In planning its future, the majority of families reflects on the individual housing, considering all options. Many opt for the construction of private cottages. Among the developers is very popular design of the house 6 to 8 meters. This is the best option for dense urban areas, during the construction of buildings on small or narrow areas.
Small building will require less financial investment both in the construction phase as well as in the future service. At this size, the design is being built quickly enough. If the area of residential buildings of 48 m² will not be enough, it is possible to provide a second floor or attic. This compact house is cozy family residence, consisting of 4-5 people.
- Features homes 6 8
- Location of the house rules
- Determine the construction material
Storey houses, their advantages and disadvantages
- Two-storey house
- Single-storey house
- The house with an attic
- House with garage
What to consider when planning the house 6 to 8
- Ceiling height
- The size and number of windows
- The distribution area for rooms
- The number and arrangement of rooms
- House 6x8 on frame technology
- External design houses
- conclusion
Features homes 6 8
Implementation of 6x8 meters of the house project provides an opportunity to build a residential building that is suitable for a comfortable family residence, consisting of four people. A small area of the construction makes it similar to the one-, two-bedroom apartments. Small house includes all the main rooms, as well as the boiler room. This embodiment has the following advantages:
- minimum construction time;
- building can be erected on any shape and size of the territory;
- compact structure has a beautiful view;
- It saves space on the land;
- low costs for construction works;
- savings on payment of utility bills;
- lightweight construction does not require a reinforced foundation.

To expand many parked veranda or terrace of a residential space, erecting the second floor, which substantially increases an area of the design to 96 m² used attic space.

Location of the house rules
In drawing up the drawing, the location of residential buildings on their own site, you first need to be taken into account compliance with regulatory requirements of the structure to which the developer is required to introduce in the regional architecture department. The SNP in claim 31.02.2001. 4.1 stipulates that the construction of residential structures made in accordance with the lighting in the document regulations and n. 4.2 states that the residential building and construction, used for household needs, should be placed in view of the restrictions stipulated by the current legislation.
To select the optimal location studied the rules specified in paragraph 5.3.2 SP 30-102-99, which states that construction is obliged to defend the borders of the common areas, namely streets and driveways to 5 m and 3 m respectively. Paragraph 5.3.4 stipulates that the distance to the adjoining portion should exceed 3 m. According to snip 2.30.97 n. 4.7 remoteness from country building up forest stands exceeds 15 m, and n. 6.5. Table 2 shows the minimum distance between the fire houses. Depending on the materials used, it ranges from 6 m to 15 m.

It is necessary in principle to comply with all these rules. But do not forget about the placement of the house on the site in accordance with the cardinal points, as well as to take into account the wind rose. In a well-planned structure of the living rooms it is recommended to have a window on the south, south-east, south-west side. Utility rooms and the kitchen is better to place on the north.

Determine the construction material
One of the main elements of the design of any structure is its foundation. It comes in four basic types: belt, slab, pile, columnar. The first of these is the most popular, is made of the following materials: rubble stone, rubble concrete, brick, concrete, reinforced concrete. For the construction of wood or foam block on a stable ground will be sufficient columnar, and tape type with a small recessed. With the construction of houses on the marshland, on heaving soils require screw piles, and in some cases even a slab foundation.
For walls, you can use different materials. The choice of material depends on the disposable cash, preferences of the owner. Consider the most popular:
- Brick. The most reliable investment funds. It allows you to build the most durable construction, which can be operated up to 150 years. Masonry is able to "breathe", providing warmth in the winter, cool in summer. However, the construction of this building material is much more expensive compared to wood, cellular concrete.
- Foam block. The porous structure blocks provides good heat insulation, sound insulation. According to these indicators, they are superior to the previous version. Not a bad option for the construction of low-rise buildings. But aerated very brittle, by mechanical action may be scattered, besides it strongly absorbs moisture, which ultimately leads to cracking. The bearing capacity of the walls is negligible.
- Wood. The classic way to the construction of residential structures made of logs. Natural wood allows fast enough to build a house. Raw materials environmentally friendly, and because of its hygroscopic indoor never felt lack of oxygen. Giving preference to the building materials, it is worth remembering about the high fire risk.
- Frame panels. They are multi-layered cake consisting of a layer of insulation, covered with OSB on both sides. A good option for seismically hazardous areas. The panels provide heat, but require good ventilation.
- Brus. For the construction of houses selected hardwood. To work better use of laminated veneer lumber, such buildings do not require additional cladding, but have the same drawbacks as round logs.
See also:How to make a porch of a private house 100 photo ideas

The material used as a roofing slate, steel sheet, tile, metal roofing. Composite and ceramic tiles allow you to create a very attractive cover, refer to the premium building materials. Choice depends on the owner. If desired, the need to stand out, you can even use a wooden plank - shingle, shingles, shingles, ploughshare.

