The best grades of a small tomato for a greenhouse

Greenhouses allow you to get an early harvest of such a delicious kind of vegetable, like tomatoes, which have a great variety of species. Low-growing tomato varieties are valued more for gardeners, because they do not require additional care, in contrast to tall ones. They do not need to tie - that's their main advantage. The best of these species besides all bring excellent yields and are resistant to various diseases. To help pick up a good tomato farmer, we described the best sorts of low-growing tomatoes for the greenhouse, which are also suitable for outdoor planting.



Grade Lady opens the top ten types of tomatoes used for growing in greenhouse conditions. Vegetable early ripens and brings very pleasant to taste, fleshy fruits of cylindrical shape. The variety is very popular not only because of its high taste qualities. These tomatoes are distinguished by good cautiousness, transportability, and also not susceptibility to diseases. Mistresses use fruits, both for canning for the winter, and for making salads and other dishes.


Spring of the North

Spring of the North is a good kind of tomato that belongs to the early maturing. A low-growing plant is suitable for planting in a greenhouse. Fruit ripening occurs approximately on the ninety-fifth day after planting the seeds. The vegetable has a fleshy and very tasty pulp of pinkish color. The mass of fruits can reach up to two hundred grams. Fertility of the plant on average per square meter is seventeen and more kilograms. Spring of the North loves care: regularly watering and fertilizing the soil, and also loosening it. Tomatoes are preserved for the winter, and also eaten fresh.


Ryabchik is ideal for growing in greenhouse conditions. This low-growing tomato variety has round fruit of an interesting coloring: on the red background of the vegetable there are light-yellow, discontinuous strips. Fruits on average grow to two hundred grams, the maturation of which occurs no earlier than three and a half months. The hazel grouse is not suitable for salting for winter storage because of its "dimensionality", but for fresh consumption, cooking lecho, ketchup and other dishes is an excellent option. Tomatoes are not susceptible to disease, do not crack and have good transportability and lethargy.


Pink honey

Pink honey - one of the best low-growing varieties, which is good for landing in greenhouses. This species is popular due to the huge fruits, the weight of which can reach more than one kilogram. Tomatoes have fleshy, pink flesh. Vegetable is not peculiar to sour cream, as to many varieties, on the contrary, it has a very sweet taste. On average, the maturation of tomatoes takes about three months. For canning Pink honey is not suitable because of its huge size. Most often, fruits are used for consumption in fresh form and for addition in salads. It should be noted that the variety does not have good transportability, it quickly deteriorates and is prone to cracking.


Ladies fingers

Ladies fingers - tomatoes, classified as the best and most popular varieties due to their high taste characteristics and good transportability. The view is suitable for planting in a greenhouse. Low-growth plant bushes bring in a season up to fifteen kilograms per square meter. Tomatoes are meant for pickling, cooking ketchup and other dishes. They are good for fresh consumption. The fruits are small in size and have an elongated shape. The color of the vegetable is pink, and the pulp is sweet, fragrant and fleshy.



Salute - a popular kind of stunted tomatoes, which is very popular with gardeners. Vegetables can be grown both in the open ground and in hothouse conditions. The maturation of the fruit after planting occurs on average in three months. Vegetable has good transportability and lezhkostyu. The fruits are very fleshy, elongated, they are pink-scarlet or red. This plant loves to take care of itself, needs abundant watering, fertilizing and loosening of the soil. Tomatoes can be preserved, and also used in the preparation of various delicacies.



Burzhuy belongs to the best greenhouse types of tomatoes. A short-grown species ripens in average four, sometimes even five months. He is not susceptible to diseases and parasitic insects. Tomatoes grow very large, on average they reach two hundred grams, and individual tomatoes can reach up to five hundred grams in weight. Burzhuy has high levels of shelf life, and well tolerates transportation, thanks to a dense skin and fleshy pulp. These tomatoes have an excellent fruit bearing capacity of up to twelve kilograms per square meter. Since the fruits of the Bourjoux are not very large, it is well suited for pickling during the winter. A vegetable is also good in fresh salads, since it has a wonderful taste.



The talisman of is a kind suitable for both landing in open and closed ground. This variety has good fertility, resistance to disease, and also is characterized by rapid maturation. Vegetables bear fruit until the frost."Talismans" grow small, the weight of one fruit is only about twenty grams. They have a rounded form of juicy scarlet. The flesh of tomatoes is very naive and sweet. The talisman is great for salting, as well as for decorating various salads and meat dishes.


Orange princess

Orange princess is on the list of the best species that are suitable for growing in greenhouses. Another name for the variety is the Orange Miracle. The vegetable is well-bred, as indicated by such indicators as forty kilograms from one bush. On average, a full ripening of the vegetable requires three months from planting. The orange miracle brings very beautiful, slightly extended fruits of yellow-orange coloring. Tomatoes have a dense skin, and inside have a fleshy and juicy pulp, which has excellent taste characteristics. Vegetables are taken for salting, but especially it is good in seasonal salads.


Magus H

Magus H is considered by gardeners to be the best low-growing variety. This species is ideal for growing in greenhouse conditions. He is not susceptible to disease and shows high fertility. Maturation occurs on average two months after planting. The vegetable brings brightly scarlet rounded fruit, the mass of which can reach up to two hundred grams. When planting, note that the distance between the bushes should not be less than one square meter. The variety is not only very prolific, but also brings delicious tomatoes that can be used in cooking for universal needs.