Arbolit is one of the warmest and cheapest for building materials. Attention to it is increased, and this is not surprising, because the basis is only sawdust fastened cement mortar. Such blocks can even be made independently or use a mixture to create monolithic structures. If we are talking about internal partitions or wall insulation - then there are no questions, the material is quite suitable. What about load-bearing walls? Can arbolite be used for them?
Read in the article
- 1 What is wood concrete
- 2 Sawdust concrete is wood concrete or not
- 3 In what form is arbolite used
- 4 Does arbolite rot over time
What is wood concrete
Building materials such as wood concrete have been known for a long time. Each region has its own options. In places where coal is mined, instead of sawdust, slag is used; in the southern regions, adobe is made - a mixture of straw and clay. One way or another, the principle is the same for everyone: filler, natural material and binder - cement or clay.

The main requirement for wood filler is a particle thickness of no more than 15 mm. To make wood concrete, approximately 6 parts of sawdust are mixed with 2 parts of sand and 1 parts of cement.
The thermal conductivity of such a mixture is minimal, that is, wood concrete buildings retain heat well, but the strength of the blocks is not up to par.

Sawdust concrete is wood concrete or not
The composition is the same, but no, these two concepts will not be identical. The difference is not only in the quality of the filler, but also in the characteristics of the material. Let's start with quality. For wood concrete, particles of wood are taken large enough, up to 15 mm thick, but for sawdust concrete, only small sawdust up to 5 mm thick and wood dust are used. As a result, the mixture is more durable, and the blocks themselves will be much harder and stronger.

But many still use the term "arbolite" for both variants of the mixture. If you set yourself specific goals and purchase the material instead of making it yourself, pay attention to this difference.
In what form is arbolite used
A mixture of sawdust and binder material can be found in different designs.
For example - cement-bonded particle boards. This is factory-made material that you will find at any hardware store. For slabs, chips and bast are used, all this is pressed with cement mortar and produced in slabs, which are very profitable to use for decorating walls under plastering work or leveling floors.

Another type is wood concrete blocks. They are pressed on machines under low pressure. Such material can also be made manually, it is enough to have a concrete mixer, a mold and a vibrating table.
The main advantage of this material is its low weight. On average, such a block weighs about 4-5 kg. For comparison, a cinder block weighs twice as much.

The wood concrete manufacturing technology allows you to create monolithic structures, subject to stage-by-stage pouring. The process is similar to the manufacture of monolithic concrete structures - with the only difference that for a wood concrete monolith there is no need to build a powerful formwork. The material itself is light, and shields from the same OSB or inch board are enough.

With a relatively low specific gravity, wood concrete can act as a carrier material for a small load. This is a great option for building a second floor or using it as insulation. If we compare its cost, for example, with mineral wool, then arbolite is 10 times cheaper.
For your information: it is not recommended to use metal for reinforcing structures made of wood concrete, since condensation forms on it during temperature changes, and this is extremely undesirable. So if there is a need for reinforcing materials, it is better to give preference to polymers.
Does arbolite rot over time
The main argument of opponents of wood concrete is the myth that over time, the chips in the mixture rot, and the blocks simply crumble. This is not the case, with the observance of the technology, the use of dried sawdust and the correct proportions of the mixture, this does not happen.
And some more useful information about this material:
So, is it possible to make load-bearing walls from wood concrete? It is possible, if it has the appropriate quality, but subject to the correct calculation of the load.
And what do you think? Share your opinion in the comments!
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