so it is very important to strictly follow the instructions.
  • Universal bleach. For example, Amway can cope with any pollution, even stains from wine and zelenka.
  • Oxygen bleach. In this case, it is important to select the products marked "Color", otherwise - you can get a completely discolored thing.

Important! Colored things are soaked for a period of not more than one hour.

  • By popular methods. For example, ammonia( 100 g) is diluted in hot water( 5 liters).In such a solution, a problematic thing is soaked.
  • Repeatedly wash. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, you should immediately rewind the thing at a temperature of at least 60 degrees.
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Wash stinking woolen things

For natural things, a particularly delicate treatment is required. Do not use aggressive chemicals. How to wash the faded things when washing in this case?

Method 1

A mixture of cold water and 3% hydrogen peroxide is prepared. Proportions: 1 to 8.

Important! Instead of peroxide, you can use baking soda. The product is soaked for several hours, then rinsed and washed.

Method 2

This method is used for wool in coils:

  • Wool is boiled in solution from water and laundry soap.
  • Then the thing is rinsed in warm water and rinsed again with cold water and vinegar.

Method 3

  • 500 g of wool will require 1 kilogram of crushed chalk.
  • To dissolve the chalk, it will take cold water - 3 liters.
  • The thing is put in a solution and periodically stirred, then carefully rinsed.
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Angora and viscose wash

Angora is treated like all other things of wool, but still it needs to be more delicate. Viscose should also be treated with caution. Restoring colors on such a material can be done with limited methods:

  • Mild detergent or shampoo;
  • Household soap;
  • Bleach for delicate fabrics.

Important! Bleachers should be applied strictly according to the instructions, in no case exceeding the dosage and soaking time.

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Remedies for stains

Fortunately, many housewives know what to do if a thing sheds. There are simple options that are in every house:

  • Whitening laundry soap. It is applied to the stains for several hours. Then the laundry is washed with a good washing powder in hot water.
  • Universal bleach. With such a strong tool, you must follow the instructions. In addition, before applying it, it is better to conduct an experiment on an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue.

Important! Do not be scared, because it's worth placing a thing in the solution of a universal bleach, it will turn pale gray. The original color will return again.

  • Bleach Vanish. There are means for both colored and white things. Apply the product to the stain, then add a little while washing.

Important! All means can not be used at the same time, otherwise - the fibers of the fabric will be damaged and it will break.

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Extreme measures

Some methods can be used only in the most hopeless case:

  • If you shed jeans - they can be made darker, simply repainted.
  • If the stain appears on light pants - they can be made even lighter with the help of a good bleach or baking soda.
  • The faded strong fabric is also repainted.
  • In order not to part with your favorite things, you need to pay attention to information on the labels and be sure to sort the laundry before washing. Delicate things are erased in a delicate mode.

If suddenly a terrible thing happened and things are shed, do not panic. Thanks to the article, we already know that there are ways to eliminate stains. The main thing is not to use all means at once. And yet - with some means you need to wait until the effect appears.