Is it possible to plaster penoplex: methods and rules for using the material

The arrangement of living quarters involves plastering the walls. Its purpose is to level the surface before finishing, sound insulation, heat preservation. The surface of the walls can be brick, concrete, wood and others, including foam. For the uninitiated, this is extruded polypropylene. This term is called a polymer synthetic material, which in its properties is capable of replacing more expensive analogs. It is harder than polyethylene, more abrasion resistant and also more heat resistant. And its density is the smallest among all plastics. Penoplex is widely used, including in construction, due to its heat and sound insulation properties. It is produced in the form of slabs with dimensions of 600 x 1200 mm and a thickness of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 mm. When cladding walls with this material, the question often arises whether it is possible to plaster penoplex and what are the rules for obtaining a successful result.

Read in the article

  • 1 Penoplex application
  • 2 Pasting walls with styrofoam
  • 3 Conclusion

Penoplex application

Penoplex is used in the construction of houses mainly as a heat insulator. Its competent use presupposes a preliminary calculation of the payback period of this not the cheapest building material due to fuel economy. Building codes assume a payback period of approximately 12 years. Therefore, penoplex should not be laid where you can get by with cheaper materials. Official designers may even be threatened with revocation of their licenses for an increase in the cost of a project in case of violation of standards.

The correct use of building materials involves the builder's knowledge of their physical and mechanical properties. Depending on the compressive strength, from 0.2 to 0.6 MPa, penoplex is produced under the names "Wall", "Foundation", "Roof", "Road", "Universal" and is used accordingly.

Penoplex has almost zero water absorption characteristics, so it can be used without special water protection, even in the ground.

Penoplex plates with a thickness of 20 mm can be used as a vapor barrier. However, it must be borne in mind that vapor barrier is not always useful. In truss systems and wooden floors, ventilation must be provided, and vapor barrier prevents this.

And you should also know that non-combustible penoplex will begin to melt in case of fire, which is also dangerous for people. Therefore, it must be separated from the living quarters with a fireproof partition.

Is it possible to plaster penoplex
Penoplex plates

Penoplex is recommended to be used for insulation of foundations. It is simply glued onto the waterproofing surface. It turns out a durable layer with the properties of hydro and thermal insulation. In this case, you should carefully glue the seams between the plastic plates.

Insulation of the foundation with foam plates
Insulation of the foundation with foam plates

Penoplex contact with the following substances is absolutely unacceptable:

  • toluene, xylene, benzene and similar hydrocarbons (aromatic);
  • formalin and formaldehyde;
  • substances from the class of ketones - methyl ethyl ketone, acetone;
  • ethers (both simple and complex) - methyl acetate and ethyl acetate solvents;
  • gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel;
  • polyesters used as epoxy hardener;
  • coal tar;
  • oil-based paints.

Penoplex is not afraid of the following substances, and they are allowed to contact with it:

  • any kind of acids - organic and inorganic;
  • salts in the form of solutions;
  • alkalis;
  • alcohols and paints based on them;
  • water and water-based paints;
  • chlorine (bleaching) lime;
  • oxygen, carbon dioxide;
  • butane, propane, ammonia;
  • oils (both animal and vegetable), paraffins;
  • cement and concrete mortars;
  • freons.

Pasting walls with styrofoam

It is possible to paste over the walls with styrofoam from the outside (wet facade) and from the inside. When pasting the outer surface of the wall, it must be leveled and well coated with glue. The bottom and top of the slabs must be protected with planks.

Pasting the interior walls with penoplex from the point of view of heating technology is not the most correct option. The fact is that the dew point is shifting inside the wall, and this can lead to its gradual destruction. But this option is often necessary in multi-storey city buildings built in the first post-war years. In rural low-rise buildings, it is more correct to clad with thermal insulation from the outside.

Dew point offset diagramPHOTO:
Dew point offset diagram

For insulation, thick sheets should be chosen and then protected with plaster. Poor vapor permeability of foam does not imply its use on brick and wooden walls - they will rot and collapse. Concrete walls are the ideal base.

But penoplex requires protection from mechanical damage and ultraviolet radiation. And also birds love to peck and rodents to scratch. Therefore, it must be plastering.

The mortar is created on the basis of cement, sand, polymers or other components. This treatment will increase the fire safety of the insulation, protect it from mechanical, chemical, thermal factors, improve heat and sound insulating properties, and give it a more attractive look. It will also be possible to perform different types of decorative finishes and cover defects will be hidden.

Plasters are divided into leveling, ordinary and decorative. There are acoustic options that increase the soundproofing of the home. Special facade materials are not afraid of frost.

Universal plaster and adhesive mixture for insulationPHOTO:
Universal plaster and adhesive mixture for insulation

Mineral plasters are the most popular due to their low cost, strength, vapor permeability, environmental friendliness, UV resistance, non-susceptibility to biological damage, fire resistance. Acrylic - plastic, as they contain acrylic resins, but are susceptible to combustion. Silicate - very strong, durable, but expensive.

On the basement of the building, plaster is applied in a thick layer. In this part of the building, it is recommended to cover with tiles or stone on top of the plaster.


Thermal insulation of a building in order to improve the comfort of living and at the same time to save fuel is a useful, but rather complicated technological construction operation. It is necessary to study the properties of the materials used and the consequences of performing each operation (they can be both positive and negative) - and only then make a decision. If everything is thought out, it will be both warm and inexpensive.


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