When retrofitting an old building or a new bath complex, it is important to ensure effective building insulation system. At all times, people knew, complete sealing of the bath - it's a great atmosphere in the room with little energy consumption. In addition, in ancient Rus bath often perform a utilitarian function. At a time when every house is equipped with modern man once innovative sanitary equipment, a hike in Russian bath became an old folk tradition.
Steam is always a popular leisure, because apart from the undeniable health effect, there is a pronounced entertainment factor, as Bath is associated exclusively with the rest. Even today, such a structure can be built from a variety of materials, popularity is still using the natural resource. About how to warm wooden bath inside and outside, can be found in this publication. First things first ...
What build a log sauna?

At the moment, like hundreds of years ago, a Russian bathhouse built of timber. Constant technological growth could not leave this sector without innovative solutions. As a result, the normal log house was replaced by more modern types:
- frame and profiled glue beam;
- log cabin made of logs.
With the introduction of new materials and technology has changed the procedure process. So, powerful log log house is insulated only between the crowns. At that time, as the Round the product requires a more rigorous approach. Especially considering the fact that the bath is used in all seasons. Regardless of the ambient temperature, the right should be erected to keep warm. Effect thermos - perfect result quality insulation.
To perform all works perfectly, you need to own hard skills of the builder, it is necessary as it is now fashionable to say "be in the subject." Ensure the efficiency of procedures on warming bath can largely be still in its construction. Nuances of weight from the optimal thickness and height of the windows steam up the correct positioning with respect to the changing room and soap. Therefore, it is recommended to operate correctly even in the development of the project.
The insulated bath from a bar?

Of course, log bath always ply high temperatures. As a result, incorrect material for plating can be dangerous vapors and polymers even burns. Any product that is suitable for this kind have to comply with all the requirements put forward by many specifications.
Moisture resistance, fire safety, environmental friendliness and naturalness of course - everything has to be at!
Sheathe from within the room only deciduous trees, which do not emit volatile oil or resin when heated. The possible exception of a Siberian pine or cedar. In addition, as an effective insulation long used natural materials:
- clay;
- expanded clay;
- peat;
- jute;
- flax;
- tow;
- moss.
Modern counterparts can completely reduce the heat loss from the room. Moreover, both alone and in tandem with those described above. The range of synthetic materials for the thermal insulation of the bath is quite diverse, Sales:
- magnesite plate;
- gipsovolokno;
- non-combustible mineral wool insulation;
- honeycomb;
- Styrofoam.
Furthermore, as paroizolyatorov often use aluminum foil, kraft paper and polypropylene laminated foil GMP (penoterm foil). Waterproofing room steklogidrozolom, bitumen mastic, a film of polyethylene in the density of 140 microns. You can use and customary evroruberoida, but not in the steam room.
How to insulate the roof?

The question whether it is necessary to insulate the roof in the bath or not can only be inexperienced its owner. Experts know that the quality of the insulation section to reduce heat loss as much as 30%. Work is carried out on the perimeter of floors and ramps in the following order:
- In the first stage, the waterproofing of the object - if present in the construction of buildings ignored the demand, put moisture proof and vapor-proof membrane over the rafters still have to. Now However, for this you will need to carry out the dismantling of the roofing material.
- Further, all of the elements of the roof are treated with antiseptic - if such a procedure was not carried out earlier.
- After preconditioning, the heater is installed directly itself - plates or rolls balzatovogo fibers have proven only with the positive side.
- The final stage involves the inner overlap pledged material - will fit even an ordinary vapor barrier film, which is attached to the rafters, in an ideal design sheathed lining.
Following the roof you can think about how warm bath from a bar outside.
Option warming bath complex from the outside

