The comfort of modern life due to many factors, among which not the least is equipping the bathroom and toilet. To date range of equipment for these facilities is very wide. Often, going to the plumbing shop, you can simply get lost. That is why in today's article we will try to deal with one of the essential elements of the bathroom - the toilet cistern for. It should be clear what the unit of its various forms, how to choose the cistern.

Read article
- 1 Purpose, structure and operating principle of the toilet tank
- 2 Types of bins according to the method of installation
- 2.1 Bar: what it is and how to establish such a tank
- 2.2 Mounted tanks and their features
- 2.3 Concealed cistern and the nuances of its installation
- 2.4 The angular design: how is it different
- 3 Advantages and disadvantages of each type of flushing cisterns
- 4 The most popular manufacturers cisterns
- 5 Several models of the most sought after on the market
- 6 The nuances of selecting the toilet tank to the toilet bowl: what to look for
- 6.1 Material: it is better to choose
- 6.2 Mechanisms of plum, their advantages and disadvantages
- 6.3 Methods of supplying water to the cistern
- 6.4 Additional features, which can be equipped with a tank for toilet
- 7 Operation of the toilet tank: peculiarities, rules
- 8 To summarize
Purpose, structure and operating principle of the toilet tank
Appointment of the toilet tank - is the maintenance of hygienic cleanliness toilet. And the task before any product, regardless of its type or design features. At the same time, the principle of action at the various tanks for the toilet in general is also the same. It is filled with water through a valve to a certain level, after which, when the "float" takes the uppermost position, the supply is blocked. If necessary, the user presses the sink, water is drained and the float falls, opening the water supply again. At various design features drain fittings we still stop, but should first find out what kinds of tanks manufacturer offers.

Types of bins according to the method of installation
According to a method of installing flushing cisterns for toilets can be divided into:
- attachments;
- hidden;
- angle;
- candy bars.
Start, perhaps, should be the most common option - candy bar.
Bar: what it is and how to establish such a tank
Such a construction is integrally formed with the toilet bowl. The popularity of this type is due to ease of installation. It is only necessary to fix the toilet to the floor with anchor bolts, connect the water supply and sewer drain. Even with no experience of similar works, any handyman to perform this procedure for half an hour.

Mounted tanks and their features
These cisterns are often installed in bathrooms still under construction. They are separate from the toilet bowl or directly on it. There are three kinds of these elements:
- With a high location - a tank mounted on the wall at a significant distance from the floor and is connected with the toilet drain pipe. Such an option is not always suitable. Very often, due to the high location of the tank pressure when flushing is too strong, it may not please everyone.
- Low arrangement - cistern slightly elevated above the toilet. This design is more convenient than the previous - the water pressure when flushing is not so great.
- CD - the most common design, and looks like a candy bar. The only difference lies in the fact that the toilet cistern and connected with bolts, not making a single unit.

Concealed cistern and the nuances of its installation
What is concealed cistern is already clear from the title of the form. Usually mounted in a recess or going separate box for him. Outside, it remains only a button for flushing and the toilet, as if fastened to the wall.

The angular design: how is it different
Corner cistern for toilet differs from other species by its shape. It is designed for devices that are not installed perpendicular to the wall, and diagonally, which saves useful space bathrooms. Corner has a trapezoidal tank, and sometimes triangular.

Advantages and disadvantages of each type of flushing cisterns
Talking about the advantages and disadvantages, it is worth mentioning one of the types of cisterns, so let's go in order.
monoblock. Ease of installation is a credit to him, however, if the tank suddenly split, it will have to change along with the toilet, which is already significantly more expensive.
Suspended. It provides excellent flushing even at low water levels. But in installing such tanks are more difficult, besides, constructions weight higher than that of the monoblock.

hidden. These tanks require expertise to install, but the room looks more aesthetically pleasing.
corner. Here it is necessary to redo the sewer. After all standard toilets are installed perpendicular to the wall. However, plus you can deduct a significant space savings and ease of use. And the appearance of the premises in which a corner toilet with a cistern, is more attractive.

The most popular manufacturers cisterns
Firms offering similar products on the shelves of a huge number of Russian. Whose goods of better quality, and whose worst - a purely subjective opinion, and therefore it makes sense to consider a few brands for comparison. To begin with we define some of the most popular brands. Among them:
- Santek - fairly well-known Russian manufacturer;
- Jika - the company comes from the Czech Republic;
- Gustavsberg and Ifo - two Swedish companies;
- Sanita - another "Russian" in this market segment.
According to reviews, it is the brand most in demand in Russia, but most buyers give preference to domestic producers. On the quality of our products are not inferior to foreign, and the cost of flushing cisterns and Santek Sanita significantly lower analogues produced by foreign firms.

