The best varieties of cauliflower

The best varieties of cauliflower

Cauliflower is not only a beautiful decoration for a dish, but also a vitamin-rich ingredient. Many summer residents constantly ask themselves how to get a rich harvest of this vegetable culture. And experienced farmers know what sorts yield a good harvest. Value has not only maturity, but also ...

The best varieties of peas

The best varieties of peas

Peas are not only delicious - it contains a complex of useful substances: protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. At the same time, there is not much fat in peas. Selenium, contained in peas, improves cognitive abilities and prolongs life. In this vegetable there is chlorophyll, which hel...

The best varieties of dill

The best varieties of dill

Dill is a popular herb that is grown in all regions of Russia. The best varieties of dill are grown not only in the garden, but also in greenhouses, flowerpots. Dill is unpretentious, does not need careful care and very often gardeners plant those seeds that are, not paying special attentio...

The best varieties of strawberry garden for the middle band

The best varieties of strawberry garden for the middle band

For more than two centuries cultivation of strawberries by skillful gardeners a large number of varieties that are designed for different climatic conditions has been bred. Of course, the best strawberry varieties for the middle strip of are those that can safely survive both cold and heat. A...

The best grades of a small tomato for a greenhouse

The best grades of a small tomato for a greenhouse

Greenhouses allow you to get an early harvest of such a delicious kind of vegetable, like tomatoes, which have a great variety of species. Low-growing tomato varieties are valued more for gardeners, because they do not require additional care, in contrast to tall ones. They do not need to tie - ...

The best sorts of onion leeks

The best sorts of onion leeks

Leeks won their popularity with domestic truck farmers relatively recently. The plant differs from all the usual onions with the absence of a bulb. Instead, it has a stalk-leg, which is used for eating. The value of this dacha culture is determined by the presence of a large number of vitamins, ...

The best radish varieties for open ground

The best radish varieties for open ground

On the threshold of the summer season, many truck farmers are in search of good types of radish. This product is very popular due to its original taste qualities and high content of vitamins. Therefore, in the top 10 we have included the best grades of radish for open ground according to exper...

The best varieties of cabbage for pickling and storing

The best varieties of cabbage for pickling and storing

Ogorodniki know how important it is that cabbage possessed not only excellent taste characteristics, but also remained for a long time suitable for food, and was not susceptible to diseases. For salting and souring, varieties of medium ripeness are rarely used, and for long storage, they are lat...

Lowest calorie foods

Lowest calorie foods

It is generally accepted that 's low-calorie products contribute to weight loss. In most cases, this is the case. But some foods that have a small number of calories, yet contribute to weight gain. 10 Potatoes 82 kcal Potatoes is a very nutritious and low-calorie ve...

The most delicious cakes at home

The most delicious cakes at home

The most delicious cakes at home wants to learn how to bake any mistress. There are a lot of recipes that can be chosen for every taste. But there are a dozen cakes that will not leave indifferent among people who have tried them - these are desserts, which have become classics of confectione...