Storey houses, their advantages and disadvantages
Project of residential buildings developed taking into account all the wishes and needs of its owner. Someone only one floor where the 48 m² are located the main living rooms, some include pending garage, erected a two-storey building, equipped with attic space.

Dachnye embodiments used exclusively for output, in which there is no room on a permanent basis, do not require additional additions. For large families consisting of several generations, it may be necessary not only to the second floor, but the attic.

Two-storey house
For a large family, is building plans for the future, the best option will be a two-story structure. By increasing the area of the building can be divided into several functional areas. Provide on the ground floor of the next room for the older generation, living room, kitchen, dining room, boiler room. The second level is best used for bedrooms and children, to equip an office, a balcony if needed.
Before settling on this embodiment, it is necessary to consider all the positive and negative aspects associated with the construction of such a construction. The main advantages of the two-storey house 6x8 meters include:
- Saving space. This would leave more space for the construction of other buildings, to provide additional meters for the garden or vegetable garden, especially in small areas in the 6 - 10 acres.
- On the construction of a compact two-storey house, a total area of 96 m², require fewer materials, compared with a single-storey structure is the same quadrature.
- The presence of the second floor allows you to conveniently use the living space.
- Two-story design looks beautiful.

The disadvantages of such housing are:
- Staircase that occupies a part of the living space.
- For the older generation climbing stairs difficult.
- Gasket Sanitary communications, heating structures on the upper tier will require additional investment.
- The high cost of concrete floor decks.
- A more solid foundation.

Single-storey house
Compact house for quadrature comparable to two-bedroom apartments, choose mature couples, families without children. This is a good option for the garden, it allows to spend the weekend with ease. In a small area usually placed living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, boiler room. Often the room combined with kitchen area. Of the advantages of such a structure can be identified:
- Short terms of construction work.
- Not required reinforced foundation.
- Savings on utility bills.
- Convenient to carry out repair activities.
- The lack of a flight of stairs makes the house safe for children, pensioners comfortable.
- The building is erected on any ground form.
See also:Projects with a flat roof homes

Disadvantages of single-storey structures 6x8 m:
- Small living space, it is not suitable for a large family.
- To increase the area often attach additional facilities, which spoils the overall appearance.
- Construction has few functional zones.

The house with an attic
Experts recommend building a full-fledged two-storey house, the cost of which is comparable with the construction of the attic floor. In some cases, such as if the ground does not allow to build high-rise buildings, or if you want to convert an existing one-story building, it is rational to make a living attic space. There is usually a room, sometimes equipped with a bedroom and a nursery, occasionally bathroom. Advantages of such structures expressed by the following characteristics:
- Savings on the foundation, on the materials required for the construction of walls.
- With proper planning, the loss of living space, compared with the two-storey building will be negligible.
- Attractive appearance.
- Relax in the attic pleasant and romantic.

- The cost of roofing materials, roof windows, extra sound insulation, insulation greatly increases construction costs;
- Heavy losses in heating, energy consumption by 40% more.
- For a small angle of inclination of the roof is lost usable area.
- Snow buildup prevents the penetration of natural light.
- Muffles noise insulation, but it can not completely isolate the sound of the rain, falling snow, the wind is blowing.

House with garage
Construction of the garage is an important issue for many people. But his place in such a small building, because of its size must be 4x6 meters, and is half of the total construction area. Accordingly, for the single-storey structures can only build a detached building, attach it to the house, at the planning stage to provide ground floor. At the last stop in more detail, let us consider its main advantages:
- Under the garage is possible to allocate all the space below the structure, or combine it with the boiler, additional space.
- To access the car does not need to go out.
- You do not have to worry about the separate electrical wiring, enough to have a SIP (self-supporting insulated wire) of the column in residential construction.
- Saving space on the plot

- construction price will increase significantly due to additional costs for the ground floor.
- Build time increased.
- It needs a special home insulation from the exhaust gases.
- Increased fire hazard building.

What to consider when planning the house 6 to 8
In the design of the building is taken into account every detail - the type of foundation, number of floors, the materials used for the construction of walls and roofs, the choice of pent or gabled roofs, and other aspects. For internal planning addresses the issue of the number of rooms and windows and their location on the available space, it is determined height from the floor to the ceiling. When this is taken into account existing approved norms and standards. Let us dwell on the basic points.

