Top 3 ways to get rid of dandruff at home

Many people are familiar with a problem such as dandruff. Today, the market for beauty products is represented by many tools that help to combat it, the main thing is to choose the ideal option for a specific case. Do not know how to get rid of dandruff at home? Below, will consider the three most effective methods of .

Henna anti-dandruff

This remedy is able to treat a variety of hair and skin diseases, including dandruff. It is common in the countries of the East, which is easy to see by looking at the girls from Indian TV series. Henna is distinguished by antiseptic qualities and antifungal properties, which is very useful for dermatological ailments.

After application, it acts on the scalp soothing, so you can forget about itching for a long time. Hair strengthens in roots, become voluminous and strong. However, beauticians do not recommend to apply it for a long time to the full length - so as not to overdo the head of hear even more.

The action of henna can be compared with conditioner for curls: it can remove fat from them, but completely getting rid of dandruff at home helps only at an early stage of the disease. There is a variety designed for dyeing hair, but to solve cosmetic problems it is better to use colorless henna.

It takes a little henna powder and warm water to prepare the mask. Consistency is the same as that of thick sour cream. It is actively rubbed into the scalp, normalizing the blood circulation. The hair from this remedy becomes healthy in appearance and even shines. A positive effect is observed in almost 100% of cases.

Tea tree oil from dandruff

It is a delightful remedy, as it is a natural product and effectively fights against a fungus that causes dandruff. Oil is well suited for the treatment of oily seborrhea. In its use, complexities should not arise: several drops should be mixed with shampoo in the dosage of a single wash of the head. All this is rubbed into the scalp and scalp with leaving for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off. Regular application of this technique will help to get rid of dandruff at home in a few weeks.

Medicinal lemon and dandruff

Dandruff appears due to a violation of the acid balance of the scalp. You can restore it with a lemon - so white flakes in the curls will disappear forever, leaving only an unpleasant memory from the past.

You can try to make a lemon decoction. To do this, you need a peel of four lemons. It needs to be poured with warm water, put on fire and boil for a third of an hour. Cooled broth carefully filtered - they should rinse hair. It is best to do this procedure once a week.

It is also possible to mix juice of half a lemon with olive oil in a volume of 4 tbsp.l. The mask is rubbed into the skin, hair is covered with polyethylene and a towel. After an hour and a half, it is washed off with a simple shampoo. The desired result can be achieved if you do the procedure every other day.

Now you have learned how to get rid of dandruff at home by simple methods. It is not so difficult to do this, the main thing is to choose the most effective means for yourself. It is better to choose natural products from the available ingredients, so that there is confidence in quality treatment!