The choice of style may of pleasant experience become a problem if there is a question of "either - or", especially when plans to build a house. With ready building a little easier, its very appearance already tells the likely path, in which case it will give tips designers. Among the "recommended" styles usually mention Provence - welcoming, atmospheric, original. Canons of style a bit limited in the decisions of the owners, but ensure effective result. The house in the style of Provence will be a personal work of art.
The inner and outer decoration owners can save up to half of the amount that would have gone for something classic, technological or pompous. On registration of money does not regret, but too much is not necessary. Time and energy are the owners go primarily to different design subtleties. Owning a useful creative ideas for the decor.
- Personal style: the history of the emergence of style
Key features and characteristics of Provence
- The color scheme style
Typical materials for finishing
- Walls
- Floor
- Ceiling
- The choice of furniture
- Decorative design and textiles
- lighting Features
Outdoor home decoration
- Floors in the style of Provence
- exterior decoration
- Selection and installation of windows
- Highlighting the house and grounds
Interior finish of rooms
- Entrance hall / corridor
- Living room
- Kitchen
- Bedroom
- nursery
- Bathroom and toilet
- Registration of land in the style of Provence
- conclusion
Personal style: the history of the emergence of style
Style name contains a link to the French region of Provence, rich houses in the mountains and the lower reaches. This part of France at the time began to call Our province or a province - the Romans during the conquest of Gaul. Provincial style is called not only because of the historical connection between the names, but also the identity of the whole scattering of farmhouses, outstretched in the region. At any time, they deserve to get some common characteristic.

Provence meets American country style. Both trends in design called provincial, which is why they also include a single stylistic direction. Part of them can be called rustic or rural, but the latter still appear as independent phenomena. The original style of Provence concerned mostly private houses in the distance from the capital and regional centers, so "rustic" value for him, too, of course.

Key features and characteristics of Provence
Facilities in the style of Provence look original and proud. There are stone and wood, straight and sophisticated, simple, half-timbered, with a gable roof and mnogoschiptsovoy. In the historic homeland style we liked to experiment with design, such as the stand, then for spread throughout Europe, and now people have such a variety.

The essence of the style can be felt in the interior. There is dominated by white-washed pastel colors, soft scale, there is a lot of sunlight. The harmony added textiles and crafts. For new furniture - trim, lace and at the same time simple, making artificially aged subjects and authentic antiques of the past. Full Provincial style is not without mural, repeating patterns, simple colors like Goroshkova. elements of luxury in Provence got from classicism and baroque.

The style will not be complete without fresh flowers: the territory of the combination must be kept, and the variety is appreciated in the rooms.

The color scheme style
Natural shades of make up its foundation. The style is no room for sharp colors, especially for such transitions. Hallmark of provincial style feel light pastel shades and bleached, because in the vast majority of design trends is a striving for the perfect color. Provence, in fact, the "play" on this contrast. Enhance the whiteness worn, sometimes expressive touch. Applied also metal products with corrosion and dark green patina. Dark colors are left unused or are making through the brown and gray palette. More often present in the style of white, cream, light and dark beige, coffee, yellow, blue. The second group comprises pale tones light green, pink, purple. Color constitute separate rooms of 2-3 shades main and minor impurities, interfere with the color supersaturation.

Typical materials for finishing
Maximum use of wood, stone, terracotta, ignore the synthetic raw materials such as laminate and plastic. Walls trim traditional materials:
- wallpaper;
- whitewash;
- paint;
- plaster;
- clapboard.

The problem will not be if linings will be of imitation wood, and non-woven wallpaper, but only a few sites you can make out. Synthetics glut of homes will lead to the fact that the non-natural materials notice anyone, even someone who has never tried to distinguish them by eye. Wallpaper with natural motifs and white paint will be a win-win always. Inside the rooms feature organically look rough plaster woodworm, a few elements of masonry.
Unready board independently painted white, arranged in any configuration. Implement creative ideas from mosaic tiles and colored glass, surface pattern.

Furnish of vertical surfaces is not complete without a tree - in interior doors and frames in the windows, if you follow the classical design.
Paint, wallpaper, and plaster is used with the same success as a core cladding. After staining on the walls create effects burnt coating. The wallpaper is sometimes painted. Plaster create thoughtful and chaotic texture.

