Premises for savings edibles in demand among the population. Many use for these purposes the cellar, located under the house or garage, but over time, be sure to it is not the right place for long-term storage of fresh crops, preservation. Therefore, the owners of their own land decide to build on it the cellar with their hands, and some owners of apartments located on the ground floor, equipped with such designs under his own balcony.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the construction, for each individual and for society as a whole. After all, since its transition to a sedentary lifestyle were first dug, the functional purpose of which has not changed over the years, only improved materials for their construction. The main thing with self-construction - to choose the location of the point, to determine the depth of groundwater, choose the most suitable type of construction.
- The advantages and the main differences from the basement cellar
- types cellars
- The choice of location for the construction of
Construction of a deep cellar zaglublonnogo
- Materials and tools for construction
- preparation of the excavation
- Foundation
- Walling
- Waterproofing and ventilation
- Overlapping and cellar ceiling insulation
- Construction of the roof
- Lighting
- Interior trim and equipment cellars
Features of the construction of upland cellar
- Building with bunding
- Construction without a bund
- Poluzaglublonny cellar
- Cellar of concrete rings
- Features of the construction of the wine cellar
- Ready designs for cellars
- Cellar under the balcony of the apartment
- How to care for the cellar
- conclusion
The advantages and the main differences from the basement cellar
To understand the difference between the two types of structures, to begin to consider their definitions:
Cellar - space located under the ground used for the storage of agricultural products. It is a conventional pit with fortified walls, filled concrete, laid with bricks and other building materials. From above it is closed in bulk, some models have a roof.
Basement - lower part of the structure located underneath. It may have an area comparable to the basic construction. Used for various purposes. There is a garage, boiler room, pantry, utility room.
The main differences are:
- As can be seen from the definition, the main difference between the two designs is their location. If the cellar can be anywhere in the area, the basement settling only for residential buildings.
- Each of the designs has its purpose. The cellar is used exclusively for food storage, basement - multipurpose.
- The building, located under the house, it is possible to equip the cellar - the other way around will not work.
- The cellar is maintained constantly low temperature, in the basement, it can vary.
- basement area is much larger.

By cellars benefits include:
- free location on the site;
- constant temperature between 3-5 ° C, which makes it possible to keep long conservation, fresh vegetables and fruits;
- choice of an appropriate size needs;
- natural air circulation;
- minor construction costs.

types cellars
There is a great variety of designs of vegetable stores. For their construction on your own site does not require the approved drawings and permits from regulatory authorities. However, when choosing a certain type is first necessary to consider the level of groundwater (GWL). From this parameter depends on the possibility of burial structures in the ground, which should be above the groundwater level at least 0.5 m According to the degree of deepening are the following types of cellars.:
- Zaglublonny. It is located entirely underground. On the surface there is only the entrance to the building. The height of the wall is 2 meters, often deeper by 2.5 - 3 m. Here the constant temperature even during the summer, due to the presence of the upper layer of soil.
- Poluzaglublonny. Partially placed below ground level. It deepens at 0.7-1 m. Built with high occurrence GWL. It requires additional waterproofing, often equipped with a clay castle.
- Ground. Used in the case where there is no opportunity to go deeper. To maintain temperature control facility may backfilled on top of soil layer.
To improve the design of the territory, in the construction of embankment on upland cellar, used the soil and sand and gravel, which makes it possible to decorate the surface of a lawn or flowerbed.

By the method at the site location can be identified:
- Detached cellar. Erected anywhere.
- Trim. Attached to a house or farm buildings.
- Combined. construction equip often a summer kitchen, a garage, a house.

The choice of location for the construction of
Before choosing the right place, you need to make a geological survey. With their help, you can find out the type and composition of the soil, groundwater level, the probability of flooding of the territory, the nature of the terrain. Based on these parameters to determine the degree of deepening storage, the need to strengthen the walls. Zaglublonnye structure can be positioned under the bath, shed, garage, thus saving additional space on a country, the plot.
If you plan to place the cellar away from the main buildings, it is best to choose the most elevated place in their territory for him. This will provide a dry inside, the lack of moisture, respectively, and foreign odors. It is advisable to grow around the trees that will protect him with her crown from the sun in summer. design size is chosen based on the needs of the family, the number of its members. On average, one person will be sufficient 1.5 - 2 m².

It is not recommended to place near the vegetable storage buildings at a distance of less than 0.5 m, the foundation to prevent shrinkage, fracture walls.

