Modern builders available a lot of insulation materials. But still finds use old and proven for centuries material - sawdust. Because it loose insulation, the filling of the wall is difficult. A warming of sawdust wood floor and ceiling panels was used for a long time. But their reliability as the insulation is based on the knowledge of the characteristics and use of technology. Wrong actions to their installation can lead to disastrous results.
types of sawdust
Only it seems that all the chips are the same. In fact, they are significantly different from each other. And for each species should apply their methods of preparation and packing.

Consider the basic differences.
There are two types of fractions:
- Trash. This small wood particles produced when cutting wood. The exact size depends on the used saws. Generally present in dust and wood dust.
- Shavings. This is mainly waste joinery production resulting from the planing and drilling wood.
Small trash is considered the best option for thermal conductivity. It forms a dense layer not permeable heat sink and little with time.
Layer insulated from one chip inferior to dust of heat conduction, and subsequently decreases significantly in volume.
But usually, a mixture of two species in varying proportions.
tree species
The suitability of sawdust for insulation depends on the tree, from which they are derived. For thermal insulation is recommended to choose derived from coniferous trees - pine, spruce, larch. Contained in wood resin prevents their rotting and deters insects and rodents.
Well-regarded beech and oak sawdust. Birch waste has a low thermal conductivity. But the birch wood of coniferous not rot easily.
This is an important characteristic of the material, especially for insulating the dry process, when the filling carried out without the use of additional connecting means. In this case, the moisture content should not exceed 12 - 14%.
The lowest humidity have waste joinery production, because these studies used dried wood. Most of sawdust produced when sawing logs dry enough. Therefore, before using them must be further dried.
quality material
Take into account the following characteristics:
- In the first place - is the duration of storage of sawdust after receipt. The longer they are stored, the greater the likelihood that they have begun the processes of decay. Therefore it is better to take the sawdust immediately after receiving them.
- The presence of bark in the sawdust. This is a serious deterioration. Bark not only worsens the performance of thermal insulation, but also serves as a breeding ground for insect larvae and pioneer rot.
- On some production of wood waste can be with traces of machine oil. But apart from an unpleasant kind of further deterioration in their quality does not occur.
Types sawdust products
It is possible to insulate the floor not just sawdust, but insulation materials, created with their application.
sawdust pellets
Are obtained by mixing the sawdust with adhesive. The mixture was necessarily included antiseptic additive. The granules retain insulating properties of conventional chips, but have better resistance to decay and flame retardant.

This ready heater blocks obtained by mixing in different proportions of sawdust with sand and cement. It is used for construction purposes, but for warming the floor is better to take the blocks with a high content is sawdust. They are less durable, but also the thermal conductivity are lower.

For the manufacture of wood-concrete blocks used large wood chips mixed with a cement mortar without the addition of sand.

