Relief - special sculptural reception when the composition is created only partially in the form of three-dimensional image on a plane. It is considered a separate subspecies of art. About where the relief was first used, data is not saved. He is unevenly developed in ancient Greece, India, Ancient Rome, Egypt and the Far East. One of the most famous specimens of the relief, which survives today in the form of a partially destroyed, is considered the Pergamon Altar of Zeus, now located on the Museum Island in Berlin.
- general characteristics
- Pros and cons of the bas-relief
- Getting Started
- Creating a bas-relief with their own hands
- Wall mounting
- Making molds for plaster with your hands
- helpful hints
general characteristics
The monument is a building with a sweeping staircase and colonnade, under which is located a long panoramic relief. It shows certain groups of people, animals and the Giants, who have come together in a battle. Relief is classified into four types:
- The bas-relief. Sculptures stand out above the background flat less than half.
- High relief. Sculptures much beyond the background and sometimes even partially separated from him.
- Kontrrelefy. Is a negative, that is, the composition is not convex and concave.
- Ankro or koylanaglif. On the plane (usually wall) are cut only the outline of the image, ie, the composition is the same concave as kontrrelefy, but its depth is the same everywhere. This type is considered to be more primitive. Became widespread only in ancient Egypt.

Bas-relief in the interior of simple houses before been used rarely. It could afford only a very wealthy people who were at the disposal of the real palaces. often decorated with bas-relief of the exteriors of houses in the Gothic style and the interior decoration of cathedrals and churches. In the modern interior decoration such sculptures became available. Bas-relief can even create your own. About the features of this sophisticated decor and a method of manufacturing their own hands and talk further.

Pros and cons of the bas-relief
The bas-relief made of wood, clay, plaster, plaster or stone. The latter method is very time consuming and requires a high level of skill of the sculptor, as any mistake can not be corrected. Wood reliefs created by carving and clay - the most accessible material, which is suitable even for beginners. Modeling engaged still in school. Bas-relief products, unlike conventional sculptures allow to keep the scale of 1: 1 and at the same time to save on materials. After the clay, for example, for a human sculpture in full growth will require almost 60-70% less than the creation of a similar full statue. Previously, all kinds of reliefs adorn the walls and ceilings are and remain part of them, that is, the composition is static and could not be moved. Now it is possible to make small bas-relief on special canvas, the stand and move it around the apartment if necessary.
See also:Glass blocks in the interior of the apartment

Volumetric compositions invariably associated with classical styles. Indeed, this decor will look appropriate in the same design, Art Nouveau, Art Nouveau, Baroque, Rococo, Empire. But here we are talking about traditional sculptures, with soft lines and a lot of small, frilly details. In the center of the composition, usually featured people, deities, mythical creatures or complex patterns. The modern style will flow organically minimalistic bas-relief:
- Urban panorama;
- forest piece;
- Volumetric "swirls" agitated liquid;
- Imitation "old" trim or brick layer under chipped plaster.

To the marine style suit three-dimensional images of shoals of fish, seahorses, seaweed, coral "fields" and the fantastic panorama of Triton possessions. Of course, these compositions newbie will not be able to make right the first time without error. I have a long train and hand stuff. This is perhaps the main drawback of the bas-relief. It is impossible to create a beautiful, without time-consuming training skill of the sculptor. The exception will be only abstract reliefs, which are suitable for the same name or style of minimalism. In contrast to the decorative painting, reliefs do not require additional color selection. Backlight perfectly underline each line. Popular this kind of decoration for decoration of arches, fireplaces, doorways and accent walls. Since it can be correctly mask the surface roughness to hide communication line or distort space in irregularly shaped room.

Bas great stresses feature ethnic style, no matter what country the interior "native."

Italian motifs emphasize the vines and decorative columns or dimensional landscape of raised-box. Japanese flavor complements 3D Sakura, dotted with numerous flowers, and Chinese - a snarling dragon snout. The house with the elements in traditional India, will join harmoniously themed elephants on the walls and decorative sculpture of many-armed Hindu gods.

Getting Started
The bas-reliefs are hand-made. Of course the market of cheap decorative items you can buy a ready-made punching of plaster, but a unique design that does not add. Before you begin work on his first full composition, it is necessary to fill the hand. The most convenient way to train on clay, plaster or stucco. Plastic materials and allow to dry completely correct the oversight. As a canvas to be used plywood with low wood frame. In rare cases, you can create a song directly to the site of the wall. This option is only suitable for those sculptors who firmly believe in their abilities. Right on the wall and create a large-scale panoramas that hang after production on separate canvases will simply inconvenient. Ahead of time also need to make templates for recurring elements to reduce the complexity of the process.

