Storage space under the roof on the first floor, you can always use rationally. Why do you uninhabited cold attic, where a reasonable approach, it can be converted into a full-fledged residential premises? attic design require attention, investment, as a result you will get additional space, it can be converted into a bedroom, living room, office or cinema. Insulated attic will save up to a quarter of the energy that is normally used for heating homes.
- The design of the second floor
- A small attic
- Bedroom in the attic
- Living in the attic
- Kitchen and dining room under the roof
- Children's room
- Office, shop, or library
- Bathroom in the attic
- Home Theater
- Dressing under the roof
- fireplace room
- The materials and design of the ceiling
- Decorating the walls of the attic
- Materials for floors
Choosing dormers
- modern design
- How to choose
- lamplight
- color solution
The design of the second floor
Previously, the attic was not meant to stay. Later it began to place workers. Today do living rooms became fashionable under the roof.
If the attic floor equipment necessary to reconstruct the rafter system, may require professional services. When the heating, ventilation and electricity are already present, the interior can think independently.

Points to consider when creating an interior with a loft home:
- Mandatory insulation, availability of all utilities. In the arrangement of issues need to be very cautious in their decision to be technically savvy.
- Well think about how to use the walls, beams, rays in the interior of the room.
- Rational approach to vertical windows or dormer in positioned with their help maximize illumination.
- In finishing to apply the materials that show the greatest resistance to moisture.
- Do not get involved in a lot of furniture, extra parts, accessories, remember the rule: low ceilings require the same low furniture.
- Try to use natural materials.
- Rationally dispose of space, in the process of design development and passion does not make it more closely.

A small attic
The modest dimensions of the room are not an obstacle to creating a stylish interior. Sloping ceilings taken a large share of space. It is always possible to beat, the volume and the area will be added with the help of the successful lighting, increase the maximum height and width of the window openings, harmonious colors.

Bedroom in the attic
Depending on the degree of inclination, the room under the roof adapted to different targets. At a low angle of inclination of the attic is the ideal place to locate a bedroom there. Its comfort, romance will benefit, it will be quieter, warmer, it will be possible to admire the starry sky through the window.
For registration of space are choosing traditional style, equip it to the east or aristocratic manner. In any case, you first have to start from the height of the room, not to pursue large parts, to dwell on the more compact. The first step is to arrange the necessary furniture, the remaining space filled with other parts.

When choosing a finish based on the materials that were used in the design of the house. The bedroom will look naturally Ecostyle, where there is a lot of wood, a classic finish wallpaper, that will emphasize the beauty, comfort. Particular attention - textiles. He accents, will give a unique appearance.
What can be done if the ceiling in the room very low? Even in such a situation can be equipped with a cozy bedroom. Bed - "mat" is a way out, and the entire interior of the need to stand in the style of oriental minimalism. The ceiling rises visually if it is in bright colors.

Living in the attic
A cozy living room in the attic can be done with a minimum of effort. The main thing is to guest accommodation was spacious and solid. Carefully thought-out design is capable of even very large room converted into a reception room for guests.
To visually expand the narrow scope of the attic, it is necessary to strive for lighter tones around: use a plastic, transparent, glass furniture, the walls are too light to do as much as possible.
The first rule for accessories is the unity of all the details. For windows best suited translucent fabric. It will look good blackout curtains, blinds.

Style living room should match your interests, mood, harmony with the whole decoration of the house. Choose among the following areas:
- Classic. Are inherent luxury and elegance. It requires sturdy furniture, carpets and chandeliers. The main decoration of the interior should be the fireplace area. No bright colors, all orderly.
- Modern Art Nouveau. Functionality, simplicity and practicality. The room atmosphere prevail warm pastel shades darker elements present. All items are subject to harmony.
- Retro. The situation typical for the end of the last century. Furnish the living room furniture and decorated with paintings of the time. Instead, you can build the fireplace cast iron stove or styling.
- Provence. A popular destination because of its sophistication and romance. Decoration and furniture subject to antiquity. The room is warmed by the warm southern tones.
- High tech. For lovers of contemporary creativity. The decoration of all corresponds to the latest fashion. Lots of chrome, glass parts. Severe forms, plain, minimalist.

