The massive construction of country houses and cottages was of great interest to the materials that can be used for thermal insulation envelope structures - walls, ceilings, roofs. Yes, many are engaged in arrangement of loggias and balconies, which also requires insulation mineral wool, foam or polystyrene. But not everyone understands the difference between the last two representatives of thermal insulation materials, which, apparently, are not much different from each other.

What is foam
In fact the two concepts are expanded polystyrene foam and the same material, but produced by different technologies. As a result, both gain differences in the specifications. The starting material for the foam, and polystyrene-based polymers are:
- PVC;
- polyurethane;
- phenol formaldehyde;
- polystyrene;
- combination of urea and formaldehyde.
In everyday life is most common type of foam called polystyrene, which is produced without such technological steps as pressing. This material was first obtained at the BASF plant in the middle of the last century, where he received the first name "Styrofoam" or polystyrene PSB-1.
Manufacturing technology
A granular polystyrene produced using pentane substance promotes the formation of tiny pores filled with gas.

Thus most of styrene in the total weight of the material contains no more than 2%, the rest - gas. In the production of foam has a pure white color, characterized by extreme ease due to the fact that it consists essentially of air. And it is this fact has led to the use of foam as the insulation material, as better air better insulation in the nature does not exist.
The entire production process for producing foam includes several operations:
- Primary foaming of the granular styrene under effect of hot steam.

- Putting the foam in a drying chamber.
- Extract the cooled foamed granules.
- Secondary foaming.
- Cooling of the resulting mass.
- Cutting products according to set parameters.
granules foaming can be carried out several times depending on the desired density of the finished product.
How is Epps - extruded polystyrene
The technological process of manufacturing raw material for extruded polystyrene foam and similar. Differences begin at step foaming, wherein the raw mass introduced special additives.
The process takes place under the influence of high temperature steam in a special device called extruder, where the mass under the influence of steam becomes homogeneous and smooth consistency, capable of taking any form.

Through a special opening of the extruder under high pressure, the liquid mass is squeezed into the prepared mold. Finished products, after cooling, have the necessary density, hardness and ductility at the same time. The sale can be found under the name of a heater penoplexWhich is nothing more than the extruded polystyrene.
The difference between such concepts as foam and extruded polystyrene is technology, resulting materials become different technical properties and characteristics.
Scope foam and expanded polystyrene
Given that this is the same foam polystyrene, but higher density, the area of its use in construction is largely confined to the insulation of structural elements of buildings and structures. For example, not extruded polymeric material is often used for insulation of facades, in view of its high thermal insulation properties, the ability to adhere.

But Penoplex well insulate the basement, foundation and basement building elements, loggias and balconies. At lower thicknesses it retains all thermal insulation properties inherent in thicker foams.
At the same time producing insulation materials inside these premises, especially residential, is not recommended due to the fact that the Thermal insulation manufacturing processed compounds against combustion, which can be released into the environment throughout operation. In some countries of Europe and America, the use of foam as insulation material is not allowed. The reason - the emission of toxic substances in fire.

Extruded penopostirol used in the production of interior decorative products.

In the medical industry polystyrene, just like and plastic used as a material for packaging.
These materials serve as insulators in domestic appliances, industrial refrigeration, are manufactured buoys, floats, life jackets, they fill the compartments of ships, providing them the ability to float on water.
In the food industry Extruded penopostirola made packaging for food, fragile items.

Polymer materials obtained without molding or extrusion, are used in different areas, and when the question arises, what to choose, you must know the difference, and the properties of these materials.
What is different from expanded polystyrene foam
Both materials have much in common. Given that the foam in its essence it is the same polystyrene, but they have significant differences due to their production technology. Let us first consider the positive and negative properties of the foam. The positive characteristics of this material include:
- Low cost of finished products, which is one and a half times lower than the price of the extrusion material.
- Long service life in compliance with conditions of installation and operation.
- The high degree of thermal insulation with the proper installation and further exploitation. Lightweight for easy transport and installation.
- The structure of the material if it is used under dry conditions, do not develop fungi, mold and other microorganisms.
- Easily processed (cut, sawed, broken) any improvised tools and even-handed. It does not require software running protective means, because it is environmentally safe to pictures - no harmful odors and dust is not pricked. The confirmation may serve as the production of polystyrene disposable tableware and toys for children.

- It can be used as sound insulation, when the three-centimeter plate of polymeric material capable of fully muffle sounds.
- The temperature range of use of polystyrene without loss of thermal insulating properties and mechanical strength, from -60 ° Σ to + 95 ° C. Almost does not absorb moisture.
- It does not support combustion. Decays within 4-5 seconds after exposure to an open flame.
The negative properties of the foam can be attributed to non-contact with the solvents and the relative fragility. In case of fire, the room where the used foam, toxic fumes may cause loss of life. The porous material often settle domestic rodents.

Comparison of foam polystyrene material and esktruzionnogo
Quite often, when selecting insulation are wondering what the best foam or styrofoam, what is the difference of the heaters that warm, comfortable and economical in installation. To understand, you need to consider the technical characteristics of the two materials:
- The thermal conductivity of the foam - 0.04 W / mK at Penoplex -0.032 W / mK.
- Mechanical foam extrusion material loses durability.
- foam density of 20-30 kg / cm3 Penoplex 30-45kg / cm3.
- The water vapor permeability of 0.022 and 0.005 mg / mchPa, respectively, and have foam Penoplex.
- Due to higher density, which is achieved by the best molecular compound, the mechanical strength in compression and bending moment extruded polystyrene insulation above, as well as the ability to withstand a greater range of temperature differences.
- The foam can absorb no more than 3% of its weight of water, penoplex - not more than 0.4%. If you choose the material for insulation of the bath, it is better to stay on the second option.
- Shrinkage of the foam is much greater than that of polystyrene. The first is afraid of sunlight and mechanical stress. The second and more resistant to UV radiation, and stress. Therefore, the polystyrene articles may be used for facade insulation, followed by plastering, floor heating device with, which is not the usual foam.
With respect to flammability, the two materials are equally exposed to the fire, but adding in step production of the flame retardant styrene or polystyrene, extruded polystyrene or do not support the open combustion. Both have a self-extinguishing property if they are not in the center of the fire.
If there is a choice of insulation, and you do not know what is best – buy extruded polystyrene or stopped at a cheaper foam, consider all the characteristics of the materials.
The main essence of the article
Ultimately, having carefully considered all the characteristics inherent in both the materials, we can confidently say that despite the higher price Penoplex, its use is more profitable and more efficient than its fellow.