How to clean the microwave yourself: standard methods and the "popular" recipes

Do not overload the dishes products, they may boil over and get dirty microwave


  • 1 Properties proper operation of the microwave oven
  • 2 Purification by microwave - basic steps
  • 3 Properties purification depending on the materials of the inner chamber
  • 4 How to clean the microwave at home - most effective methods
  • 5 How to clean inside the microwave - which way is the fast, easy and effective

Properties proper operation of the microwave oven

Microwave oven has a fairly ample opportunities in terms of heat treatment products - thawing, heating and even cooking full meals. Pollution is an essential attribute of any cooking, but if you use certain operating rules, you can significantly reduce cleaning time or to delay it:

  1. Try to set a timer for the minimum time required for preparation. Boiling causes unnecessary rasploskivaniyu liquids on the surface of the walls. It would be better to add a few more minutes, if the dish is not ready for use.
  2. When the liquid food is fully warmed up, it is necessary to wait 10-15 seconds before you get it out of the microwave - it warns hit boiling drops on the wall. Also, do not neglect the use of cover to prevent excessive contamination.
  3. In no case do not try to cook in the microwave oven raw eggs or fry crackers - you probably lose tasty product, having instead an unpleasant odor combined with the soiled walls, and door.

    Some products may explode

  4. In addition to eggs, microwave oven also does not help in the preparation of any dish in a sealed package. Explosions do not like one, so if you want to maintain your technique in its original form - forget the packed food!
  5. Vegetables, fruits, potatoes, sausages, sausages, etc. food (even the eggs without the shell!), you can reheated in the microwave, following just one simple rule - make a few holes with acute the subject. Then the steam will freely go outside without making a meal "explode."

NOTE!(Click to see)


For even more effective pollution control is recommended to buy a special cap made of plastic, which is covered with food before using the device. Neat appearance and a minimum amount of foreign odors 100% guaranteed.

Purification by microwave - basic steps

Unfortunately, not all comply with the above tweaks in the operation of machinery. Moreover, compliance reduces the total number of frozen droplets and stains, but infinitely it can not last. From time to time you will be forced to clean their equipment. On the methods discussed later, but for now let's step by step Let us examine cleaning the microwave at home:

  1. Turning off our assistant from the mains.
  2. Open door We reach glass dish and ring with rollers. They are my separately.
  3. Thoroughly launder top wall.
  4. Food residues were purified from side surfaces and a rear wall.
  5. Wipe the bottom of the furnace.
  6. Get rid of the remaining dirt door.
  7. If necessary, carry out cleaning of the microwave from the outside.

If you do not follow the rules careful operation, that such a procedure should be performed at least once in two weeks. With careful use, this period can be doubled.

EXAMPLE like soup can splashed

Properties purification depending on the materials of the inner chamber

Since its inception, the microwave equipment periodically undergoing structural changes. Thanks to the efforts of engineers was invented several uses of materials for the device's internal camera. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. We offer more to learn the rules that must be followed, depending on the preferred option, before moving on to the material on how to quickly clean the inside of the microwave.


Coating of Enamel

Do not use abrasive cleaners. At the bottom of the device must not be moisture to avoid corrosion.

Stainless steel

Not allowed to use for cleaning abrasive components of any form, as well as all kinds of acids.

Coating Ceramic

Do not use hard sponges of metal shavings and the like abrasives.

How to clean the microwave at home - most effective methods

In the 21 century masters of cleaning and ordinary housewives come up with some effective solutions to clean even old stains, stubborn tightly in the furnace body. Some take less than a minute, the other "stolen" a lot more free time. Ideal method, of course, does not exist - each chooses, than wash the microwave grease and food particles inside. We offer to meet with the most popular and gained fame in their field options.

How to clean the inside of the microwave with steam

If the microwave oven is not large dirt, it makes sense to look at the simplest and most common method, which is popularly known as "Steam". The thing is - we find deep dish, fill it with water, put in and run the microwave oven at full power. Usually enough period of ten to fifteen minutes. When the process is completed, do not take out the dishes at once - in the case enters a physical phenomenon as condensate. After five to seven minutes to open the device, gently pull out the tray and remove the food sources of dirt with a napkin (preferably non-woven) or a soft kitchen sponge.

