The best varieties of peas

Peas are not only delicious - it contains a complex of useful substances: protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. At the same time, there is not much fat in peas. Selenium, contained in peas, improves cognitive abilities and prolongs life. In this vegetable there is chlorophyll, which helps strengthen the circulatory system, maintains hormonal balance and helps with wound healing.

Peas - the perfect vegetable. It can be eaten fresh, used in a mixture with other vegetables, to cook delicious soups and side dishes from it.

Varieties of peas are great, but they can be divided into three groups: husk, brain and sugar. Their difference lies in the edibility of the leaflets - peas of sugar varieties can be eaten with pods. The parchment layer of the leaves of the varnished varieties makes them unfit for consumption.

Brain peas as a food product are used immature. In a state of full maturation, the seeds have a wrinkled appearance, for which they received their name.

Varieties of peas can also be both with a long stalk, and low. They differ in terms of maturation. Grow early varieties can be even in the Far North - in areas where farming is possible.

We selected the best varieties of peas, which have excellent taste and good yield.



The best varieties of peas include "Avola" .This is an early low-growing variety of shelling sweet pea. Maturation takes 56-57 days. In one pod there are up to 9 peas. Due to the fact that the height of the stem reaches no more than 40-50 cm, "Avola" can be grown without the use of supports. One of the advantages of this variety is a high and stable yield, regardless of climatic conditions. Variety of peas "Avola" - an undoubted leader in yield. The taste of this pea is excellent. It is eaten fresh, canned, dried and frozen.



"Alpha" is one of the best early ripening varieties of peas. He ripens in 45-54 days. The height of the stems is up to 55 cm, so peas can be grown without the use of supports. Pods of this sort of pea are slightly curved, dark green in color, up to 7-9 cm long. Alpha is a high-yielding variety, unpretentious to climatic conditions. Ripened pods are full, almost without voids, peas are sweet and poured, with a wonderful taste. Variety of peas "Alpha" can be eaten fresh, canned, frozen and used in home cooking.


Zhegalova 112

"Zhegalova 112" is one of the best medium-quality varieties of sugar peas. Matures to the stage of technical ripeness in 50-60 days, until the seeds ripen completely in 90-100 days. Beans can be harvested within two weeks. The variety has good yield. Stems grow to 120-180 cm. From the minuses of this variety it is worth noting that he is unstable to lodging stems. The pods have a straight or slightly curved shape, light green in color, 10-15 cm long. The peas are rounded, slightly angular and oblate. Taste qualities of grains are excellent. Peas of this variety are best used fresh, and for use in cooking, pods should be boiled in salted water for about a minute.


The miracle of Kelvedon

The best varieties of sugar peas include "Miracle of Kelvedon" .This early-ripening variety, characterized by high yield. Ripens in 65-70 days. Stems reach a length of 45-50 cm and need support. The pods are slightly curved, up to 8 cm long. The seeds are large, dark green in color and have an excellent sweet taste. The value of this variety lies in the fact that it is resistant to lodging and cold, the seeds have excellent taste and dietary qualities. Peas of this class can be eaten fresh, canned and frozen.


The inexhaustible 195

"The inexhaustible 195" is one of the best medium-early sugar varieties of peas. It has been very popular for many years due to the excellent quality of the peas and the ease of growing. The stems grow to 1 m. The pods are straight with an obtuse tip, a gray-green color, 8-10 cm long. The seeds are yellowish-green in color, slightly compressed. Ripen peas to the stage of technical maturity in 45 days. Full ripening of fruits takes 70-90 days. Ripening of beans is not friendly, but stretched, but the variety is perfectly suitable for a one-time harvest.

Peas have excellent taste qualities. It is good fresh, used in cooking, for freezing and canning.



The best varieties of peas include "Viola" .This is a medium-ripening sort. Maturation takes 60-68 days. The stem reaches a maximum length of 80 cm. The pod is slightly curved, full of green color, with a well developed parchment layer. The length of the bean is 6-8 cm.

The taste of the peas is excellent. Seeds are used both fresh and conserved.


Soup blade 181

"Soup blade 181" is an interesting grade of sugar peas with excellent taste qualities. The variety refers to early maturing - the first harvest can be started in 45 days."Soup blade 181" is undemanding to the soil and quite easily tolerates drought. The pods do not have a parchment layer, the seeds are small, yellowish-pink in color. Blades of peas of this variety are especially tasty in soups and conservation.



"Oregon" , or "Sugar 2" - one of the best early-early varieties of sugar peas. Ripens on average for 55-65 days. The stem reaches a length of 120 cm. The pod is long, fleshy, without a parchment layer of leaves, light green in color. The peas are smooth, the same in size. The variety is suitable for fresh use, freezing and preserving. One of the virtues of this variety is excellent resistance to diseases.


Hawk pearls

"Hawk pearls" is one of the best varieties of medullary middle peas. The stem reaches its maximum length to 90-100 cm. The pod is slightly curved, with a sharp tip, up to 8 cm long. The peas of this variety ripen in 56-70 days. The variety shows a good resistance to root rot.



"Adagum" is one of the popular varieties of sugar peas. Among truck farmers it is valued for excellent food quality. The stem reaches a height of 60 cm and does not need the use of supports. Ripens in average for 55 days.

Peas of this class can be eaten fresh, used in home cooking, frozen and canned.