Rating of Universities 2015-2016, the best universities of the year

Rating of Universities 2015-2016, the best universities of the year

Published rating of Universities of the world in 2015 .It is annually compiled by the English consulting company QS Quacquarelli Symonds, based on a number of factors. Among them: an assessment of the achievements of each in the field of research and teaching, the academic reputation of the un...

Best mascara, 2015 rating

Best mascara, 2015 rating

Using a good carcass does not require special skills, but it gives an amazing result, making the woman's eyes bigger and more expressive. Rating mascara for 2015 includes the top-10 of the most high-quality and successful options, selected beauty-About.com. All of them are distinguished by l...

Top 3 largest private companies in Russia

Top 3 largest private companies in Russia

The site of Forbes magazine published a rating of 200 of the largest private companies in the Russian Federation. The main criterion for selection - in the company, the state or foreign investors should not own more than half of the total capital. The revenue received in 2014 is estimated, a...

Top 10 most unfriendly cities in the world

Top 10 most unfriendly cities in the world

The magazine Travel + Leasure conducted a survey among its visitors, asking them to place 226 cities around the world on a scale from the most friendly to the most unfriendly( about 200 thousand people took part in the survey).Alas, even the abundance of attractions, luxury restaurants and nigh...

Top 10 retail chains that violate consumer rights

Top 10 retail chains that violate consumer rights

Rospotrebnadzor made a black list of large trading establishments in which various violations were detected during inspections conducted since 2013.Such stores have every chance to get into the audit plan for the next year. This was reported by the head of the Moscow department of Rospotrebnadz...

Top 7 free Android training apps

Top 7 free Android training apps

The new school year is the time to put off mobile games and download to the phone or tablet applications for study. On Google Play, there are many great programs that make life easier for students and students. We present to you top-7 free training applications for Android , which will ...

Top-10 regions of Russia with the highest costs for housing and communal services

Top-10 regions of Russia with the highest costs for housing and communal services

RIA Rating Agency, a member of the international media group "Russia Today", presented a study of expenditures on housing and communal services in different regions of Russia in 2014. Places in the rating, consisting of 83 points, were distributed on the basis of the state and cost of ser...

Top 10 people with superpowers

Top 10 people with superpowers

After watching movies about superheroes, many dreamed of gaining some superhuman ability. Here are 10 real, not invented by the authors of comic books, people with extraordinary possibilities, to explain which science is not yet able to. I wonder which team of superheroes( or perhaps super v...

Rating of the best mortgage banks

Rating of the best mortgage banks

For thousands of Russians, mortgages are the only way to buy your own home. When deciding whether the in which bank to take the mortgage, a reasonable client studies not only the interest rate, but also the availability of several programs for different categories of borrowers, experienc...

Top-10 best works of World Press Photo 2012

Top-10 best works of World Press Photo 2012

The results of the largest and most prestigious contest of news photo reporters World Press Photo 2012 have been summed up. This year 5,247 reporters from 124 countries took part in the competition, who presented 101 254 photographs. We bring to your attention the top ten of the best ...