Construction of a deep cellar zaglublonnogo
Construction of storage space for inventory should be carried out in the summer when the weather is dry. Deep zaglublonny option is ideal for providing a suitable microclimate in the premises. His settle in any part of the garden, in the barn, under a canopy, in the garage. If it is decided to build it in an open area, there should be a special pogrebnitsu. Small room will save a basement from flooding, out of direct sunlight. For best results and fast work of all actions should be carried out in strict sequence of pre-planned scheme.
See also:Design loft 75 photos of the room arrangement in a private house

Materials and tools for construction
Equipment zaglublonnogo deep cellars can be conducted using a variety of compositions and mixtures. Underground room must meet all quality standards, so as long as possible to perform its functions. The following materials will be used in the construction of:
- Gravel, schebonka;
- A solution of clay;
- River sand;
- Brick, cement slurry;
- Roofing material for waterproofing;
- Tar-like products;
- Metal meshing;
- Boards for the frame.

Everything for home basement will need a cement mixer, shovel, hand tamper, a hammer, a screwdriver, a Bulgarian, a hacksaw, a set of brushes, nails and screws.

preparation of the excavation
Depression in the ground should be at least 2.5 meters. When excavation is important to take into account the thickness and material of the floor, the height of the crushed stone pillows. Its thickness will be 20-30 cm. The volume of the pit each owner chooses individually, depending on the planned harvest, the number of family members. For a given digit is added a few centimeters to finish walls, clay lock device.
Dig a hole for the cellar better hand as jagged edges left after excavator, will contribute to the destruction of waterproofing. In the process of digging in the corners just clog the support of the channel, they will continue to be laid floor joists. After completion of the work pit left for a few days, covered with polyethylene. During this time, you can determine the suitability of the excavation for the future of storage. If the groundwater is slightly eclipsed, places sealed with clay. Torrential flood makes further construction impossible.

For a good product protection from sunlight underground cellar must have its own foundation. Make this an isolated cell, which is not afraid of any external influences by creating a strong base. Cellars for street use two types of bases:
- Strip foundation. Apply on hard soils, with significant removal of groundwater. Along the perimeter of the pit dig a trench, the bottom of spread sand and tamped, then poured rubble. At the bottom of the pit is placed reinforced frame making formwork and pour concrete.
- Monolithic slab. Used in soft soils with a close location of groundwater. Installing a reliable solid foundation involves the deepening of the pit by another 0.5 meters. The bottom of the pit is filled with sand, gravel, lay reinforcing frame, build formwork. Concrete is poured over the entire area of the pit and let it dry well for 7 days.

The walls in the underground cellar made of concrete, brick, block. The concrete mix is poured after the formwork structures of the reinforcement cage. The works must be carried out without delay, otherwise the material will dry and cold bridges are formed that make the wall less strong.
Brick wall made in one element. Laying bonded cement mortar or clay and sand. The outer side coated with a resin, insulate roofing material. The hollow space between the brickwork and the ground is filled with soil.

Waterproofing and ventilation
In the cellar of any type should be provided for ventilation. Underground storage - particularly humid. Water will be allocated through the soil, vegetables, fruit. It is better to provide two vents. Origin - supply has the form of tubes and descends to the bottom of the basement. Through it naturally will be supplied clean air. The second channel - exhaust, is mounted on the opposite wall, ensures the outflow of exhaust air masses.
In order to avoid problems with the penetration of moisture at the underground cellar operation, it is necessary to do a good waterproofing. More convenient to deal with finishing the interior of the building. Decrease vlagopropusknuyu ability surfaces in the following ways:
- Penetrating finishes. Chemical additives react with the concrete, form crystals that cover the pores;
- Obmazochnaya. The inner surfaces are coated with a polymer bitumen mastic.
- Okleechnaya. Roofing felt is applied by means of special fasteners, fusing method.
- Combined. Sealing lock includes a bitumen layer, sheet waterproofing.

Overlapping and cellar ceiling insulation
To cover storage using wood, concrete or a combination thereof. Treated walls propped up with wooden beams, they fastened boards treated with antiseptic. Prepared flooring slabs with a hole for the hatch. After installation structure coated with clay, covered with soil, covered with polyethylene poured concrete.
For internal use foam insulation slab. Fasten it to the ceiling grid construction, clapboard, fiberboard. Between the material and the ceiling is necessary to make a layer of polyethylene. Attach it can be a simple double-sided tape. For topcoat suitable board or plaster.

Construction of the roof
The upper part of the street store can be at ground level or to rise by 20-30 cm. In the latter case it is necessary to arrange good strong roof. It can be a pent, gable. The only condition is that the outer insulation of the ground it. Inner side covering laid gorbylom, upwardly convex portions. This option is suitable if the cellar is located on a hill at the foot of the hill.
If the cellar - a separate building, the roof is best done from the boards at a certain angle. The tree must go beyond the pit at least 50 cm. Placed on top of it and roofing slate, straw, shingles.