Ceiling height
When choosing the optimum height of the ceilings, in particular, should be familiar with the regulations, namely with SNIP SNIP 2.08.01-89 02/31/2001 and where p. 4.5 and 1.1 is said that the distance from the floor to the ceiling must be not less than 2.5 m, the attic is not less than 2.3 meters, corridors more than 2.1 m. These rules are sure to be taken into account, otherwise the project can not be registered in the state bodies oversight.
For a compact structure of 48 m² where rooms area is limited, it would be inappropriate high ceilings exceeding 3 meters. Experts recommend the use of the conventional value for the majority of buildings that is 2.7 m. This distance will be enough even for the installation of drywall multilevel structures. But the choice is always the owner of the future construction.

The size and number of windows
It is also necessary to address to the SNP 31/02/2001 n. 8.9 and SNIP 01/31/2003 n. 9.13, which indicated that the ratio between the floor area and window openings should be at least 1: 8 and not more than 1: 5.5 for all dwellings, including cooking. For attics - not less than 1:10. Given these rules, it is possible to calculate the size of the windows for a particular room, for example, to place the 5x4 meter minimum size should be in the range 1,5h1,7 meters.
See also:Design interior of the house 150 photo
The number of openings, each can determine for himself. The kitchen is better to have one large window on the north side. The bedroom and living room preference should be given to several window designs, facing east and south-east respectively. On the north side is placed in the main technical areas, so in this area will be of little windows, most of them falls on the facade.

The distribution area for rooms
In n. 4.4 SNIP 31/02/2001 house must have a minimum set of rooms: living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, Store room and boiler room or a place in the furnace heating, if not carried out a centralized system heating. It also defines the minimum sizes of all rooms, namely living - 12 m² bedroom - 8 m² kitchen area - 6 m², bathroom width - 1.5 meters lavatory - 0.8 m, 1.4 m hallway.

Considering these parameters can be optimally allocate space for all the rooms. A place for rest and sleep to allocate 9 m², placing it at the entrance hall of 4.5 m², combustion - 1.5 m², bathrooms with toilets - 3 m². Hall, located on the part of the kitchen, take 18 m², the other 12 sqm are on the kitchen area and a small storage room.

The number and arrangement of rooms
The house should be a living room and a few auxiliary. When planning the hallway is better positioned in the middle, to share with it the construction of two functional zones. On the one hand it is recommended to arrange the bedroom and lounge, on the other post combustion, bathroom, kitchen. The kitchen area should be sure to stay close to the bathroom, it will save on plumbing communications, to comply with the required level of the slope drain pipes.

The presence of the second floor or attic can significantly increase the number of rooms. You can make the upper tier berths, arrange the children's room, office, thereby reducing the increase space for the living room. Also it is possible to organize a full dining room, separate toilet, and even provide a sauna. In this case, the number of living rooms can be increased to 4 - 5, depending on the layout.

House 6x8 on frame technology
The project of the house will depend on the use of features - seasonal variation, or for permanent residence. Build structures must be based on specific rules to suit the location. The site should be dry, well drained. Modern technologies allow to use the simplest materials with maximum efficiency.
6x8 House on frame technology - lightweight, yet sturdy construction consisting of vertical posts, horizontal strapping. It does not require a massive foundation. If the building is designed to stay in the winter, cracks and gaps between the boards is filled with heat-insulating materials. Use mineral wool, expanded polystyrene.
Frame, all load-bearing structures, the floor must be made of the same material. Is often used oak, larch. That there was no bias, it is important to dock all the details. metal fasteners should be avoided as they may provoke a loosening of the elements and decay. It is better to use wooden pins. From outside the frame clapboard angle. This will make it more durable, tough.

External design houses
6x8 small house will look great in any style. When selecting materials for exterior trim features should be considered, the overall design of the site. Laconic modern buildings complement the style of the prestigious cottage village, country house will be transformed next to the centuries-old oak trees in the backdrop of majestic mountains.

Facade work is carried out not only to improve the aesthetics, but also to extend the service life of the structure. In use as a finishing material:
- Decorative plaster;
- Facing brick, artificial stone;
- Wall paneling, block-house;
- Vinyl siding.

Build a small house on its own site, you can with your hands, but you must have some construction skills. Simply contact the specialist firms that offer to build a compact, modern building turnkey. Experts will select the appropriate requirements of any project, hand over the object within a specified time.