Suede shoes look elegant and stylish, but very choosy in terms of care. If leather boots fairly regularly wash and polish cream, it is not so simple with suede. These shoes quickly rubbed and dirty, and the usual wash water does not bring the proper result.
- types of pollution
- Household cleaning methods suede shoe
- The clean footwear from salt
- Fat and oil stains
- The use of ammonia
- Shoe Suede vinegar
- How to clean suede light
- Useful tips on caring
types of pollution
It's okay if suede shoes soiled with dirt street. This problem is quite simply eliminated by conventional washing with water and brush. But there are pollution, significantly affecting the appearance of suede shoes:
- fat and oil stains. Hit machine oil, a touch greasy hands to shoes will inevitably impact on the appearance of suede. In addition, these spots is difficult to deduce.
- Rainwater. Conventional raindrops can leave unsightly marks on the shoe.
- Salt. In winter, almost impossible to avoid contact of the shoe with a solution that is sprinkled with sidewalks. Salt is the greatest threat to the species suede boots. It leaves white stains and responds poorly cleaned.
The easiest solution to the purification of the shoe from dirt will carry it to the dry cleaners or buy a special tool to clean suede shoes in a store. The funds come in different forms: foam, liquids, emulsions, sprays. But if you want suede can be cleaned and home folk remedies.
Household cleaning methods suede shoe
Benefits of home detergents and cleaning products is that they are costly and hardly accessible. To clean suede boots or boots can be ammonia, vinegar and even common salt - depending on the type of stain.
The clean footwear from salt
To begin with salt stains should try scrub with soap and water. It is advisable not to use washing powder and soaps with dyes. If the processing of shoes and soap stains still remain, use 9% vinegar and gently clean spot them using brushes.
These procedures are usually sufficient. However, if you do not solve, help save the shoes for special paint suede in the form of a spray. Apply a paint should be carefully laid out newspaper area where the paint can get. Spray spray paint better outdoors or in a well ventilated area.
Fat and oil stains
Stains on the shoes of the fat or oil will go hand easily if sprinkle them with common salt. Salt has the ability to absorb fat. If there is no desire to use for these purposes salt, you can use talc, crushed chalk, tooth powder or potato starch, in a word - any absorbent substance. It should be noted that this method is suitable only for cleaning fresh stains. Get rid of the old stains will be much harder.
Stains lube and similar liquids can be cleaned, causing a bit of aviation gasoline on the stain and sprinkle talcum powder. Let the shoes will stand in this state for about a day - stains should disappear.
The use of ammonia
Prepare the cleaning with ammonia solution is a snap. It is necessary to mix the components in the proportions 1: 1: 3, to moisten the cloth in the solution and to clean shoes. You will need:
- hydrogen peroxide;
- ammonia;
- warm water.
Another way to use ammonia for cleaning suede - mix it with soapy water. Such a composition is too great to cope with the pollution. Means with ammonia is often used for light cleaning suede shoe.
Shoe Suede vinegar
Devyatiprotsentny vinegar solution will help bring wine stains, rain or other liquids. Cloth soaked in such a solution, it is necessary to wipe shoes, and then walk on it special eraser (May be suitable and conventional eraser) or a rubber band. After this procedure, the shoes can be for some time to smell the vinegar. But do not worry - with a street walk smell quickly erode.
How to clean suede light
Suede shoes lighter shade looks very elegant and expensive. However, clean bright suede shoes difficult. In fact, after several weeks of socks, it usually loses its original appearance. Appear frayed on the side surfaces of shoes, socks on and near the buckles. To avoid this, it is necessary after each wear such articles brush handle them.
Care pale suede boots is virtually identical to the care of suede dark shades. The only caveat: light suede is not recommended to wear when on the dirt streets. The dark trace is difficult to sufficiently wash off white shoes of such material.
A few more methods of cleaning suede light:
- The solution: a glass of milk and a teaspoon of baking soda. Wipe with a mixture of shoes and dry. If contamination is not disappeared, to walk on the surface of cloth soaked in vinegar solution.
- A small piece of white bread, rolled into a ball, restores the appearance of suede footwear and eliminate zalosnivshiesya place.
By following these tips, you can easily clean bright suede boots.
Useful tips on caring
The purification process can be anything, but you should always remember that suede shoes He does not like moistureAnd in wet weather it is better to refrain from such things socks.
When buying suede shoes it is recommended to purchase and means for her care. First of all - it's two-sided brush with rubber bristles on one side and the metal - on the other. Also useful would be the acquisition of special rubber eraser to remove zalosnivshihsya sites.
- Before going out the boots to be treated special water-repellent, which can be purchased in the store.
- Divorces and pollution need to launder as soon as possible, so that no dirt ingrained in the material. However it is better to wait until the material is dry, so how to clean suede only need to dry.
- Drying after washing suede obuvki should naturally pre-stuffed its moisture absorbent material. For this purpose, suitable newspaper, paper, rags. Drying suede shoe near heaters fraught spoiling their appearance.
- Keep shoes suede preferably in a closed box, to protect them from dust. The dust will not damage the suede, but for its cleaning is not enough just to walk on the surface of a sponge. Useful brush and 10 minutes of free time.
- To restore the nap, you can rub the callous shoes crust of bread, fine sandpaper or the dark side of a matchbox.
- If wrinkles appeared boots, shoes can be steamed using iron or any other source of steam. It is necessary to keep the shoes on the ferry - 5 minutes each boot, do not forget to turn it.
- With the loss of color it can be restored with paint in the form of a spray. Besides refreshment color, such paint creates a protective layer on the surface of the shoe.
Using The above tips, you can permanently save your shoes clean and well maintained. Then suede boots will last a long time, and the neat appearance of shoes tell about a person a lot more than you can imagine.