Several models of the most sought after on the market
If we are talking about the most popular models, consider the product is Russian manufacturer toilets categories CD. Here, we should start with the product Sanita Luxe. It is available only in white color of high quality Sanitary porcelain. The manufacturer presented this model as early as 2012, but it still has not lost its popularity. Flushing tank has a bottom water inlet and the container 6 l. This is a fairly large amount, which, if desired, can be reduced by adjusting the valves.

Another interesting model of this manufacturer - Sanita Format. Features similar to the previous embodiment. In the market model presented in 2015, and is available in both white and brown tint, giving the product an interesting appearance.

Santek Pallada 1WH302371 - more compact model tank 5 L, represented by the market in the current 2019. The main advantage of this option is a low cost, which, in this case, did not affect the high quality of the product manufacturer.

Santek Neo Light 2RA DS IU produced in two versions - 3 and 6 l. It has a square shape and a lower water supply. The manufacturer gives guarantee on ceramics 5 years.

The nuances of selecting the toilet tank to the toilet bowl: what to look for
Most often, the user selects a similar product based solely on design, imagining how it will look in the interior of the tank toilets. In fact, it is worth a closer look, and other characteristics. The main thing you should pay attention to this:
- the material from which the tank is made;
- type of mounting;
- water draining mechanism;
- a method for supplying water;
- the presence of additional features.
Try to understand each point in more detail.

Material: it is better to choose
About plastic products today, we will not talk. Although this is a very cheap option, however, it is highly susceptible to contamination. Its main problem is that he can not tolerate aggressive cleaning agents, quickly scratched. As a result, the plastic starts to get dirty more quickly.

Ware and sanfarfor - between these materials is not much difference. They are perfectly clean, little susceptible to contamination and can easily tolerate aggressive treatment facilities. The ideal solution for apartments.

Stainless steel. This way the toilet cisterns are rare. The cost of slightly higher than that of ceramic. Quite durable, nice look in the bathrooms, where the design is made in the style of hi-tech and techno.

Mechanisms of plum, their advantages and disadvantages
drain mechanism often depends on the location of the tank. The most common is the conventional mechanical button or pedal side. Modern flushing cisterns can be equipped with automatic drain and that is made after a person gets up from the seat.

Mechanical drain may also be different. When the reservoir cap is single button, clicking on it will drain all the water from the tank. A double button it is possible to discharge a portion of the water that provides additional savings.

Methods of supplying water to the cistern
In Soviet times, all the tanks had only supply side, resulting in filling was clearly audible noise or splash. Current models have a lower pitch, at which noise when filling the tank is almost inaudible.

Additional features, which can be equipped with a tank for toilet
Additional features, in addition to the automatic flushing and double buttons include:
- water heating, if the toilet is equipped with bidet;
- hygienic shower with the water pump;
- possibility of adding a water detergents or flavorants.
Each of the supplements significantly increases the cost of the product, so you should consider whether there is a particular need for the function.

Operation of the toilet tank: peculiarities, rules
Specific rules of operation for flushing cisterns does not exist. The main thing to remember that the ceramic material is fragile and can not tolerate mechanical stress. Maintaining cleanliness is also an important aspect. You can use any means, but with the abrasive products should be cautious. There is a risk damaging the enamel that will lead to the need for more frequent and not always effective cleaning.
At failure of the fittings toilet tank there is no need of recourse to experts. Replace defective parts difficult. You can do this on their own, following the instructions that came with each purchased spare parts.
To summarize
Despite the huge range of models, production companies flushing cisterns for toilets and their devices, the choice will not be very difficult with the right approach. The main thing - is to decide even before going to the store, which form and color are suitable to the interior of a bathroom. On the issue of the manufacturer can be sorted out already directly at the counter, based on the consultant's recommendations and the cost of the product. We offer a look at some solutions for the design of bathrooms, to make it clear that it is better to pay attention to.
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We hope that we have outlined today information will help the reader to make the right choices, getting the tank to the bowl. Any questions that have arisen in your reading process can be set in the discussions below. We will answer them as quickly as possible and deployed.
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And finally, we offer you a video from which you can learn a little more about flushing cisterns for toilets.