Good insulation not easy to find. As soon as you start considering options, you realize that each of them has its own significant drawbacks. All types of cotton wool settle, many of them also gain moisture, polystyrene and expanded polystyrene lead to the formation of a fungus. One way or another, you have to put up with something for the sake of warming the house. But there is one type of insulation in which it is difficult to find flaws. These are fiberboard plates, and today we will talk about them in more detail.
Read in the article
- 1 Fiberboard slabs: what is it?
- 2 What is the feature of fibrolite
- 3 The benefits of fibrolite
- 4 Where can fiberboard boards be used?
Fiberboard slabs: what is it?
Let's start with the main one - with the composition. The main component in fiberboard is wood chips. Hence, all the positive aspects of wood as insulation are manifested.

And it should be noted that this technology is not some kind of know-how. The development dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, so it is almost 100 years old. Modernity has added more durable binding components, and that's all.
Fiberboard boards consist of wood chips and a binder, which includes cement and water glass.

Modern fiberboard also differs in three degrees of density. Low is used for soundproofing premises, medium - for the construction of fences, high - for the construction of structures of high complexity.
What is the feature of fibrolite
What is the difference between fiberboard and other materials based on wood chips? For its manufacture, long thin shavings are used, which is also called wood wool. The second reason for the special properties is the mineralization of wood with the help of liquid glass, this makes the boards moisture resistant.

The benefits of fibrolite
If we compare the thermal insulation properties of fiberboard, and, for example, penoplex, then it will lose, but do not rush to draw conclusions.
Today, fiberboard is actively used as a fixed formwork, and it is he who is preferred by about 40% of developers in Europe. Why? Everything is very simple.

The undoubted advantage of fiberboard is that this material does not deform over time, like most other insulation materials. It does not attract insects, rodents, fungus and mold do not appear on it.
The thermal insulation of fiberboard is not the same as that of expanded polystyrene, but this material can be used in rooms with high humidity. It is not flammable due to its special impregnation.
The slabs are quite lightweight, so it is not difficult to transport them. Fibrolite has a unique property of self-regulation of humidity.

Where can fiberboard boards be used?
The scope of application of fiberboard plates is not limited to fixed formwork. Fibrolite is used to insulate the walls of buildings from the inside and outside, roofs with different angles of inclination, partitions between floors, floors.
This material is used as a finishing cladding, subject to subsequent plastering.

The high soundproofing properties of fiberboard should be noted separately. It is used to equip studios.
Learn more about using fiberboard in this video:
Have you used a similar material in construction? Share your experience in the comments!
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