- Painting shoes - choose the right tool
- We paint leather shoes
- We paint suede shoes
- Useful advices:
Shoes are the main indicator of the accuracy, style and taste of any person. It is her appearance that often gives the impression of the owner. But not always with the wear of a beloved couple, it is possible to replace it with an equally interesting and convenient model, or simply there is no such desire. And in this case, the ideal solution will be painting the shoes. How to do it than paint leather shoes at home, I also shoes suede, nubuck and other materials you learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Shoe painting - choose the right tool
To correctly paint your shoes, you need to take into account the 4 most important nuances:
- form of release;
- its properties;
- shade of paint;
- manufacturer and price.
Important! Be sure to take into account all listed factors and responsibly choose a suitable tool for all the characteristics without exception, so that the shoe painting does not become "gold" for you and you got the result you expect.
How to choose the right paint for shoes on all these parameters?- Consider the following recommendations:
- Paints in the form of a cream or powder, as a rule, last longer on the surface, as the material is dyed deeper. Sprays - easier to use, allow for 5 minutes to paint the entire surface of the shoe well, without unnecessary manipulation. It is such a tool that is best suited for locks, nubuck and other fleecy materials.
- Properties - an important indicator of quality and it is they that affect the cost of the shoe care product. Here pay attention to the degree of moisture resistance and dirtyness, as it is under the influence of these factors, most often the dye comes off the material, revealing all the flaws.
- Shade - the choice is purely individual. But if you choose a color similar to the existing color of your shoes, take a semitone darker. So you will accurately hide all the defects that have formed.
- Manufacturer and price - the choice also depends on your financial capabilities, the degree of confidence in some of the tested products of brands. Good reviews have won shoe care products and paints from companies such as Salton, Saphir, Twist, Salamander. But there are others - domestic manufacturers of such products, the quality of which is not worse, and the price may be an order of magnitude lower.
Important! If the defects are minor, and the shoes are made of smooth skin, try to start without extreme measures. Just take a suitable shade of shoe polish and thoroughly treat them with the entire surface. It is likely that with such a simple action you can breathe new life into your favorite weekend or everyday couple.
to the contents ↑We paint leather shoes
If you are aiming to change the shade of shoes or the material is so worn that one cream can not be dispensed with, arm yourself with the purchased product and start acting.
We prepare shoes for painting
To qualitatively color leather shoes at home, it must first be carefully prepared. To do this:
- Thoroughly wash the shoe that you are going to restore. Use for this purpose a soapy solution from laundry soap and a brush or a sponge.
- Dry the product well.
- Degrease the surface of the leather material, using for this purpose alcohol, ammonia or a professional remedy.
- Prepare the paint according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Apply a tool to change the shade of the skin with a brush or a small piece of foam rubber, gently rubbing the dye. Proceed in a direction from toe to heel. Do not exert yourself extra effort. Pay special attention to the places of joints with the sole, seams.
- Wait until the required time to dry. Place the products at this time in a room temperature condition, without direct exposure to sunlight.
- Apply a protective layer for an additional moisture repellent effect.
Important! In order not to paint excess surrounding objects of the interior, place polyethylene film under the shoes.
to the contents ↑We paint suede shoes
The principle of painting shoes from suede and nubuck is similar. The difference will be as follows:
- Do not wash, but well rip off the shoes for cleaning over a kettle or using a steam generator.
- Walk on the cleaned surface of suede or nubuck with a special brush to remove stains and spread out the pile.
- Apply a spray cleaner to the shoe by spraying it evenly on the material from a distance of at least 15-20 cm.
Important! Since the aerosol particles will in any case reach the nearest surfaces, choose a safe place or lay a polyethylene film on the floor that is much larger than a pair of your shoes.
to the table of contents ↑Useful advices:
- To wear out less shoes every time on arrival home, remove dirt, dirt and dust from the skin, suede and nubuck.
- Before leaving for slushy or snowy weather, treat the material with protective agents.
- Do not dry shoes in the immediate vicinity of radiators - this affects the service life of the products. If the shoes are very wet, it is better to fill the inside with crumpled paper or croup - they will quickly absorb all the moisture.
Now you know how to properly paint your shoes at home, and for sure you can easily cope with the goal. Be attentive to your things and they will keep a decent appearance for a long time, and you - always look stylish and tidy without wasting time.