Kitchen and dining room under the roof
Remarkably, if the idea comes to mind at the stage of building a bookmark. kitchen equipment require appropriate communications. They will need not only light and insulation, but also summing up the gas, water.
See also:How to choose decorative panels for outer wall decoration at home
Thoughtful interior attic with kitchen and dining room can be the most convenient and beautiful, important to choose the style, furniture, taking into account the nuances of the room layout, ceiling height, form overlay.
Where the ceiling is sloped, place the hob, set sofa and a table with a sink. Give preference to the modular system, the lockers with inclined walls. The best option - multilevel furniture, preferably on wheels, no massive sets in the classical style. The functionality of the avant-garde and techno with bright color accents, unusual furniture will be more appropriate.

When designing a kitchen should be noted that:
- natural light will provide the best large dormer windows;
- better to buy furniture bright colors, walls and ceiling in pastel colors;
- with appropriate planning, kitchen furniture set against a wall that is perpendicular to the slope;
dining table will be good at the window; - color kitchen areas, dining room should be combined with each other, even better, if the contrasts between them are opposed.
The design of the windows in the attic, where there will be food, can dictate complete lack of decor. The most convenient embodiment serve as roller blinds, shutters.

Children's room
"Dead zones", inconvenience of planning - those claims are usually made in the course of work on the design of the attic floor. In the case of children's sloping walls, not quite on the contrary the available angles may create additional opportunities. Features wall relief, ceiling height differences can be a good beat. Highly placed windows safer than the traditional ones.
The first thing you need to think about the good insulation, safety of all materials used, ease of layout.

Your child will enjoy be autocratic master of a separate room, which he can inhabit in its sole discretion. The room will be a good observation point away from close parental supervision. It's easy to organize multiple zones for recreation, games, storing a plurality of toys, things, creativity classes.
For the children's important to have an abundance of light, bright accents. The interior is well fit unusual furniture, bedding colorful textiles, all kinds of soft floor coverings, many interesting colorful lamps in different areas of space.

Office, shop, or library
In a small private home it is always difficult to allocate a separate room for an office or studio. In the former attic, you can arrange a cozy area for privacy, reading sessions, favorite hobby. A large space is not required, just a few square meters. In the absence of restrictions in meters then fit an impressive shelving for books, soft sofa or fluffy rug with a variety of comfortable pillows for relaxing, rocking chair in a separate area with a a floor lamp.
Roof room decorate open or closed shelving shelf for books, tools use all space on the maximum.

In order not to reduce the open spaces of the attic floor, it is not necessary to sew up the massive wooden beams with plasterboard. It will not narrow the already limited space, give the interior individuality, office atmosphere with a lot of technology and electronics will be warmer.

Bathroom in the attic
The attic floor, by their nature, sloping ceiling, walls with different levels, infrequently used functional purposes. In the great metropolis entire apartment can be an attic area. When you create the interior of a country house utilitarian spaces can also be placed under the roof.
There are some nuances, in the preparation of the design project of the attic is taken into account not only the size of the room, takes into account the growth of the hosts, ergonomic patterns. Get comfortable, practical bathroom, it is better to place over the kitchen area. This will simplify the work of water supply and sewerage systems. By the inclined wall often closely set toilet, bathroom. If the room size is small, it is better to put in its place a shower.

Plumbing, furniture should be compact, often use sinks, built-in cabinets, lockers, various suspension structures. It is better if the surface of the door and be made of materials with light, glossy, smooth surface. Floor tiles - corresponding.
When the walls of the impressive size of the room decorate in any colors, if it is close, stop at the light spectrum, which should expand the space visually. With the same purpose is to abandon the idea to hide and save the design in this area. We decorate them, doing interior accent.

Home Theater
Typically, one of the largest rooms on the first floor combines the functions of the dining room, living room, kitchen. This is convenient, zoning helps not infringe on each of the segments.