Shoe microwaves from within by steam

Cleaning the conventional sponge and dish detergent

If you are still thinking how to launder the microwave from fat, this method is good for the weak level of pollution, as well as for medium-complexity spots. Schedro moistening a sponge in water, adding to it a drop of detergent diameter half to two centimeters. Compress and decompress strong movements create as many as possible on the surface of the foam. Then, just as in the previous case, put it into the inner chamber and start the process. But be careful - you need to use the lowest possible power (otherwise simply burn sponge), and the maximum time of the procedure - no more than thirty seconds. You can then open the door and start the internal surface cleaning using the same jaws.

Cleaning sponge and dishwashing liquid

Use for washing orange peel - the choice of the environmentalist

We continue to explore methods to deal with light and medium pollution. If you do not want to cause any harm to the environment, as well as a supporter of non-waste technologies, then this option is ideal. You know how to wash a microwave simply peel an orange? The scheme is simple - take any available capacity, add up to orange peels (the amount is not regulated) and fill several cups of water. As in the case of steam, be laid packaging in a microwave oven and run at maximum power. Ten minutes should be enough with a vengeance. After switching off, you can start cleaning of the already known rules.

Cleaning with orange peel

My microwave soap - "The Storm" chronic spots

Sometimes you have to break a head, how to quickly clean the inside of the microwave, if the cleaning is not carried out for a long time and simple recipes do not help. We turn to the most effective method that allows to win the most complicated variants of dirt. Soap rescues and saves many families, even the cleaning of household equipment does not cause him problems. The principle is that - or to be foamed soap on a sponge or distribute his hands on the inner surface of the microwave oven. Leaving a layer of soap on the wall for a few minutes, and then remove it with a damp sponge to soften the dirt or cloth.

Ordinary soap

How to clean the microwave lemon or citric acid

Another convenient option for fans of ecology. Citric acid sold in any grocery store, and its absence can be compensated by the usual lemon juice. How quickly and efficiently clean the microwave using lemon or acid? Again, take the hands of a deep bowl, fill it with water, and pour a pre-acquired powder, or a hand squeeze the juice from the chopped fruit (later it will also need to put in plate). By tradition, the resulting mixture is put in our microwave and run at maximum heating power, setting the timer for a period of two to five minutes. After completion of the waiting process and a start time cleaning procedure. In places of difficult to handle can be used lemon previously prepared solution.

Shoe mikrovolnovkm lemon or citric acid

Cleaning with vinegar - a real "heavy artillery"

Despite the unpleasant smell, this method is the most powerful in the fight against stubborn stains. How to use the purchased at retail a bottle of acetic acid to quickly wash the microwave? The first step is to open a window, or even the window to remove harmful vapors. All the same pour plate or two tablespoons of a 9% vinegar, or one teaspoon of 70% acetic essences. Set the container on the glass tray and run the microwave oven for a period of two to seven minutes (depending on the contamination). Further actions are the same other options.

Cleaning with vinegar powerful way, but after the smell may remain

We try to clean the microwave using vinegar and baking soda - an uncompromising solution

The most powerful method we have laid the last. A mixture of soda and acetic acid - is one of reliable means in question, as clear from the fat inside the microwave. First, in whatever bowl mix a tablespoon of vinegar and two tablespoons of the same soda and two to four tablespoons of warm water. The resulting "alchemical potion" using the toothbrush is applied to the microwave oven walls. Twenty minutes later, with a sponge or cloth with the edges can be removed as a mixture, and absolutely any contamination.

USEFUL ADVICE!(Click to see)


Many of the techniques described above have specific consequences in terms of malodor. To avoid this:

  • Use the above "ecological" methods (orange peel, lemon).
  • Place the chamber rastolchonny activated carbon or saline.
  • Clean the inside surface of the sponge with drawn on it with a teaspoon of coffee.

A mixture of baking soda and vinegar cleans the oldest pollution

How to clean inside the microwave - which way is the fast, easy and effective

Now that you know more about cleaning your microwave oven - we have learned and simple methods, which only need water, introduced so as to clean the microwave citric acid, and learned of the existence of more powerful compounds. We do not undertake to name a leader among the described embodiments. Instead, we offer to our overall rating. Further - only your choice.

Result cleaning microwave

Methoddegree of pollutionEvaluation edition, the score
"Steam"First level2,5/5
Sponge and detergentElementary or secondary level3,3/5
orange peelElementary or secondary level4,1/5
Laundry soapMedium or high level of3,4/5
Lemon or citric acidMedium or high level of4,3/5
Acetic acidany level4,4/5
Soda + acetic acidany level4,5/5