For example, each berry vines considerably easier to manufacture mold. These elements are often made of plaster, but is considered to be the optimal material alabaster. To learn where to get the Mold, talk later. Instead, the stencil would be used usual food film. First, it is placed on a hard surface and are drawn separate circuit elements. Then the stencil will be applied to the compositions and to carry the same shape on the still soft and pliable base. And now to a short, general master-class on the creation of a bas-relief for the interior decoration.
See also:Decorative brickwork

Creating a bas-relief with their own hands
To make a bas-relief, you first need to prepare the ground. In its role use "Marseilles wax" or simple plasters. Mixture was applied with a spatula on a wall or plywood canvas. First leveled and then if necessary, give relief (sponzhik, foam, package or crumpled pieces of tissue).

The next step - the transfer of a pattern with the film of the stencil prepared at the canvas. Image is applied to a portion of the wall or veneer and pressed into the contour pattern has not yet fully solidified plaster. As a result, the primitive outline ready. Now you need to give it volume. To do this, knead the mixture for molding. Alabaster is optimal, since after complete solidification it is not inferior in strength concrete. But the plaster may crack, crumble and is afraid of water. The dry plaster is mixed with water immediately before use until uniform. Then begin to give the volume of printing figures. This is done not just in one fell swoop, but gradually, layer by layer. The indentations can be done by scraping of the base or by applying extra "redundant" layers on nearby objects. In certain places to fasten the canvas already prefabricated elements in Malden. If necessary, if the mass dries quickly, and work is progressing slowly, it should be moistened with water.

When forming the components in the course are not only tools, but also the fingers of the sculptor. Once work is completed, it is given time to dry. The composition was then sanded with sandpaper, removing excess layers or leveling roughness.

Wall mounting
fixing the problem based on a bas-relief can be avoided if to mold it directly to the wall. In other instances, the composition is planted on the liquid silicone or a special adhesive. If relief was modular, after securing the joints carefully rub clean putty. It does not recommend such a decor decorate "flimsy" plasterboard walls. The base material must be reliable and robust. Also, carefully mask the joints and the walls bas-relief.
It's important to know. By the way, the modular composition convenient for beginners. Upon failure, any of the relief components can be replaced without damage to it.

Making molds for plaster with your hands
Molds form or can be bought in stores, but their range is not as wide as it should. In addition, a typical Mold will no longer be a unique part of the bas-relief. To make the shape of their own will have to first make a sample item. The technology is the same for all materials, but consider one of the most popular recipes. For it will need:
- Putty;
- Water;
- PVA glue.
See also:Decorative panels PVC

As regards the proportions, the 500 gr. fillings, take 1 tbsp. spoon glue and 100 c. water. The mass is kneaded with the gradual addition of liquid. The result should be a material similar in consistency to the dough or hard clay. The proportions can vary depending on the composition of the fillings. From the mass of molded parts and elements. In the process you need to pay special attention to the flaws that will be passed and Molde. Stucco give time to cool. 12 clock will be sufficient. Then take to manufacture Mold:
- Set screws;
- Pieces of plywood to assemble the boxes;
- Liquid silicone.

Plywood using screws create team without a top box. In it are placed a sample cell and fill with silicone. Then the composition given time to cool. Then the box wall loosening to prevent damage to the form, and from its interior angling specimen. The silicone mold is ready for repeated use.

The gypsum products are often found voids in the form of bubbles. They may be within modestly element or partly escape to the outside, thereby compromising the integrity of the surface and spoil the appearance. They further can be masked solution from which the main part is manufactured bas.
If the MDL is filled with gypsum, then, to avoid sticking, shape, smeared with oil.

helpful hints
If the sculptor plans to create large parts of the bas-relief, then, for extra stability is better to use wire. The framework will also facilitate the molding process. Top relief may be coated with a primer layer or latex paint. Alabaster such coverage only add luster, but for the more fragile plaster or gypsum sensitive it will be more protected. During operation, it is better to use a professional set of stacks, which will help to create even the smallest details.

Pick a bas-relief, not only for style, but also to the character of the room. Kitchen suitable culinary themes: volume still lifes, flower arrangements or a panorama of ancient cities. The bedroom organically will look stylish image of natural elements: bouquets, trees, animals. In the children's room with the help of relief, you can create a real fairy tale, with its scenes adorn the entire perimeter of the room.

Professional decorators are advised not to use false walls, arches, or furniture for zoning small studios. For these purposes, perfectly suited bas-reliefs, which in combination with the color demarcation without words will make it clear where the functional areas are separated.

Bas is not so often used in the design. It is much easier to paste over the wall with photo wallpapers with the desired image. The complexity of the process many scares. If you have patience, you can find the hidden talents and decorate three-dimensional picture of each room apartments, making it original and unique design. To be inspired, you can explore the magnificent sculpted designs, decorating the Moscow Bolshoi Theater or numerous homes on St. Petersburg streets.