When choosing lighting for the basement is necessary to pay attention not only to the design of lighting fixtures and lamp type, but also on the method of attachment, you can safely make the cable. Suitable instrument models which are completely isolated from moisture. They should have a small weight, rugged design, unaffected by corrosion. Can be used only one-piece cable. When installing fixtures in humid areas the following safety rules must be followed:
- Use special transformers, step-down the voltage to 42 V;
- Cabling is carried out through a special plastic insulators;
- Applied hermetically protected ammo;
- Switches may only be mounted outside the silo.
See also:Spiral staircases: design options, assembly and installation

Interior trim and equipment cellars
Finishing the cellar has a big difference with the inner workings in a living room. To do this, suitable only special materials - water-resistant, non-toxic. More likely to use paint for underground facilities. It can be a mixture based on water glass, acrylic compounds, various emulsion. For good adhesion to the concrete surface must first apply water-resistant foundation.
Also for finishing street store frequently used hydrated lime. This is a budget option, but it requires good ventilation. Antifungal mixture protects the surface of the mold, do not allow microorganisms to multiply.
When all finishing operations have been completed, you can proceed to equip cellars various shelves and drawers for storage of products. The number, shape, size of racks each grower selects for himself alone. For cans and drums suitable wooden supports along the walls. Poles and hooks from the ceiling can be used for drying berries, fruit.

Features of the construction of upland cellar
Ground garden store can be built on any site, not the exception - places with high groundwater levels. The structure can be a real decoration of the yard, if you arrange the street. There are several options for upland storage. Share their location with respect to ground level.

Repositories can stand alone or be attached to one of the walls of the house, barn, any other building. You can choose any option, particular differences between terrestrial buildings there. It all depends on the capabilities of the site owner and the skill level. In drafting the need to take into account the structural features and benefits of any type of structure.

Building with bunding
The construction of the cellar is not a big deal. For the construction of required logs, planks, any wood material. Raw does not have to be new, it is possible to use elements from the dismantled sheds, summer shower or the remains of any tree. Building materials must always prepare - coat with bitumen. So it is possible to significantly extend their service life.
Massive logs digged around the perimeter of the future cellar and tie the ends at the top. Construct cover boards and roofing material. As used embankment peat mixture. Eonasypayut the roof and well tamped. This will allow for better heat retention. If desired, the soil can be sown any low vegetation. On one side make door, insulated polyethylene foam.
Externally bulk cellar resembles a triangular prism. This design is perfect for storing vegetables, conservation, and other preparations for the winter. The edges of the roof should definitely hang. This will ensure a good flow of water, and snow in winter will play the role of natural insulation.

Construction without a bund
It has long been loved by gardeners mini-cellar perform not only its direct functions, but they can be original decoration of the site. Storage without embankment can be built on a small area, thanks to a ground structure excludes any type of flooding by groundwater.
The design and dimensions of the cellar can be anything, as long as enough space to store all food supplies. In drafting should take into account the volume of the crop, the number of family members. Design can be made of conventional type - warmed box with double walls or a room with ventilation and interior decoration. For external, internal arrangement will approach any original idea, for example, in the style of Hobbiton.
Construction ground cellar without embankment begins with site preparation. Remove the top layer of soil about 20 cm, leveled and tamped ground. Then spread the draining bed of expanded clay. This will increase waterproofing. If next to the country house a lot of rodents, the device is complemented by blurred clay. This mixture is placed bricks with a minimum gap and make the clutch with a minimum height of 15 cm from the ground.
The ceiling and walls are made of solid boards. To create the ideal microclimate is used in stacking a plurality of rows with a lining of thermally insulating material. The design must necessarily be ventilated. Gable roof make, pent slate or roofing material.

Poluzaglublonny cellar
The construction is not completely comes under the ground, the main part of it rises above the ground, allowing you to build a complete repository. This arrangement reduces the time and labor for the construction of the cellar. Need to dig a shallow pit, will be sufficient minimum insulation. He will be cheaper and more effective than any basement, basement option. Storage is easy to use, it is easy to get the broad steps. For the construction of the cellar will need the following materials:
- Brick;
- Cement screed, stairs;
- Mortar, plaster mass;
- Pine boards;
- Chunks stone of irregular shape.

Work should be strictly and to drafting, follow the steps in the planned activities. First digging a pit, about 1 meter. Then laid brick, concrete foundation wall is raised to the desired level, generally no more than 2 meters. The bottom wall and spread waterproofing materials (roofing material, clay, bitumen). Roof made of slabs, covered with roofing material and covered with soil. A great idea for interior decoration - the use of the arched ceiling.

