Top-10 best laxheri hostels in Europe according to The Guardian

Hostels were once crowded and not too clean havens for tourists with a limited budget. Staying with a few strangers in itself is stressful for many tourists, and the situation was further exacerbated by sheets of dubious freshness, ancient furniture, dirty bathrooms and other victims brought for the sake of saving money.

With such a bad reputation for hostels, it becomes clear why there has been a trend towards luxurious comfortable hostels - or laxary hostels.

We present to you the top 10 laxers of European hostels selected by The Guardian based on the popular Travel Guide.


10. Les Piaules, Paris

  • 9. Generator, Venice
  • 8. ClinkNoord, Amsterdam
  • 7. Circus Hostel, Berlin
  • 6. LaBanda Rooftop, Seville
  • 5. Soul Kitchen Junior, St. Petersburg
  • 4. SirToby's, Prague
  • 3. Tattva Design, Porto
  • 2. Celica Hostel, Ljubljana
  • 1. The Yellow, Rome
  • 10. Les Piaules, Paris

    One place costs from 25 euros, two from 90 euros.

    The Paris hostels are rather mediocre, however Les Piaules, designed in the Art Deco style and located next to the fashionable Belleville quarter, differs favorably from the "brethren".Between the beds there are curtains, Wi-Fi is free, and those wishing to sunbathe can do it on the roof terrace.

    9. Generator, Venice

    One place costs from 16 euros, two - from 38 euros.

    This is the most expensive hostel in the Generator network, but it is very advantageous in price compared to the prices for hotels in the center of Venice. Inside the hostel there are beautiful mosaic floors, Murano glass chandeliers and a lot of velvet.

    8. ClinkNoord, Amsterdam

    One place costs from 12 euros, two - from 81 euros.

    This hostel is a short walk from Amsterdam Central Station. Although the rooms in it are quite small( and what else to expect from an establishment with 750 rooms) they are quite comfortable, with soft beds and bathrooms, after visiting which you do not want to wash again.

    7. Circus Hostel, Berlin

    One place costs from 19 euros, two - from 75 euros.

    If you are a fan of actor David Hasselhoff, and like to travel, you simply have to look into this hostel. It houses the Hasselhoff Museum. And there is a brewery, bike rental, free walking tours, yoga courses and many other services.

    6. LaBanda Rooftop, Seville

    One place costs from 23 euros.

    Thanks to its beautiful rooftop terrace, excellent views of Seville Cathedral, inexpensive meals and comfortable rooms, LaBanda Rooftop is one of Spain's best hostels. All rooms have handmade wooden beds. There are no private rooms, only hostels for four, six or eight guests.

    5. Soul Kitchen Junior, St. Petersburg

    One place costs from 15 euros, two - from 56 euros.

    So the Russian hostel has entered the rating of the best European hostels in the laxtery segment. Brick walls, vintage furniture, low hanging lamps and kitsch wall decorations create a feeling of reliability and security. Those who want maximum comfort, can order a suite with a huge wooden bed and a fireplace.

    4. Sir Toby's, Prague

    One place costs from 10 euros, two - from 32 euros.

    Prague, loved by tourists, boasts a very cozy hostel located in an old house in the Holesovice area. It has a large pub in the basement, a beautiful garden, spacious rooms with wooden floors and retro furniture.

    3. Tattva Design, Porto

    One seat costs from 15 euros, two - from 47 euros.

    Occupies two historic buildings in Porto and is the largest hostel laxter in the city. It has rooms for several people, as well as for individual couples. All rooms are equipped with ensuite facilities, as well as a restaurant and a bar with a terrace in the hostel.

    2. Celica Hostel, Ljubljana

    One place costs from 18 euros, two - from 24 euros.

    It took more than a decade of effort to turn the prison building, which closed in 2001 and was almost destroyed by the authorities, to a popular hotel. More than 80 artists from all over the world worked on the decoration of the rooms. However, Celica Hostel is deprived of the standard attributes of the hostel, such as the kitchen and places for communication.

    1. The Yellow, Rome

    One place costs from 15 euros, two - from 50 euros.

    This establishment is ideal for young travelers, who adore an atmosphere of carefree and controlled chaos. The hostel has a bar, a club, a roof terrace, a mini cinema with a projector, everything to avoid boredom.