Drawing on the wall: the most affordable techniques for aspiring designers

Drawing on the wall: the most affordable techniques for aspiring designers

"Tell me, Kisa, as an artist to an artist, you can draw ..." If your talents are about the same level as Mr. Bender, and the desire and desire for the fine arts is great, do not be discouraged - that's all fixable. In fact, drawing something is quite simple, if you use not artistic imagination, b...

What are heat panels for the facade and why you will like them

What are heat panels for the facade and why you will like them

How to find such material that can not only be reliably insulate the facade, but to do it quickly and, most importantly, beautifully? There are quite a few options, but most of them require either plastering, or construction of lathing. Both are additional costs and time. But there is one very at...

How and what to repair a crack in the wall: the most reliable options

How and what to repair a crack in the wall: the most reliable options

You need to fight a crack in the wall - that's for sure. It will not be possible to simply glue everything together, since first you need to stop the growth of the defect, and then repair it. And so that it was not only beautiful, but also reliable. In this article, we will figure out how to achi...

Is it possible to make load-bearing walls from wood concrete

Is it possible to make load-bearing walls from wood concrete

Arbolit is one of the warmest and cheapest for building materials. Attention to it is increased, and this is not surprising, because the basis is only sawdust fastened cement mortar. Such blocks can even be made independently or use a mixture to create monolithic structures. If we are talking abo...

Marl walls: what is it and how to finish it

Marl walls: what is it and how to finish it

For some, this term will turn out to be completely new, but houses made of marl have existed for a very long time and have been a reliable shelter for their owners for more than a dozen years. Let's figure out together what kind of material it is, where it is mined, how houses are trimmed from ma...

Is it possible to plaster penoplex: methods and rules for using the material

Is it possible to plaster penoplex: methods and rules for using the material

The arrangement of living quarters involves plastering the walls. Its purpose is to level the surface before finishing, sound insulation, heat preservation. The surface of the walls can be brick, concrete, wood and others, including foam. For the uninitiated, this is extruded polypropylene. This ...

Insulation without flaws: fiberboard plates for floors, walls, roofs

Insulation without flaws: fiberboard plates for floors, walls, roofs

Good insulation not easy to find. As soon as you start considering options, you realize that each of them has its own significant drawbacks. All types of cotton wool settle, many of them also gain moisture, polystyrene and expanded polystyrene lead to the formation of a fungus. One way or another...

Renovation plaster: a new way to dry walls

Renovation plaster: a new way to dry walls

Any moisture on the walls inevitably leads to the formation of the most dangerous enemy of man - black mold. Even small changes in temperature can adversely affect, for example, corner rooms, and exterior walls quickly become a problem that is difficult to solve. It is, in principle, possible to ...

How to drill a tile without chips and cracks: simple methods, tools and technology

How to drill a tile without chips and cracks: simple methods, tools and technology

In different places of any apartment, a wall or part of it can be tiled. This hygienic and environmentally friendly coating is easy to clean and diversifies the design of the room. But it is always possible that the need arises to hang some other object on the tiled wall - a shelf, a mirror, hook...

Can a blockhouse be caulked with polyurethane foam? What is the threat?

Can a blockhouse be caulked with polyurethane foam? What is the threat?

Have wooden house there are many advantages and one significant drawback: the tree is a "living" material, and it breathes, changes its shape, gets sick, and eventually dies from age and various misfortunes. So you need to handle him carefully and competently, so as to prolong his health as long ...