Select a wallpaper for the bedroom is the most important aspect of the arrangement of the room. To him must be taken seriously, since the degree of comfort of the room for sleep depends directly on the psychological health of the person. Cozy space allows you to relax after a hard day, put in order thoughts. Wallpaper in the interior of a bedroom can create a warm atmosphere conducive to the maximum relaxation of the nervous system. Often the bedroom is combined with an office that also must be considered when choosing a wallpaper design. Productivity may be significantly increased if you follow the simple guidelines in the design. Also, with suitable fabrics may modify the space, visually reduce or enlarge the area. Since the appearance of the room will determine the person's mood, then present the fundamental aspects of decoration with wallpaper.
- select the Features
- material of wallpaper
- Choice depending on the type of furniture
- Influence of style to choose wallpaper
- The colors of the wallpaper for the bedroom
- Color finishing products and combining
- Fashion trends 2018
- conclusion
select the Features
The range of products on the market can turn the head any way. To navigate, you need to narrow it for yourself to adequate limits. This can be achieved by classifying and rapid detection of suitable fabrics.

Key aspects that need to pay attention to are the following:
- Material wallpaper;
- Features gluing;
- The combination of a furniture set;
- The style of the room;
- Color Wallpaper;
- Side light, which leaves the room;
- Options for combining wallpaper;
- Fashion trends.

You should also familiarize yourself with some of the rules, worked out for the many years of work by professional designers:

- Wallpaper with horizontal stripes visually make the room smaller than the height;
- Reduce the amount of space visually reduce vertical streaks area;
- The use of such pattern elements such as a rhombus or trapezoid, will allow some space to expand;
- Small bedrooms should avoid dark wallpaper with a large, contrasting pattern;
- Wallpaper with a large pattern is recommended to use in a room with large quadrature;

- Competent zoning approach assumes smooth transitions between colored wallpaper or the bright selection of only one of the four walls;
- An excellent effect can be achieved through the use of borders, which give a sense of security;
- A strong move is to create accent wall near the head of the beds. Here it is allowed to use bright colors and contrasting patterns.

material of wallpaper
Classification depending on the material allows more confidently navigate among the paintings.

The most popular on the market the following products are considered to be:
- Vinyl. As an inner layer of washable wallpaper can be a nonwoven or paper, however, gave the name of the class outside - made of PVC. It is this layer is responsible for the excellent performance of wallpaper, such as - durability, moisture resistance and ease of installation.

- Fleece. From the previous class, they differ in the outer layer, which is usually represented by fine-pored vinyl. As a base, respectively, performs interlining. This causes a certain ease of installation: adhesive binder enough to put only on the walls, the dry fabric is neatly trim. In addition, they are able to hide various flaws pasted over surface.

- Paper. Environmental purity conventional wallpaper due to the fact that only for manufacturing used paper pulp, and capable of flowing moist air. Finishing work is also not differ any complexity, and cost of long established on a democratic level. The only drawback of wallpaper is a low rate of water resistance, which results in a shorter lifespan.
See also:Bedroom design in turquoise tones: 75 examples

- Textile. Like vinyl, they are layered. The basis is the same, but the outer layer is a textile fabric. Fabric material can vary - cotton, wool, silk, etc. Natural component directly affects the performance of wallpaper, as well as their cost. This is due to the fact that they have an aesthetic appearance and create a wonderful atmosphere in the room. However, the assembly work features some complexity, and the textiles actively "acquires" the dust.

- The liquid wallpaper. They are a relatively new trend, but already well proven. Beautiful material is extremely easy to mount on the wall, and its performance is just suitable for the bedroom.

Among the other advantages can be noted sound absorption. A very important factor when children still live with their parents.

A method of applying a material to the wall means no seams, and the possibility of correcting the local mechanical damage.

Linkrust. An interesting option for lovers of unusual. Magnificent pattern is written on the basis of solid wax, flour and chalk. After mounting on the wall, they need to cover the additional layer to ensure durability. Among the rules of caring for them celebrate control of temperature fluctuations, which linkrustovy material a bit afraid.

Choice depending on the type of furniture
Since the furniture set is also able to determine the interior design, then these players need to combine harmoniously. Suitable coloring of the walls in the tone of the furniture will create a sense of real comfort.

Thus, provided that the light in the bedroom furniture, to wallpaper certain requirements. For a room with a small area need clarified products, which will leave the same amount of free space. Otherwise there is a risk to create anxiety in the form of the room sealed boxes. Is optimal to have white, olive, apricot and golden-beige tones. If the area of the bedroom allows you to roam, it is possible to use becomes a contrast with the dark wallpaper.

The only restriction here is common sense and the combination of colors temperature. When cold tones are combined with the cold. Similarly fed with warm.

When the bedroom is dark furniture, some scenarios some more. However, here, too, should be aware of the temperature color. Often dark suite has a warm color, so it is recommended to use the same warm tones and wallpapers. These may be a variety of variations of brown, sandy or the olive color.

Influence of style to choose wallpaper
Modern. By choosing a wallpaper for this style has specific requirements. They should be trendy, but quite austere in the image to serve as the backdrop to most other accessories. It is also worth recalling the need to use natural, environmentally friendly materials, because the style of Art Nouveau obligation to do so. How will the harmony, the game of contrasts, or a combination of slim - it's up to the owner. The main thing - to maintain a balance and avoid outright blunders.

