Marl walls: what is it and how to finish it

For some, this term will turn out to be completely new, but houses made of marl have existed for a very long time and have been a reliable shelter for their owners for more than a dozen years. Let's figure out together what kind of material it is, where it is mined, how houses are trimmed from marl.

Read in the article

  • 1 Post-war years and cheap housing
  • 2 What is marl masonry
  • 3 How Marl Walls Are Finished
  • 4 Features of construction from marl

Post-war years and cheap housing

What is it in general - marl, where is it mined? First of all, it is clear that this is a natural material that should be easily obtained in large quantities, because the cheapest housing in the post-war years was built from it.

Let's start with the terms: marl is a breed that is also called dolomite. It appears on the surface as slag during the extraction of clay for the production of bricks.

Marl walls: what is it
Therefore, the origin of the marl can be anywhere where there is enough clay suitable for firing.

In the postwar 40-50s, the country's main goal was the construction of industrial facilities. A lot of bricks were required, workers were needed for brick factories. Whole cities grew up in places where clay was mined. Housing for workers had to be built quickly and cheaply.

Any materials were used, and marl was one of them - free and affordable
Any materials were used, and marl was one of them - free and affordable

Now dolomite has become interesting for production enriched with new technologies. Cement, lime and other building mixtures are made from it, but its processing requires many procedures, so that in many places marl is still unclaimed and unsuitable for the construction of cheap housing.

What is marl masonry

Large marl stones are used for construction. By its composition, marl is lime and chalk. The walls are made of boulders the size of a soccer ball.

A mixture of chalk and limestone easily takes the desired shape when processed with a pickaxe, it can be drilled. In terms of strength, it is a cross between foam and aerated concrete.PHOTO:
A mixture of chalk and limestone easily takes the desired shape when processed with a pickaxe, it can be drilled. In terms of strength, it is a cross between foam and aerated concrete.

For bonding, a mixture of clay with sawdust is traditionally used, it is she, and not cement, that best of all adheres to the porous surface of the stone.

The combination of clay and limestone gives a very warm masonry. The walls of marl are made about 50 cm thick, and the corners are tied with bricks or cinder blocks, because stones of arbitrary shape and size will not make a strong bond.

Now there are enterprises that process marl and give it the shape of blocks - such blocks are used for the construction of multi-storey buildings.PHOTO:
Now there are enterprises that process marl and give it the shape of blocks - such blocks are used for the construction of multi-storey buildings.

How Marl Walls Are Finished

Decorating marl walls is not an easy task. Clay combined with stone requires a special approach. In this case, you can only attach to a stone, and not to a loose clay bond. Therefore, marl walls are finished with slabs attached to the stone with dowels, or they are plastered over a grid on the same dowels. The more attachment points, the more reliably the plaster is fixed.

Very often you can find the decoration of marl walls with a fur coat with slag by sprayingPHOTO:
Very often you can find the decoration of marl walls with a fur coat with slag by spraying

Features of construction from marl

If there is a need for wall insulation, then the best choice would be stone or ecowool. When they are used, dew points do not appear inside the walls, as happens with polystyrene or expanded polystyrene.

Remember that it is by no means worth completely sealing the walls of marl - otherwise condensation or penetration of atmospheric moisture inside will soak the clay that binds the stones.PHOTO:
Remember that it is by no means worth completely sealing the walls of marl - otherwise condensation or penetration of atmospheric moisture inside will soak the clay that binds the stones.

Door and window openings in marl walls are reinforced with metal or wooden frames.

A very important element in the construction of marl houses is the roof. Marl and the clay that binds it are very susceptible to atmospheric moisture, so it is important to reliably protect the walls from rain, wind and direct sunlight. Moisture actively reacts to the processes of defrosting and freezing and evaporates intensively in the sun. All this destroys the marl masonry.

To protect the house from all these factors, they make a rafter roof with the largest outreach.PHOTO:
To protect the house from all these factors, they make a rafter roof with the largest outreach.

How to lay walls made of natural stone, you can watch in this small video from the practitioner:

Have you met houses made of marl? Share your impressions in the comments!


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