To protect the building from negative influence of the environment can be in many ways, but one of the most effective is considered to be a system of ventilated facades. It is ideal for rooms with high humidity, because such a design not only boasts excellent energy-saving features, but also high water vapor permeability.
Important! Any work on warming of the new bath can begin only after complete shrinkage of the building, this process takes an average of no more than six months.
In preparation for the work, you first need to take care of a heater. Experts recommend to use in constructions with ventilated facade plates on the basis of mineral fibers.
Particular attention should be paid to the corners of the building, because it is through them takes more than just warmth - to minimize the number of joints in the area!
Do you want to learn how to do everything strictly according to technology? Refer to the instruction:
- Prepare the wall - the process begins with a thorough cleaning of the surface, then necessarily need to caulk the seams, and at the end of process the walls with antiseptic. Upon detection of formations rot, held redevelopment or replacement of timber in case of a strong manifestation of the defect.
- Perform installation brackets - they are set on top of the layer poranita or roofing material.
- Set obreshetochnye prefab panel fasteners - they can be made of galvanized profile beam with antiseptic or impregnation. The first option is less susceptible to deformation, but in the cold stands conductor of the cold, so it will be better to give preference to tree.
Tip: collecting frame is repelled from the heater size, and the need to reserve between the layer of insulation and the edge of a wooden structure, it should not be less than 2 cm!
- Lay a heater formed in the cell - to eliminate material loss is possible by additional fixation poppet dowels.
- Obtyanite design Superdiffuzionnaya windproof membrane - only suitable vapor-permeable film, which does not allow moisture to accumulate under the skin.
- Cabin facing material carried in the final.

Very often in an attempt to save the consumer tends to warm bath just outside, even one that is out of logs. Right or wrong? You can reply in the affirmative if the room is in a region where there are harsh winters. And the material used for the construction by and large does not matter, the main thing - to perform the work strictly according to the technology. If, however, in the village or in January -20 is not the end, of course you need to additionally insulate from the inside!
How warm bath inside?
All work on the internal insulation is divided into three stages: the floor, walls, ceiling. Often the process begins with a pre-prepared base. Its basis can be as concrete and ordinary soil. In the latter case, on the ground need to make sand-gravel cushion thickness of not more than 40 cm.
Create a warm base
Which of wooden baths warmest, with dirt or concrete floors? Modern and practical course option with cement mortar, so it will be warm.
- Cover concrete base or roofing material bitumen mastic;
- Secure the support beams under the joists;
- Replace the bearings lags so that their ends are docked with the walls;
- The resulting cell between joists backfilled expanded clay;

- Obtyanite floor frame waterproof film;
- Make installation of insulation between joists in the pair put the mineral wool, the dressing room - foam or polystyrene;
- From above, the structure is fitted by vapor impermeable membrane;
- After straying draft floor, on which is mounted the desired material.
Note: ceramic and solid wood are used in the bath more often, tile is not afraid of contamination and deformation due to moisture, wood swells, though, but warmer.
Decorating the walls
To understand how to properly insulate the steam room, waiting room and other rooms in the wooden bath, help the algorithm of actions:
Do It Right! All work on warming the walls are conducted from the ceiling to the floor!
- Initially, the surface is impregnated with the biocidal impregnation;
- Further, processed seams - set the matter in the grooves between the bars and pretty prokonopatte it;
- Apply moderate top fabric layer of the sealant;
- After that, it sets a special frame similar to what was done on the outside;
- It keeps the heat insulator - in the steam can be set to extremely high temperature resistant material gipsovolokno amiss, and magnesite mineral wool slabs;
- Superimposed on top paroizolyator - whether to apply the foil? Not just standing, it has virtually no alternative, well, if we do not take into account innovative foil penoterm;
- Further, the frame is mounted for securing the lining with respect to the necessary clearance from the two-centimetric vapor barrier.
It is not necessary for a long time to puzzle over how to insulate the ceiling. From inside the walls of a similar procedure, but on the part of the attic, she looks a little different.
Thermal insulation of ceiling

Experts say that in order to minimize heat loss, sealing the outside of the ceiling is required! Consider just such artless technique:
- Place the fiberglass cloth on the ceiling, which will block access to moisture;
- Mix the solution with high insulating properties - this would require clay, chopped straw, saw dust and water. All components are mixed to a thick state in the proportion of one to one;
- Fill the space between the beams with a solution by controlling the isolation level of moisture inside of the ceiling;
- We leave work for a few weeks to complete drying of the solution;
- Then fit a tight insulation and moisture membranes;
- Top filled not thick cement - fixation.
In this complex of works of major warming of the bath, can be considered as completed. Many will wonder whether it is necessary to produce many unnecessary movements for not longer fun? necessary - who wants to feel the real heat of the old Russian bath will definitely tell! Especially, what leisure bears also health benefits.