- Where do the midges come from?
- Cleaning the room
- How to deal with the apartment midge folk remedies?
- Popular folk methods for fighting gnats
- How to get rid of midges with ready-made means?
- How to make traps for guts by yourself?
In the spring and autumn, insects become uninvited guests in apartments and private homes. Unpleasant neighbors do not carry any threat or harm to human health, but they can get very bored and people look for effective ways to get rid of midges. In this article, we will look at the main types of pest control that will allow you to drive a bothersome company out of your home.
to the contents ↑Where do the midges come from?
People ask themselves questions about where these cohabitants come from and how to get rid of small midges in an apartment. It seems that these creatures appear from nowhere, but most often they come to our house with fruits and vegetables. Female midges lay eggs on ripening fruit fruits, and getting into the atmosphere of warmth and comfort they find positive conditions for breeding and reproduction.
Important! These insects live for a short time, but multiply very quickly and their appearance on light occurs in the early morning. A person likes to sleep, and therefore does not notice how from the expanse of the kitchen appears a swarm of annoying insects. For a few days the amount of midges increases to such an extent that there is an impression of lack of air and free space.
Moss fly into the mouth and are inhaled with air, get into the eyes and are very annoyed by their presence. Therefore, the question of how to bring Sims from the kitchen, in this situation is a problem number 1.There are several ways to solve it.
to the table of contents ↑Cleaning of the room
The most effective and simple remedy for midges is cleanliness. When unwanted neighbors appear, all food should be removed to inaccessible places:
- Place the bread in a bread pan or a tightly tied package so that pests can not reach it.
- The refrigerator has a special compartment for storing fruits and vegetables.
- If animals live with you, the remains of the feed should also be removed.
- Rinse and dry the trash can.
- Clean the drain hole of the sink with a detergent.
- Do not leave dirty dishes, crumbs and wet rags in the room.
Important! The source of nutrition of Simuliidae can serve as rotten fruits, as well as vegetables stored on the table. Tightly tie packages with cereals, nuts and dried fruits. Close the jam jars and compotes.
to the contents ↑How to deal with the flies with folk remedies?
If you were registered for a permanent residence by midges, then you will have to use a whole system for their destruction. Remove insects by stripping and prophylaxis:
- Find the source of the spread of pests and destroy it. Just one rotten apple can spoil the whole stock of fruits and vegetables, so do not spare spoiled food. Destroy the unsuitable product should be completely, the usual washing or throwing out here is indispensable. Carry a breeding ground of insects outside the house.
- Do not leave glasses on the table under the juice or alcohol, immediately wash them. Fruit fly loves alcoholic beverages, so tightly cork bottles of wine and rinse even the smallest drop of alcohol from the surface of the table.
- The creation of natural and artificial barriers prevents the entry of midges into the premises, as well as its reproduction. Excellent remedy for midges in the apartment - a small mosquito net on the windows.
Important! If you put the fan in front of the kitchen table or near the place where the fruit is stored, it will blow off the midges. Even with a weak breeze, insects will not be able to land on food.
to the table of contents ↑Popular folk methods for fighting gnats
If the colony of small pests has already reached such a scale that you do not have free space in your own home, one can not do without precautionary measures. Apply any chemicals - it is inappropriate, especially if you live with children, allergies, pets.
In this case, effective folk remedies for mosquitoes that will help you quickly forget that you did not rest from the midges: The
- Vacuum Cleaner. This is the most ineffective, but at the same time very popular technique. Combating the midge with this device looks impressive and allows you to feel like a hunter. But the effectiveness of the method is very doubtful, because the next day will have to resume the extermination of already young insects.
- Humidifiers and spray. The method is more effective than a vacuum cleaner - it can not fly with wet wings. The truth will have to pay a lot of attention to the setting of the moisturizing regime, so that pests with dried wings do not return to the kitchen.
- Horseradish, mint, carnation, fern, tansy, elderberry are plants, the smell of which is not pleasant to pests, and therefore they avoid it. Lay out the leaves around the apartment and this will help you get rid of midges at home.
Important! Tansy is undesirable to use if there are problems with the vessels of the brain. In people with a weakened vascular system, this plant can cause severe headaches and migraines. Turpentine or kerosene. To scare off Simuliidae, add a little bit of the substance to the water that you wash floors or windows. There will be no insects, but also a smell in the dwelling - an amateur. How to get rid of Simuliidae with the help of ready-made products?
If you decide to remove the annoying company from your house as soon as possible and are ready to even spend it for this, you can buy ready-made products from Simuliidae in stores. Such adaptations are especially effective in the kitchen.
Trapper trap "Raptor"
The trap works on a very simple principle: a pleasant smell attracts insects. Floating on the fragrance, the midges stick to the inner surface of the device, deprived of the opportunity to get out of it. The trap remains clean and attractive, without disturbing the comfort in the room. The radius of action of one such means is 10-12 square meters.
Important! Before using the trap, read the detailed instructions for use.
Meat remover "Aeroxon"
Such a trap is set up on the same principle as "Raptor".In the package comes immediately 2 pieces, which are designed to quickly destroy the small gnats, swarming around fruits and vegetables.
Chemical against insects "Dichlorvos"
Chemical preparations should be used very carefully. Remove all food and utensils from the room so that the product does not get on them and does not lead to poisoning.
According to the instructions, spray the product indoors, pre-closing the windows and doors. After the death of the entire colony of midges do not forget about airing and wet cleaning.
Important! Do not inhale air during the treatment of the room with chemicals - this is very harmful to health. Well, if the children during the procedure will walk on the street.
to the contents ↑How to make traps for gnats independently?
We bring to your attention the simplest in the manufacture of traps for Simuliidae from improvised means that will help to catch all the unpleasant small animals faster.
"Banana trap"
Fruit midge likes bananas very much, so why not take advantage of this? Moreover, for this you do not have to be distracted from your daily affairs and do some complicated gestures.
The method is extremely simple:
- Put the banana peel in a jar, bag or plastic bottle.
- Close the trap tank.
- Use a thin needle to make small holes.
- In this form, place the device near the place of the accumulation of insects.
Important! Moss will fly to the smell, and the return road simply will not find. To fill the tank, you can destroy the midge or put it outside. If you are not an adherent of pity and forgiveness, put the jar on the refrigerator for a few minutes. Insects will die quickly under the influence of low temperature.
Liquid Trap:
- Pour a slightly pleasantly smelling liquid into the container - you can use compote, wine or apple cider vinegar.
- Add a drop of detergent to the bait.
Important! The dishwashing liquid will help to lower the level of tension on the surface of the water and the midges will drown, flying to the smell of delicacies.
Trap cone
- Place a piece of some fruit in the jar, preferably rotten or sour.
- Twist the pointed cone from the paper with a thin hole and lower it into the container.
Important! Insects will be able to fly to the smell of bait, but they will not be able to get out. Once the trap is full, take it out of the house and dispose of it.
Of course, in order not to have to get rid of annoying insects, it's best to prevent their appearance. We have offered you a large selection of ways how to get rid of midges. Choose a suitable option for eviction of unwanted neighbors to your taste. Let your works bring success!