The bedroom and children's used the same materials, but less often plaster and battens. The toilets and bathrooms, in spite of the diversity of water-resistant materials, put the usual tiles. And painted products patterned give preference, and ideally small mosaic spread.
Hallway and living room done in white or cream color, sometimes in shades of coffee. Decorate the room as expensive as possible. Buy expensive materials and quality, without artificial worsening of their condition, and especially do not try to save money. Not a problem, if the interior of the "breaks" a small amount of gold.
See also:The design of the hall in a private house with a ladder 75 photos

Finishes flooring:
- Wood: kitchen, living room, bedroom, nursery, hallway.
- Tiles: kitchen, bathroom, hallway, bedroom.

A large selection of the owners will not, because the synthetic materials spoil the appearance of the house. Of course, rules are sometimes laminate and linoleum are ignored and used, but ideally the choice should be between the different levels of quality of natural raw materials. Painted boards used to make the floor as white as everything else. Material brown and gray colors make a great contrast in the bedroom or nursery. Smooth trim cover is placed inside the house. Timber with small defects and irregularities trim verandas and terraces. The floors are carpets cover about half the cases.
The difficulty may cause the choice between wood and tile, as well as their combination. Hallway it makes no sense to lay out tiles, if the house where a wooden floor is present. Whole wood coating in all corridors distinct tiled goes into the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms.

In terms of material colors do not have to choose long. Painted ceiling is not white does not make sense, in extreme cases come more original and pick a shade of cream. From the materials used plaster, paint, whitewash.
In the narrow sense used tree. On the ceiling beams are sometimes present, and if they do not, will not interfere with several bands trim strips. In sharp contrast with the beam ceiling it does not look the best way, so they are selected to match or slightly darker.

Ceiling coverings impart texture. Together with the Provincial style looks best satin, combining structure and a low profile matte glossy light scattering.
Only a few make tiered ceilings. In the provincial interior, they look strange. Historical elements such as stucco, caissons and large moldings always leave, beat with delicate forms of furniture and fabrics.

The choice of furniture
The external simplicity of style does not mean you need to buy an old, sloppy or angular furniture. Experts advise Provence products in pastel colors, precious woods, with attractive lines, ideally with a thread. Suitable artificially aged furniture with a uniformly distributed defects. Graceful and worn items do not get in the same room. At least make an organic transition within a large space. It is not necessary to pass by the painted patterns that give picturesque and homeliness.

Chairs provincial situation is selected by the color criteria. Suitable light products including wicker, wood, wrought iron paint.
The size of the furniture is chosen according to the situation, but the tradition of talking about compact models, the more preferred. Designers allow the combination of furniture in the spirit of Provence with modern finishes of walls.

Decorative design and textiles
The interior is filled with handmade crafts. Handkerchiefs and napkins adorn the shelves, tables. Toy animals and fruits of plants diluted with strict conditions. Lace decorated textiles. Fridge magnets cling. Chairs and sofas covered with covers, capes. Each room put at least 1-2 of the pot with living plants. Do not interfere with the composition of dry twigs and baguettes. All this does not mean that the situation need to be turned into a glut of interesting details, for this there are other styles. Provence is the first live, non-technological environment.

Characterized encouraged textile color from different tissues. Suitable products from natural raw materials such as linen or cotton. Textiles used in sofas, lamps, beds, tables, shelves, as well as curtains.

lighting Features
To the illumination has 2 requirements:
- Give a lot of natural light as possible.
- Artificial lighting make bright or muted, depending on the situation.
The house is in a provincial style filled with natural light, as well as white and yellow light from the instrument. Uniform light distribution in the room provide the right combination of lamps. Nothing special use, apply simple wall and floor equipment, chandeliers, turning devices. For atmospheric add light bulbs that mimic candles. light density at the desired level kept decor reflecting surfaces, mirrors, silver objects. Try to increase coverage of narrow corridors and kitchens - if the layout of the house they left little space. Almost all the rooms used standard wrought iron chandeliers, in small limited to simple, but great gain multilevel. External lighting equip wall lamps, imitations torch. Above terrace hung lampochnuyu simple illumination.

Outdoor home decoration
Provincial European houses can be found in hundreds of pictures. At the most typical of these people will see a white wall, green or brown shutters and flowerpot on the windowsill and a parked bicycle. In fact, improvement of a private house includes many components, and the result should look neat and stylish.

Exterior trim starts with the selection of the roof. The usual orange tiles is sometimes replaced by the gray and light pink. The higher the slope of the roof, the non-core become less desirable embodiments. Ideally, the roof should be low.
Full facade of the provincial house on one third strip covers the climbing plant, it has shutters, window sills with the florist and multi-section box, ideally made of wood. The decoration used stone and wood, and modern and artificial materials are not used at all. All the elements of high-tech hide safely.

