The kid who was a year old, boring to sit in a wheelchair. A walk long legs, he can not. A great solution is to purchase a three-wheeled machinery.
- Features
- Types tricycles
- How to choose a tricycle
- What to buy a tricycle

Buying bicycle equipment for the baby - a difficult task for parents as it is necessary to take into account:
- Age offspring;
- construction;
- Security;
- Comfort;
- The weight.
Age - this is important. Some parents save and buy transport malyutke "for growth", and this can not be done. It is better to abandon the purchase, you purchase equipment not on growth. Why? In the first place the child uncomfortable to ride in this vehicle. And it is not safe for the baby not strong, is fraught with falls and serious injury.
Not so long ago appeared on the market three-wheeled industries for children from one year to two years - it's walking velokolyaska. In fact - it is the same three-wheeled bicycle, but with a long handle behind, which helps parents to manage and adapt to baby seat and footrest.
Going for a walk on such a bicycle, kid involved in the movement, and does not miss, in a wheelchair. Built-in music carries the child, he steers steered technique in the right direction, pedaling. Convenient vehicle for the toddler helps broaden the horizons of the child and promotes development.
Bicycles for children from one year are divided into types:
- Bicycle carriages (from one to two years);
- The usual three-wheeled (two to four years);
- Mixed models that combine the two previous species.
Types tricycles

Tricycle - classic
For older children need a modification of the classic three-wheeled transport. We already have a classic saddle as an adult. It is necessary to choose the hard and slippery seat. In addition, it is present surrounding rim, which does not give the child to slide, and height adjustment.
It is better to choose a bicycle with a large and wide wheels - this will allow your child to pick up speed faster. It is desirable that the steering wheel was a call, the baby will get used to warn passers-by about their approach.
Classical model of a three-wheeled vehicle is better to pick a limiter on the steering wheel, which protects the child from impacts when turning. Choose transport, which is governed by the wheel - it will allow to adapt the technique for the growth of the baby.
combined models
Velokolyasku you buy, but as soon as the baby grows, it is transformed into a classic tricycle that practical.
When you select a note:
- Lock the steering wheel. This function invented to facilitate management. If the baby starts to pull the wheel sharply, not allowing you to manage transportation, Mom can lock it and calmly continue to move.
- Lock pedals. This feature fixes the pedal in case the transport is managed by one of the parents with the handle, and pedal interfere with the child. This is good and in a situation where the child's legs are tired. Lock pedals will need when the baby is still quite small, and twist them still can not.
- Parking brake. This device equipped with all velokolyaski. Located on the rear wheel. Its configuration is similar to the brake on the stroller that allows you to park in the parking lot.
- Hand brake. Intended for braking and is located under the seat. Crumbs is not difficult to learn to use it.
- music bar It gives kids a lot of fun.
- steering limiter. Desired function, as when turning vehicles can lose balance and fall. In addition, if you turn the steering wheel too hard, it can injure the stomach of the child. With stop these situations are excluded.
There are models that have a parent handle is not regulated - it is a minus. There are models in which the handle is not controlled transport for the baby, and only serves to push velokolyaski. It is not very convenient, because the movement can be carried out only in a straight line and to turn the need to make an effort.
Controlled Pen is an advantage - it makes the front wheels rotate in the desired direction.
Velokolyasok advantage:
- a pedal mounted on a wheel;
- pallets holding the legs - are on both sides of the frame.
If the legs are tired, they will stand on the footboards, and if the kid wants to participate in the movement, easily rearrange feet on the pedals.
As for the classic models, the lack of them - non-adjustable seat and steering wheel. It is advisable not to buy such models, although they are much cheaper. They are not adapted to the growth of the baby.
If we take into account the mixed bicycle, keep in mind that a child grows and tastes change. When you purchase a combined two techniques in one, you save.
How to choose a tricycle

- Seat in the form of a chair will not allow to fall on his back. It should be comfortable and not slippery. If velokolyaska purchased for one year old child in the seat must be present seatbelts. Make sure that the safety straps were soft, little one did not cause inconvenience in walking.
On some models, there is a special bumper with soft grip. On the bicycle with the bumper can even sit six-month toddler.
Velokolyaski not suitable for walking long distances, as the baby while walking will want to sleep, but they are not meant for sleeping. If you spend on the street for more than two hours, it is better to give it up and go to the stroller.
- The emphasis for legs in the form of pedals or pallet. On the pedals should be a special locking strap to foot not slipped. For the little ones is better to buy velokolyasku the pallet on which the legs will lie quietly.
- A pen - swivel and adjustable. In some models it is directly connected to the front wheel, and the mechanism is hidden inside the frame. When driving it helps parents to control the bike, and the ability to adjust allows you to make this process convenient. Notice how it is reliable, as it handles velokolyaskah not withstand the load and will fail.
- awning - safeguard the crumbs from the rain and heat stroke. Tent comes with velokolyaskoy - folding and removable.
- trunk. Designed for toys, but there are racks in the form of a basket, then the mother comfortable to walk with your child to the store and purchase dovozit home without carrying them in their hands.
If crumbs are more than two years, ask him what he likes the boot configuration. Carrier in the form of a body and a rotary knob, which are turned by mimicking the body dump, captivate children. Configurations trunk very much.
- Frame. Choose a reliable and durable. The connections should be strong, with no visible damage. There is a frame made of metal and plastic. In terms of reliability, they are almost indistinguishable. The only difference in the weight of the finished product. In this case, only the choice is yours.
- wheels. The front wheel is large, and two rear smaller diameter. In the case of velokolyaskoy, preferably rubber wheels, wide resistant. The softness of the rubber will allow your child to feel comfortable and secure, even if the mother is in a hurry and drives fast.
What to buy a tricycle

- It is desirable that bicycle was formed, it is convenient not only for storage, but also for transportation. If this velokolyaska, parental handle must be easily removed, otherwise the bike will not go down in the trunk of a car.
- Buy this mass transport to baby could easily budge. On the walk there are situations in which you need to raise velokolyasku with your child. Heavy model will create difficulties.
Bike on the market many vendors pleasing new developments with a striking design. Price categories vary widely. When buying look at the additional features that can add value. Think - whether they are important or chubby little boy can do without them.
Industries of high-priced buy is not always advisable, as with age it all still have to change to another.
Pick up the bike so that sitting on it, stop getting up the crumbs on the ground. The leg should be free to lie down on the pedal in its lower position.
Wheels, steering wheel, pedals, should rotate smoothly and freely, without making extraneous sounds while driving. When choosing a vehicle for the baby, sat him on a bicycle. This will allow to evaluate the stability and safety of the product.
Errors in the selection:
- Quality bicycle depends on country of origin - is a myth. Responsible for the quality is not a country, and the company manufacturer, which produces parts and components for bicycles.
- Road bike is much better than cheap - misleading. The price depends on quality. Before you choose to store the most expensive model to find out about the features because of which raised the price.
- It is not necessary to listen to the seller - to sell it. It is not true. If you have little understanding of children's transport, the seller advice can help you make the right choice. Do not buy a bike in a shop, where not give a guarantee on it and do not provide service.
- Do not neglect to protect the gear in the fall.
If you are staying on the model of the plastic, and ask about the quality of the guarantees to be provided by the seller - it will save money and nerves.
Before you put the baby on the bicycle, check all connections and components. If the bike is sent to storage, it is necessary to clean and lubricate.
It is not necessary to check how strong parent handle, breaking a high curb and push it. It will break, since it is not designed for this purpose. If there is a need to transfer the bike, then this should be done by taking the steering wheel and the seat.