The current design attic rooms, if there is no urgent need to save storage space, It suggests the possibility of planning on the second floor of the cottage or private house full home theater. In this room, place a large sofa, TV, projection screen in the wall. Wire speaker hidden behind beautiful wall panels, which are also conveniently accommodate discs other paraphernalia.
See also:Projects of houses 6 to 8
If funds are available, visionary, added to the arsenal of the bar, a refrigerator for beverage, popcorn machine, dishwasher. If you make a mobile environment, the room is useful for parties with dancing and other public gatherings.

Dressing under the roof
Arrange storage on the first floor because of the eternal lack of space is not profitable. Arrange for such purposes under the roof of the room, even if it is a small area and with a specific form, a very good solution. This could make things all family members. Non-standard layout, with the cautious approach, pay yourself a plus.

Asymmetry, various bevels ceiling does not always allow to place in the attic area of shops assortment of furniture. But you can think about how to use each of the corner cabinets, racks, shelves, made to order.
At the high walls installed cupboards and niches for long items. Near the walls sloped good fit wardrobe with sliding doors. Near the lower fragment of the wall can be equipped with low tables, benches, on which it is convenient to sit down, keep it seasonal items, shoes with a vacuum cleaner.

fireplace room
Attic space is non-standard. Not ordinary people to create an atmosphere of romance and creativity are not well suited heated floors, electric heating. Fireplace may play a purely practical role and perform a purely decorative.
Traditional wood-burning fireplace - a massive structure. Since the overlap of the attic floor structure half a ton is unlikely to survive, preference is given to a compact model with low weight. Contraindicated facing a heavy stone, ceramics. The most appropriate style of hi-tech, steel, glass, cast iron parts, simple shapes without decorative frills.

Design fireplace in the attic of a very different, be sure to take into account the degree of the load, the ventilation system. If the ceiling in the house of wood, stops on electric models or those that run on biofuel.
Important! If you want to be in the attic was a fireplace, space for storing the solid fuel. smoke evacuation system is required, but is associated with an additional financial burden. When using electric models need to choose the most powerful. Heaters draw a lot of energy, can not withstand the requirements for fire safety, excessively dry air.

The materials and design of the ceiling
When choosing a ceiling finishes, consider all the details of its structure, it affects your future comfort.
The range of materials for the work is quite broad. All known types of registration can be used. Suitable surface tension, of the lining and gypsum, the main thing - to consider roofing. Sometimes the design does not allow embedded wiring with lamps, a better alternative would be to make podshivnoy or ceiling.

Stretch coatings are used only when there is a vertical wall. Otherwise, given the small area, the proximity of furnishings, there is a risk of damaging the surface. Tensioning systems are not heavier design, good for all forms of roofs, for them simply hide any communication.
The most common and affordable ways to finish - plasterboard and wall paneling, they are also easier to fix decorative elements.

Very original look of the attic where the ceiling papered light colors with a delicate pattern.
Showy multilevel plasterboard ceilings with differences of height, a large number of unexpected protrusions. Beat the correct sloping ceilings significantly adds beauty and originality of the whole interior.

Decorating the walls of the attic
The most popular material, and there is a tree. No other can not be compared with him. It is characterized by originality woody fragrance, created only for them microclimate, serves as an additional thermal insulation.
The simplest solution - finish lining, which has several types of profiles and methods of location on the surface.
wood panels are often used, made from an array or from the same lining. Budget option - laminated or veneered panels, MDF wooden or bamboo veneer. Interior attic with such panels more suitable for the office, sports room, so it is better to resort to a combination of wallpaper, painting or decorative plaster.

It is very advantageous to look relatively new material called wood wallpaper. As well as traditional, they are glued to the wall. This attic finishing "under the tree" is very decorate.
A major figure, the dark color of the walls in a small attic space is not quite appropriate. It is better to paste over the wall wallpaper white. The soft color of the furniture and accessories of bright spots enliven the interior.
Most recently, innovation in the decoration of attics - it HPL panels, high-pressure plastic, with which you can realize the most spectacular designs.
Of modern technology it is worth mentioning the last "squeak" - fabric wall hangings. Decorated with fine fabrics, not all the walls, and one or two in the middle of the room.