Floors in the style of Provence
Stylized provincial houses were built without the required similarity criteria. Restrict freedom of thought only material. Floors, shape and color of each chooses for himself.
See also:Decorating the house facade bark beetle
In a simple budget option house has one floor, a large entrance hall, living room and basement. The two-story structure always has a spacious kitchen, more than 15 square meters, with 1 or 2 bedrooms on the second floor. The buildings on 2 floors with a rectangular orientation make 2 large hall downstairs and upstairs. The large rooms are added elements of luxury. In a huge mansion on 2-3 floors make the distribution of rooms on several sides, a lot of corridors.
The floors also includes a loft. Housing Provincial style spacious attic is only a plus. There equips one to two spacious rooms, bright and with original design.

exterior decoration
From the list of materials should immediately eliminate unnatural. During the construction design houses are content with just a set of natural raw materials:
- a natural stone;
- clay tiles;
- wood;
- metal;
- decorative plaster.
Mainly used building stone of irregular shape, wild rock with jagged edges. As an alternative, use artificial, and only for the economy.

The walls and roof trim is not the case, as the interior. If everything inside should be carefully and gently, then the outside will be completely normal rough execution. Facing stacked neatly, but the materials may have distinct surface defects.
Sometimes designers deliberately added to the chaos in straight rows. There is nothing strange in this, because the outside of Provence homes are similar to the Italian Mediterranean style houses.
Overall palette of bright leaves with the assumption of dark elements. Facade decorated with wooden beams and wrought iron.

Selection and installation of windows
With the style of the best assembled French windows from the floor and folding plastic with a thin profile. Along with them are mounted blinds - traditional decor and at the same time protect from the sun. The ideal spacing between the slats determine the climate of the region. For hot areas selected fine.
The window size is selected as much as possible, because in addition to saturated lighting, French provincial style needs decoration of the window opening. Lighting will suffer due to the large number of segments that improve aesthetics.

On the terraces of the first floor make panoramic windows and doors with folding mechanism, like an accordion. If the front door is also present, the concept of style that does not violate.
Provence style windows with rounded top looks organic, so the opening is adjusted as far as possible. In this regard, much better to build from scratch, because then you can take into account the nuances and to implement its own version of plan, including size, shape, location, and spacing between the windows.

Highlighting the house and grounds
House is illuminated by spotlights and simple lamps on the walls. Decorative hanging lanterns and give impromptu torches.
Illuminate the surrounding area in an unusual way, and embody the ideas at any time, and not just on New Year's Eve. Right in the middle of the summer the garden is decorated with large banks with candles inside, and as soon as the lights get bored, it is replaced, for example, luminous shades, stars, figurines. Along the veranda on the ceiling and the floor is drawn garlands. Lights wrap around the trees and pergolas, benches and windows. Great admiration and interest in children in adults cause highlighted curly bush. The main light source is put at the bottom, and small hidden in the foliage. On trees hang illuminated baskets that are filled with winter snow and create a festive atmosphere at the Christmas and New Year.

Interior finish of rooms
On the inside of the house will have to work almost as much, and over his erection. When the goal to make a home in the spirit of the French province would have to limit itself to the user-friendly solution that does not disrupt the scale, texture unity, restrictions on materials and forms.
Those who perceive the problem seriously, just have to see it through. You should start with the entrance hall and corridors and their transition into the living room. At this stage, we can roughly understand how good different types of finishes, as it will need, and how much will have to rely. Bedrooms do easy, cozy, only with light walls. Children draw up, taking into account what's best for the child. Room decor boy or girl should deal with their participation. Bathroom accessories should be placed intelligently, avoiding accumulations.

Entrance hall / corridor
Back in the hallway make out an interesting predisposing conditions. Provence borrowed from classical solid white and light yellow color options, which are used in the entrance room. The houses in the style of Provence most expensive looks that the combination of the entrance hall and living room. Furniture pick up the tone of the walls completely in medium size and decorative qualities. Clothes and shoes are placed not only inside but also a conspicuous place - so retain flavor.

In large, really large houses there is always a system of corridors that are aligned with the hall design. At the same time intermittently added new colors, decor. Corridors along the outside walls illuminate the large windows, which provide at the design stage. The result is a similarity of street galleries, suffused with sunshine and a beautiful view of the garden. In the case of ready-made building enough bright artificial light.