Provence. The style of this rustic design assumes that light furniture, the prevalence of pastel hues, as well as an abundance of diverse textiles. Therefore, the color palette to select the wallpaper is wide enough: yellow, cream, sand, olive and blue tones - perfect for provincial walls. With regard to the presence of the figure, there is a need to pay attention to textile products in the home. Because if they have a sufficiently fine pattern, then repeat it on the wallpaper clearly dictates. Better to leave their self-colored to serve as a backdrop.
See also:TV wall mount

Loft. This style is characteristic of the reception is to preserve a small part of the interior trim intact form. However, designers have generally used mimic pristine surface materials (artificial brick, stone fake). Since this brickwork looks too rough. Another part of the walls executed in muted tones. Pattern on light wallpaper should be avoided, unless permitted easy abstraction geometry.

Country. By American style suit warm shades of wallpaper. Perhaps the use of fun colors in a cage, but not too small. Also, do not overdo it with the hot colors, because then fully relax fail. Eyes will bump into a source of visual temperature. It is recommended to use a few muted, monochromatic wallpaper. Figure should not draw attention to himself.

Japanese style. The characteristic features of this direction are conciseness utterance, shy decoration and use neutral colors. It is recommended to use natural materials wallpaper with ethnic motives of the rising sun.

Classic. It epitomizes luxury, respectability. The more confident feeling on top of the owner, the darker and deeper he can pick up his tone wallpaper. There are no restrictions, except that it is not recommended to use a gloss. Better to give preference to matte products with ornate, repeated pattern.

Minimalism. Ascetic principles of this style suggest savings in the figure. Welcome-colored wallpaper fine texture without any image. The color palette is not serious requirements, except that you should avoid acidic shades. Another option is the use of repetition style huge image on one of the walls. This element will serve as accent walls, dominating the rest.

The colors of the wallpaper for the bedroom
Blue. Heavenly shades typical for hopeless romantics, and people with thin device psyche. This is due to the calming properties of light and light colors. It is absolutely no pressure on the person. Recommended for use as colors for bedrooms with a small area, as a limitless blue visually enhances the space.

Green. Quite popular color in design of bedrooms, as well as helps to relax and improve mood. Due to the natural origin, green is a great tool in the fight against negative thoughts. He clears karma and create an enveloping atmosphere in the room.

Red. It is an obvious choice for the self-confident and self-sufficient people. His choice is considered quite risky, however, provided a competent combination with light colors, it can look very impressive. The dominance of red can not be doubted.

Blue. It refers to cold colors, but it is allowed to design a bedroom. This is due to its sedative properties when too active person suddenly calms down. Use it only necessary, if a large area of squaring, as in a small bedroom blue visually pick up part of the space.

The black. Controversial choice for the bedroom, because it can put pressure on the man in its depth. It must be neutralized by other light colors. Otherwise mystical component can play a bad joke with the owners and spoil the mood for a long time.
See also:Bedroom design in shades of green

White. Universal solution, suitable for combination with any other colors. It symbolizes openness and understanding.

Yellow. It has similar qualities, making it the perfect partner for most others. Because of the heat of its spectrum, yellow is used in the bedrooms with a weak source of natural light. Great for use in small spaces.

Brown. The color of the cocoa bean is the undisputed leader among all the designers when it comes to the need to design a bedroom. All shades of chocolate beneficial effect on the nervous system of humans and allow to relax.

Color finishing products and combining
If the bedroom window opens onto a south facing, it indicates that a sufficient amount of natural light. In such a case it is allowed to stop the choice on a deep dark tones wallpaper. These include chocolate, terracotta, purple variants. If the window is facing north, it is recommended to select only the warm colors of finishing products. It may be all sun shades, purple, brown.
Curious design course is the use of combined wallpaper in the bedroom interior.

There exist several options for how this can be:
- Horizontal combination. It means the zoning of the walls separating them apart. The upper part gets bright, quiet shades. The lower pattern can be characterized by a saturated wallpaper.
- Vertical. Classical techniques of zoning designers favor symmetry vertical stripes with headboard. When the line width of the border repeats furniture products. Restrictions on the length of the bands do not exist, they can even cross the ceiling. No special requirements, and to color.
- Local insertion. They are usually used close to the pieces of furniture. This can be both a bed and a bedside table. Special luster is distinguished by its color insert attached framing baguette. Tough requirements for the form itself there is no insert, but would not smudge.
- Dispersal niches. If the niche is not planned placement of sacral objects, the coloring wallpaper should be selected on the basis of the main style. That is, it uses the same decor, which features the rest of the interior design of bedrooms.

It is important to maintain a uniform texture wallpaper using diverse shades.

Fashion trends 2018
To those include classic vegetable intrinsic patterns Nouveau, volumetric geometrical abstractions, and large patterns in black and white. The latter typically involves image film stars or sports of yesteryear.

Separately, it should be noted the growing popularity of individual photowall. They are placed only on one side of the room, usually at the head of the bed. This prevents location near the walls of the other elements of furniture, so as not to close the photo. The rest of the walls should be in harmony and emphasize the accent wall in a bedroom design.

The importance of choosing a wallpaper for the bedroom interior can not be overestimated. They are able to subtly change the mood of the owner and cook it gently to sleep. Overexposure should be enjoyable, so it is recommended to follow the simple tips and ideas of professional designers.