Important! The regeneration of the attic floor is necessary to watch how well executed the technical requirements for the thermal insulation of the ceiling and walls. If the insulation and ventilation will not meet all of the standards, there is a risk that the roof and windows in the cold season will be covered with condensation. Dampness and its aftermath - the fungus can cause discomfort, households diseases, premature damage to furniture.

Materials for floors
Furthermore, how the floor in the attic, always demanding. This is due to two very important requirements: a good heat and sound insulation. Traditional methods of finishing these tasks do not solve. Designed to satisfy all requests construction of not only dry, but also the installation of "floating" foundation.
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For reliable insulation using mineral wool, glass wool. Also very important is a good waterproofing. The flooring require special foundations, which perform the role of the board of fir, pine, larch and treated with special antiseptics.

The final lining can be anything: tile, laminate, flooring, particleboard, carpet, depending on the tastes of the owners, their views of the future function and style of the room.
On the floor covering is not worth saving, because over time the materials of poor quality will crack, burn, publish other sounds. Required thick layer of insulated material. Ornament, will serve as additional insulation carpets, they are more than appropriate in the attic.

Choosing dormers
One of the main issues during the construction of the attic is to ensure a high level of natural lighting. For each room should have at least one window, it is better if they will be a few, very well when they are not located on the same wall. window width can be predetermined, no wider than the distance between the rafters. Length limited by an upper and lower edge, depends on the roof pitch.

modern design
More recently, the window in the attic were deaf, did not open, just cut into the roof. Now the windows have at least two glasses. Outside the glass to increase the strength amenable to hardening, the inner specially treated to break, it is not disintegrated in pieces with sharp corners.
Modern frame can rotate in a particular axis directly in the middle 2/3 of the edge. Rotary devices operate in manual mode and with the remote.

Types of roof windows several:
- vertical;
- inclined;
- designed for flat roofs.
Work on installation of roof windows - not for beginners, so it is better to entrust the professionals.

How to choose
Compare the floor area ratio and the glass surface. If window is planned to put in a room where a lot of daylight (for children), the area of the window opening to the floor should be 1: 8. The bedroom may be 1:10.
Moisture-proof glass must be in rooms with high humidity (bathroom dryers, sauna).
Outside the glass have to do tempered. Then even hailstorms is not terrible.
Ventilation, built-in skylight should take the form of a labyrinth, be adjustable, to give fresh air to enter, but not to let in the cold room.

Not only visible, but hidden from the place of wooden windows in the design should be varnished, it is a guarantee of protection against humidity.
Make sure that the lower slopes of the windows were perpendicular to the floor, and the top were parallel. This will prevent the formation of condensation, to promote better coverage.

Organization of light delivery system depends on the zoning of the space, how is the furniture in the room, the number and size of windows, structural features of the roof, the ceiling.
Light in the attic should be plenty. To do this, use local lighting: lamps, all kinds of floor lamps, portable lamps and turning, point device. Do not become superfluous ceiling chandelier varying degrees of power.

From the traditional chandeliers can refuse to install spotlights only the most exploited areas. The bedroom is allowed to leave only spotlights. In the living room, where the planned duties and activities, establish general lighting and local type.
To create a romantic ceiling pattern, the effect of a starry sky used fiber optic lighting fiber. In the attic are good options for any of the local light.

color solution
Since the attic - a room-specific, colors in its design is of great importance. The colors are preferred light, which is especially important for small interiors under the roof. The total range of colors necessary to retain, on all surfaces, including furniture, walls, ceiling, floor. Finishing materials also should be in harmony with one another, form a coherent whole.
Deep space with a ceiling needs to be bright and glossy surfaces that reflect light. Visually, it will expand the color contrast of the floor and walls. Dark flooring and bright white walls with no boundaries with the ceiling, create the illusion of infinity. Beams, blend in the color of the flooring will become a part of the original design.

When choosing textiles and furniture also should give preference to light pastel shades. A small room would be even less if the design abuse dark colors.
In order to somehow revive the interior, Bring the bright touches. Transparent curtains will not block light, but will add a shadow play, will create the necessary comfort.
Selecting a destination space and style of his design is always the prerogative of the owner of the house. What to choose - depends on his tastes and financial capabilities, lifestyle.