Living room
For room matters sunlight, or rather, its abundance. In particular, for a room in the style of Provence. Natural light does not happen much in this regard. In living buy shutters closed but occasionally, but only used as a decorative device. Save lightness have walls. Trim their paint or wallpaper pale subdued colors, boards rarely. Surfaces done carefully. Rough floors and walls does not fit, no matter how alike in Provence style and a loft on the practice in recent years. Carpets in the style of use as desired and are guided with practicality. The aesthetics of both solutions are, but different, but in general it is more convenient without carpets.
See also:BBQ with your hands: how to make metal and brick

Provence is not without small items. Handmade toys, jewelry boxes, wicker baskets, bird cells. The surface is filled with unusual things small size and beautiful content.

Guided by lactic, light brown, gray, pale blue pale green and gamma. Furniture and equipment buying mostly small. The only exception is for a dining table.
The US counterpart of the provincial style, country allow more "liberties". Side & cabinets if desired pose bulky. Is no different than the main approach - an interesting execution and the lack of technological excellence.

In the traditional provence is always room for textiles and paper, and old-fashioned in the literal sense of the old and worn-out curtains. Top put on the face of ugly things like cutlery, as well as sets of juicy fruits and vegetables. The walls are covered with paint, whitewash or wallpaper, it does not matter how. In the "provincial" kitchen, oddly enough, you can hang chandeliers - option instead of the lampshade.

The walls are light-colored veneer wallpaper. Paul makes the same light or dark for contrast. The ceiling is painted in white, and the chandelier classic pick and silver. In which case suitable luxury items on the walls and at the top. Bedroom in the style of Provence, you can make the room a classic, can not be said about the living room and kitchen.
The bedroom does not prevent a small cabinet with glass, partition changing - depending on the room size. Textiles add as much as possible, and for this purpose a specially buy a chair or chairs. Curtains acquire not only for windows but also decorative on the wall behind the bed.

Increasingly, adds a touch of carelessness. The floor in this case, make a wooden and raw, and the ceiling is left untreated areas. Similarly, the "beat" of the beam, if present. Place the bed veiled unremarkable carpets.

To pick up girls finish with patterns, ruffles, and various molds. Focuses on the immaturity and fashion items. The walls are covered with paintings, photographs, applications. From the selected colors white, pale yellow, pink and green bleached. Background gamma kept in a single color. Lamp buy easier, but classic in which case it will come up.

Boys "provincial" environment suited to a lesser extent. They need a more dynamic game interior. Way out will finish with lots of wood paneling. The coloring include blue, blue, white and cream colors. The main and additional may make any of them. Striped version with wide or narrow the implementation will look more mature and strictly. Classic chandelier to buy just not worth it. The little boy or teenager looks logical conceptual options for the room.

Bathroom and toilet
In bathrooms at Provence the following features:
- Only light design;
- Many options for the walls;
- Ideally, there is a window.

In bathrooms provincial style is often a mess. This is the result relative freedom of design. There carry home appliances, classical and aged subjects storage section. Should refrain from heaps of different utensils, but instead - to choose a minimalist set. Proper registration means first and foremost choice of interesting background. Painted tiles using several kinds, panels, moisture-proof and liquid wallpaper. Colors are selected only light or faint, and only small strokes may differ in characteristics.
Toilets trim tiles or white brickwork whitewash. They use a lot of iron. Side hung a mirror - if it is possible. Do not interfere, hanging locker with glass in doors, bedside table with the same glazed facades.

Registration of land in the style of Provence
Organic terrain surrounding area complete stylized Provence. Site owners bring the work to its logical conclusion the fact that high narrow planted trees and small bushes that are cut. In the garden lawn and make tracks, and the plants are planted in clusters and lines. In addition to hardwood flooring, are also trying to grow conifers. Add a few flower beds with a solid color. Lines of colors - the best there is on such sites.

Erected in a garden arbor with climbing plants such as roses or twine vine. There, far away, it makes a kind of "atmosphere" around the pergola: planting flowers, lilac. Throughout the site randomly placed furniture. Large chairs and wide couches pose for beauty and comfort. In the summer, I sit in these chairs to look at nature in solitude.
The greatest attention in the design of the site should be given to the terrace or veranda.

Popular in recent years, the style of Provence is a worthwhile effort. Along with the restrictions he gives a lot of opportunities. Examine it canons without problems create an environment which is not particularly catch a cursory glance.
Forming links-style feel of pastel shades, natural materials, fresh flowers, paintings, fabrics, simple and at the same time beautiful colors, patterns. It does not use dark colors, technological furniture, walls and tables. Flavor manifests itself in the home and "country" things.
Besides style decoration, the owners of houses to choose wall coverings, flooring, ceiling materials. After buying furniture will be left behind, in fact, half of the work. Purchased or built a house still need to decorate. Exterior finish includes interesting design of the facade and the territory. Inside equip rich lighting.