Lowest calorie foods

It is generally accepted that 's low-calorie products contribute to weight loss. In most cases, this is the case. But some foods that have a small number of calories, yet contribute to weight gain.


Potatoes 82 kcal

Potatoes is a very nutritious and low-calorie vegetable. In 100 gr. The product in cooked form contains 82 kcal. According to the content of vitamins and other useful elements, potatoes are not inferior to other vegetables. The product contains a large amount of vitamin B, which is not produced or stored in the body, but the body itself needs it daily. Deficiency of this vitamin badly affects the work of the nervous system. For this reason, potatoes must be regularly included in the diet. In addition to strengthening the nervous system, the vegetable helps to normalize blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle and normalize digestion. However, get involved in potatoes for those who want to lose weight is not recommended. Despite its low caloric content, it contains a large number of easily digestible carbohydrates, which contributes to weight gain.


Mussels 77 kcal

Mussels is one of the most low-calorie products of animal origin. At 100 gr.mussels account for 77 calories. They contain protein, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. In addition, the marine mollusks contain phosphatides, beneficial for the functioning of the liver, unsaturated fatty acids, strengthening the cardiovascular system and reducing bad cholesterol. Due to its low caloric content and high nutritional value, mussels can enter the diet of people who want to lose weight.


Apples 47 kcal

Apples refers to low-calorie products. In 100 gr.the fruit contains 47 kcal. You can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties and contents of the vital substances of apples. Everyone knows that daily consumption of this fruit in food contributes to longevity, youth and health. It can be safely said that no product of plant origin has such a number of useful components and a rich composition. Apples have a beneficial effect on the whole organism, so doctors recommend that they be included in the daily diet.


Mushrooms 34 kcal

Mushrooms rightly refer to low-calorie, but at the same time, very satisfying products. They contain only 34 calories per 100 gr. Mushrooms are enriched with vitamins, provitamins, amino acids, and they contain a large amount of protein, which equates them to nutritional value for chicken meat. Also in their composition is an important component, such as lecithin, which prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the blood and the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the vessels. This product must be eaten by people with disrupted metabolism and heart disease. In addition, the mushrooms have a powerful natural antioxidant ergotionein, which prevents the development of cancer.


Broccoli 33 kcal

Broccoli is on the list of the lowest calorie and healthy products for human health. At 100 gr.broccoli accounts for 33 calories. It contains not only vitamins, microelements, minerals, but also organic unsaturated fatty acids. Broccoli beneficially affects all body systems. Regular use of it in food helps to strengthen immunity, improve digestion, regulate sugar in the blood and stabilize the production of insulin. Broccoli has powerful antioxidant properties, so it helps to remove free radicals from the body and its rejuvenation. In addition, the product has a good effect on the functioning of the lymphatic system, normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle.


Cabbage 28 kcal

Cabbage is on the list of the lowest calorie foods. At 100 gr.vegetables account for only 28 kcal. This amazing product, given by nature, with regular consumption enriches the body with very rare vitamins, such as U and K. And in general, cabbage is a storehouse of vitamins and other elements that contribute to the normalization of the work of all organs of the digestive system. Vegetable is indicated for use by people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, liver, spleen and obesity. Cabbage contains a large number of dietary fibers that perform a purifying function, relieving the body of toxins, and improve intestinal motility.


Bulgarian pepper 27 kcal

Bulgarian pepper is a low-calorie herbal product, which is 100 g.in raw form contains 27 kcal. In addition to vitamins and other useful microelements, there is a large amount of organic acids in the vegetable, for example, such as chlorogenic and p-coumaric, which promote the removal of toxins and carcinogens from the body. Also, Bulgarian pepper is enriched with such a useful component as lycopene, which helps to prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body. Daily use of this product in food will prevent not only cancer, but also heart disease.


Sea kale 25 kcal

Sea kale opens the three most low-calorie food products. In 100 gr. Sea cabbage contains 25 kcal. This unique product, which includes more than forty microelements irreplaceable for human health. Sea kale promotes strengthening of the immune, cardiovascular and nervous system, normalization of digestion. The product contains a record amount of iodine, which contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. This vital component is also an excellent preventive against thyroid diseases.


Squash 24 kcal

Zucchini is one of the three most low-calorie products. In 100 gr.zucchini contains 24 kcal. For this reason, the vegetable is included in many diets. The plant product contains a record number of trace elements, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and other substances that contribute to strengthening the protective functions of the human body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, antioxidant properties, purify toxins. Zucchini is recommended to include in the diet of diabetics, since they have in their composition natural sugars. In addition, the vegetable is rich in pectin, which contributes to the normalization of metabolism.


Cucumbers 15 kcal

Cucumbers - the lowest calorie product, which is 100 grams.in its raw form it contains only 15 kcal. But despite the fact that the practical vegetable does not contain energy value, it is very useful, thanks to the content of potassium, iodine, iron, magnesium, vitamin B, ascorbic acid and other valuable elements. Regular consumption of cucumber, helps not only to lose weight effectively, but also to remove excess fluid from the body, and also to establish a heart rhythm in people suffering from arrhythmia. Contained in cucumbers iodine is almost completely absorbed by the body, which helps prevent thyroid disease.