The most delicious sweets in Russia

Delicious treats can boast residents of any country. In Japan, chestnut cintons are considered the best dessert, in Turkey - baklava, in Britain - pudding, in Italy - tiramisu.

In Russia, candy takes the first place among delicacies. Their diversity remains only to be surprised: each region produces an uncountable number of delicious sweets with a wide variety of fillings. Choose the best samples is incredibly difficult. Our Top-10 includes the most delicious sweets in Russia( photos and names), which are most often bought by consumers not only for themselves, but also as a delicious gift to friends and family. The list is based on feedback from users of major Internet resources and is subjective.


Bars with chocolate-creamy taste

Open a list of the most delicious Russian sweets bars with chocolate-creamy taste from the factory "Rot Front".Bars are made from praline with the addition of grated peanuts and crispy crushed wafers. A harmonious nut, chocolate and creamy taste is well felt. The bar is pretty sweet, but it's not cloying at all.

Estimated cost of 1 kg of sweets is 319 rubles.


Delicate dessert with cream filling

One of the most delicious Russian sweets is a delicate dessert with cream filling "Rulada" from the factory "Akkond".Manufacturer for many years makes consumers happy with excellent products. The most famous candies of the factory are "Rulada".In size, they are three times more than regular sweets. The sweetness is covered with chocolate glaze, under which there is a delicate cream filling stuffed in a waffle layer.

"Rulada" - delicious, aromatic, crispy dessert with melting filling. Because of the large size at one time it is difficult to eat more than 2-3 sweets. Moderately sweet, this dessert has a harmonious taste, despite the abundance of ingredients in its composition. The approximate price of dessert is from 300 to 450 rubles per kilogram.


Set of milk chocolate with whole hazelnut and light nut filling

Among the most delicious candies in Russia is the set of milk chocolate with whole hazelnut and light nut filling of the trademark "A.Korkunov. "

The candies have a beautiful shape, they are made of milk chocolate, inside a whole nut hazelnut, and a light creamy-nut filling. The dessert is not luscious, it has a delicate chocolate taste.

Stylish elegant packaging allows you to use a set of chocolates as a delicious gift.

Approximate cost of a set weighing 190 grams - from 300 to 380 rubles.



"Mask" from the factory "Rot Front" - one of the most famous and delicious chocolates in Russia. They are produced over sixty years and are loved by more than one generation.

Candies are rectangular in shape. Delicious praline is covered with chocolate icing. The candy has a pleasant chocolate-nut flavor without sweet sweetness."Mask" is available in bags, by weight and in a gift box. The last option is good because favorite sweets can be bought not only for tea, but also as a delicious gift.

Of the minuses of dessert, it can be noted not the best composition: palm oil is present in sweets.

The average cost of candy for 250 grams is 120 rubles.



"Kara-Kum" factory "Red October" are known to more than one generation and are among the most delicious Russian sweets. Their taste has not changed much since Soviet times. Almost has not changed and the classical wrapper delicacies - it still depicts wandering through the desert camels. Wrap quality, dense.

The inner layer of dessert is a soft praline with pieces of wafers and nuts. The delicious filling is covered with a delicate chocolate icing. Candy is not sugary, there is nothing superfluous and artificial in taste.

One of the advantages of dessert is that it is made according to GOST.

Approximate cost of sweets - 600 rubles per 1 kg.


Cio Rio

Among the most delicious Russian sweets is "Chio Rio" from the factory "Yashkino".They have an amazing taste. Externally, the dessert looks like a regular bar. The filling is combined, and consists of chocolate, biscuits and caramel. It is covered with chocolate icing. Candy has an unusual refined taste. Separately it is worth noting the design of the dessert wrap, inspired by Japanese motifs.

To the merits of these unusually tasty candies is their low price - 47 rubles per package weighing 180 g.


Red Riding Hood

Candy "Little Red Riding Hood" from the factory "Red October" is a taste familiar to many from childhood. Delicacy by right is among the most delicious and popular Russian sweets.

Tasty candies - chocolate glaze, filling and waffles create a harmonious combination.

From the shortcomings of the delicacy can be noted only an excessively thick layer of chocolate glaze and a fairly high price of sweets.

Average cost of sweets - 640-700 rubles per 1 kg.


Dove promises

One of the most delicious candies in Russia is Dove promises .This is a set that includes 15 sweets with three fillings: milk chocolate, creamy caramel, hazelnut and almonds. Miniature chocolate plates are wrapped in foil. Inside is a small message with pleasant words. Advantages of treats:

  • natural milk chocolate;
  • sweets do not contain vegetable fats;
  • gentle rich taste.

The cost of a set weighing 118 grams - from 219 to 326 rubles.


Bear-faced toad

"Bear-faced bear" from the factory "Red October" - not only one of the most delicious, but also the oldest candy in Russia. The composition of delicacies, like packaging, have reached our time almost unchanged. They began to produce sweets before the revolution( presumably in the 1880s and 1890s) in the Einem workshop, now called Red October. The wrapper for sweets was created by the artist Emmanuil Andreev, who took as a basis the picture of Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest".

The composition of the oldest sweets of the factory "Red October" has not changed: a tender praline between two wafers is covered with chocolate glaze.

The price of the legendary delicacy is from 700 to 800 rubles per kg.


Inspiration of

"Inspiration" with a delicate almond cream and whole almonds is one of the most delicious chocolates in Russia.

The almond kernel is encased in a nut cream, covered with a crispy waffle and clothed in a fresh chocolate frosting. The waffle is sprinkled with crispy little nuts. Almond cream is extremely gentle. The producer managed to achieve a harmonious combination of a delicate filling, a crisp whole nut and a hard chocolate glaze.

The average price of sweets is 257 rubles per package weighing 240 g.