Cellar of concrete rings
This method of construction of simpler and less costly than the previous embodiments. It has its advantages and disadvantages. Strong Pit rings - durable material, resistant to damage and the effects of groundwater, but are heavy, so do not do without the engagement of lifting equipment. The construction can be erected without a foundation, with minimal waterproofing. Suffice smear joints mastic material. Rings require careful treatment during installation. At the slightest misalignment will go strong concrete cracks.
See also:Basement Design in a private house 75 photos

Concrete details can be round, square. This makes it possible to place them in a vertical, horizontal, optimally organize the internal arrangement. Before the purchase of materials for the suburban cellar must be clear about its purpose, to evaluate the possibility of delivering heavy cargo to the place of installation, calculate the required number of elements.

Having passed the preparatory activities, can start building. On private land generally erect vertical cellars of the rings. Beginning with excavation: dig a pit depth of 2.5 meters, set ring promazyvayut joint cement mortar, is lowered next ring and tightly joined tongue and a groove.

Now, for the convenience of launching and carrying out finishing works install a metal ladder. The roof can be used to make a purchase or with their hands from a metal sheet and insulating materials. For better air circulation do double natural ventilation - install the pipe at different heights.

Features of the construction of the wine cellar
The construction of the cellar for wine storage is virtually identical to the standard vegetable store. First, a suitable location is selected, with the proviso that the inside should be sufficiently dry. To place the structure under the house, it is necessary to design before it was built, at the same time prohibited positioning the repository under a kitchen, sauna, steam bath.

When selecting construction materials necessary to pay attention to the lack of a specific smell and they should be treated with antiseptics, moisture protection cover means. For walls, you can use concrete, brick, concrete blocks. Interior finish of partitions is performed exclusively from natural wood, stone, including artificial, decorative tiles, bricks. As a floor covering used hardwood, ceramic tile, natural stone, gravel or sand.

The important point is internal arrangement. Lighting design for the wine used only low-power artificial light sources. To maintain microclimate, a temperature within 12-14 ° C termodveri special set, both interior and exterior. Particularly noteworthy thermal insulation and vapor barrier, in the room there should be no gaps, they are treated with antiseptics and sealed. Used for thermal insulation sheathing with a porous structure. Do not forget about the quality of ventilation, which determines the absence of extraneous odors.

Ready designs for cellars
In the absence of experience, tools, time and effort to build the repository, you can use ready-made models. Many summer residents, gardeners, this option becomes optimal. There are different types of such structures, which differ in material manufacturing:
- Metal. The product is a sealed metal housing with a minimum of seams. The surface is covered with a protective anti-corrosion layer. Design can be installed without fear of raising the groundwater, torrential rains, it will provide high-quality waterproofing.
- Plastic. The material does not corrode, rust as opposed to metal, it has a low weight, which facilitates its installation. Characterized by long service life, more than 50 years.
Products differ in shape:
- Spherical. Represented as a circular or oval with a staircase inside the capsule. The characteristic shape of the plastic versions.
- Rectangular, square. The design parameters of the standard has cellar.
- Cylindrical. Unlike the conventional barrel. They are made from high-quality plastic.

Cellar under the balcony of the apartment
Build storage for vegetables and other reserves under the balcony of the apartment you can, having received permission to redevelop the appropriate authorities. Labor-intensive, expensive work will take place in several stages:
- We dig a pit. The height should be at least 2 meters, a width define the boundaries of the balcony;
- Blanketed the floor with roofing material. For the reliability under the cover can be placed and compacted gravel;
- Make a foundation of cement. That on the surface roughness is not formed, it must be covered with linoleum;
- Set the hatch. We produce measurements grinder and cut from a sheet of iron required shapes item. We attach it with dowels and cover material identical flooring balcony.

How to care for the cellar
To maintain all facilities clean and in good condition for it requires periodic maintenance. Vegetable store is no exception. If timely servicing construction products do not deteriorate, does not acquire foreign odor. Run it possible, adhering to certain rules:
- Every 1-2 years, as well as in the case of mold or mildew, the room must be disinfected. To do this, the entire contents of up to removable shelves taken out on the street, washed and dried. The walls, ceiling and floor are cleaned, belyatsya svezhegashonoy lime.
- Once a year, in early summer, the cellar should be cleaned periodically thoroughly ventilated.
- Occasionally Growers should be checked for gas contamination. For this room it is necessary to strike a match if it does not burn, it airs.
- When torrential rains recommended closing ventilation to prevent moisture from getting inside the pipes.
- In the case of mouse, rat trace trap should be set, and the output of holes repaired with cement mortar. It is not recommended to use poisons.

Many owners of country houses have their own garden, store up food for the winter. Without the cellar can not do, even those who use as a storage cellar. Many have already taken advantage of this facility, others just decide to build it yourself. Someone generally makes a choice in favor of purchased finished goods.