Advantages and disadvantages of sawdust as a heater
Despite frequent skeptical attitude to the use of sawdust, they have a number of undoubted advantages over other heaters. A portion of the drawbacks eliminated by using in combination with additional substances.
- Low thermal conductivity. Wood itself a reliable heat insulator, and a dense layer of sawdust and still contains air, which improves the resistance to heat transfer. For this indicator, clean sawdust inferior materials such as Styrofoam and mineral wool is only 2 - 3 times. However, increasing the thickness of the heat insulating layer can achieve a comparable result.
- Unique cost. Buy wood waste can be very cheap, and some even give their sawmills free. So that the main costs fall only on delivery.
- Environmentally friendly. Natural material not containing and not releasing any harmful substances.
- The water vapor permeability. This ability of a material to absorb moisture, and then evaporate it in a natural way. For this indicator, with sawdust is comparable except that the mineral wool insulation. Most other materials almost do not miss pairs.
- Long service life with proper installation. The age of some houses where the floors are insulated with sawdust reaches 100 years or more.
- Fire hazard. Warming of the floor with sawdust, shavings and especially, fraught with the danger of rapid fire in contact with open flames. But even clean sawdust treated with modern flame retardants, are not so easy to light up.
- Desiccation. Over time, any layer of sawdust is inevitably reduced in volume. It is necessary to conduct podsypku initially fill or layer of greater thickness.
- The tendency to rot. During prolonged high humidity and poor ventilation can rot or mold on them appears. Therefore, a mandatory treatment of the material and all components antiseptic floor.
- Features of this type of insulation does not involve the use of it under a concrete screed. Sawdust insulation layer unable to withstand the concrete gravity.
- Attraction for insects and rodents. Warming of the floor with sawdust and lime almost eliminates this drawback.
- All these shortcomings eventually lead to the fact that over the sawdust insulation must be observed, occasionally checking its quality and eliminating the noticed problems.
Technology of warming the floor with sawdust with his own hands
This material is almost never used in pure form, without any binders. Even dry laying involves mixing with lime or spilling solution of boric acid.
For all methods necessary to lay a subfloor backfilling the waterproofing film - roofing material or polyethylene. Also need to consider the ventilation system, which is essential for any sawdust insulation.
Dry method backfill
It involves filling without the addition of binders:
- Sawdust for insulation dry floor should be thoroughly dried.
- Before backfilling it is recommended to mix with slaked lime. One volume of lime per 10 - 15 volumes of sawdust. Such a mixture of rodents discourages and destroys insect larvae.
- You can also shed before backfilling mixture solution of boric acid as an antiseptic. Then it should be dry again.
- Backfilling is carried out in two layers. Lower chips poured a height of 10 - 15 cm, then thoroughly compacted.
- The second layer is filled with sawdust trash. She fills the voids in the chip. Held the final tamping. The total thickness of the two-layer filling should be at least 30 cm.
- Pour insulation should stay 2 - 3 days. Since during this time he settles, it will be necessary to bring it to the desired level.
- You can immediately pour the initial layer of 10 - 15 cm larger than desired. Just in time for this thickness it settles.
- Before the flooring finished floor to check whether there will be a gap for ventilation insulation.

The dry method is relatively rare. Most add coupling elements used - cement or clay. This degrades the quality of thermal insulation, but offers protection against fire and dramatically reduces the possibility of rotting debris.
insulation method cement opilkovym solution
- On the prepared floor is laid sand roughing substrate 5 cm thick.
- Prepared material - mixture of chips and rot, cement and water. Value - sawdust 10 volumes of 1.5 volume of cement and 1 volume of water.
- Sawdust mixture is thoroughly mixed with cement.
- Then water is added and the resulting solution stirred well. Water is preferably added in small portions to avoid bad promeshennyh solution pieces.
- Together with water may be added as an antiseptic copper sulphate.
- The solution is discharged onto the prepared substrate between joists. Suffice layer thickness of 10 - 15 cm.
- Readiness solidified layer of sawdust cement is determined by pressing on it. It must be elastic, but is forced.
- Laying the upper layer of waterproofing and finishing flooring floor.

Warming of sawdust with clay
The advantage of the clay as a binder is that it is also a natural material. But the preparation of clay-sawdust mixture is more complicated.

- It requires two tanks - one for mixing clay and the other for mixing it with sawdust and shavings.
- Helpful would be to use the construction of the mixer, as the clay by hand stirring difficult.
- The clay is soaked and stirred until a thick smooth.
- Mixing clay and sawdust is conducted in a volume ratio of 1: 1.
- To improve the thermal insulation properties of the technical salt is added to the solution.
- The finished solution is laid on the subfloor several layers. Each new layer is added after partial drying previous.
- The total thickness of the layer is adjusted to 10 - 12 cm. After that he left before the final drying.
- After the solution dries, cracks may be formed thereon. They need to cover an additional small amount of the same composition.

In conclusion, it should be repeated that the application of chipboard waste is necessary to insulate floors compliance rules for the material, its processing antiseptic. The very same work for laying sawdust insulation although it does require effort, but is available to anyone.